White man keeps black men and women slaves for hundreds of years

>White man keeps black men and women slaves for hundreds of years
> White man gives, not freedom, but the right to not be slave to the black man
> Does not change, and even enforces racist policies
> Such policies maintained/ maintain black populations marginalized, set apart from society, kept away from proper education and opportunities
>Some policies are put forth trying to level the plain
> They end up causing even more discrimination, with the majority of the population being affected and rightfully so protesting

The truth is simple, Western Civilization does not know how to solve the problem they created, not even how to start to solve it. There is absolutely no purpose in giving away rights, free education and healthcare, if the medium where they grow will not maintain and appreciate those handouts.

It is time the West recognizes this problem and that the solution is not to give away to minorities what others have to work hard for it - that will only create more problems - but to reform the problematic areas and prepare the field for a new growth, for a new type of evolution as society

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off Jamal

The solution should be mass deportations for hispanics and reinstatement of "separate but equal" for blacks until everything they touch turns to shit and they die out or self deport back to Africa. Sick of these subhumans thinking they're entitled to things that belong to me just because they were born a certain skin color.

The whole race thing is almost a class issue. Not saying we have a high bar of expectation but we do have a bar in the states. Large slum areas are looked down on for being poor. The people there dont have much of an opportunity to get out of it. Well at least no easily. I hate hood thugs. I lived in the ghetto and omg no no never again. I never want to be around those people ever again as long as I live. Also im a farmer now.

it's funny how, after looking at all the edits, to me, even in the original photo he seems shopped in.

^ did i use one comma too much in that sentence?

So racist that they chose a nigger to lead the most powerful nation on the planet.

take out the one after to me

>africans start slave trade
>americans buy slaves
>Americans end slavery
>Africans continue slavery
>'Americans r terrible peoplez'



>implying the president is more than a figurehead
The Democrats have always hated black people, if the president had real power they would never have allowed a black man in office.

dont lump us in with your faggots. we got this under control we shoot them when they get stupid then more chimp out and more get detained then more try to get revenge and get shot

in 20 years black people wont even be 5% of the population of murica between self defense/justifiable homicide and their own murder rate of each other

wait a second. if i started the sentence with "To me, ...", the comma would be correct. Is there some kind of rule i don't know about?

It is time the british recognize their role in this and gibs them your money. Your ancestors helped start it, limey faggot.
Since you're taking in mudslimes by the million, you won't mind if we drop a few million of these so called slaves with the right to not be a slave anymore on your shores.

Kel Tec. One shot drops em all.

The only solution is to send the niggers to Africa. They hate being here, we hate having them here, the solution is quite simple.

It's just the way English is Franz... Sometimes punctuation rules don't seems to make much sense. But I will say Bravo, as your English is better than 90% of the English as first language folks.

Agreed. You guys should have just sent them back to where you got them.

The comma indicates a sort of side point to what your sentence is stating, almost like a pause to your sentence. You never see two of those "side points" next to each other in English and if it was read out loud would sound somewhat awkward to pause both times.

we do know how to fix it just we aren't heartless enough to purge yet.

If its so bad here why not move back to their home nations?

The only thing keeping blacks down is other blacks.


The truth...

minorities are problematic.
The solution is simple.

>when you nut but she still suckin





I don't give a single fuck about niggers. I will never lift a finger to help them. If they don't like our civilization, they should return to theirs.

There's no solution to nigger genes other than extermination. They cannot be civilized. When Africa stops being third world we can talk about integrating blacks into America.



>Black people enslave other black people
>White people free the black people
>Black people blame white people for slavery

Nice logic you have their

BLACK people CREATED slavery. We simply joined in for a little while before stopping it.

>tfw Brown people were the first slavers
>tfw they sold their own
>tfw they captured their own for sale



>no blacks born in the last 150 years have ever been a slave.
>no whites born in the last 150 years have owned slaves.
ayy lmao

Also Mexicans will lynch them with immunity

The solution is simple. Remove the nonwhite presence in western society, ship it back to where it came from, and refuse to indulge its anger or self pity. It will create conflict and probably war, and over time they will either become something better than they are now, or they'll die.

Nothing ever becomes stronger or smarter by being coddled.



Guys this picture is changing my view of the world

What do you think?

Its from Debt: The First 5000 Years by the fag that made OccupyWallStreet or whatever.

shit forgot picture

>Muh mark duggan

niggers are up to no good no matter what country they in

>if it was read out loud would sound somewhat awkward to pause both times.

that's exactly the opposite of what i felt and what made me place it there. imagine trying to state your opinion on something to a group of people, putting emphasis on speaking loud and clearly. i wouldn't pause for 3 seconds but i'd at least suck in some air to make them listen. example: "...and therefore, TO ME [the "me" being stressed, followed by short pause ], it doesn't make sense".

i guess that's just a special case though kek, i need to go to bed

>that's exactly the opposite of what i felt

also just noticed i talk like a leftist, kill me


Watch this.

Whites are the victims in modern America.