Witness a car wreck

>witness a car wreck
>car bursts into flames
>these 2 girls are trapped inside
>you only have enough time to save one before they burn to death

Who do you save?
>pic related

the car

neither, they're both annoying cunts

i pour gasoline on the fire to make sure they both die

Which one is most white?


The bag of marshmallows in the back and roast some smores up over both of their spic, useless popstar corpses.

literally who? am i supposed to know who these people are?


wow these replies are edgy

i think the one on the left is ariana grande. nfi who the other one is.

you must be new here. its what they do

ariana grande is pretty small so i’d pick her because it’d be less of a hassle to get her out

I reach my penis in and pull out whichever one sucks the hardest.

Probably the one that seems to be the easiest and safest to save.
I don't really care about either of them past the value of human life.
Even after saving them I doubt I'd get anything more in return than a hug and thank you.

camila just because ariana annoys the shit out of me for some reason

Arianna already cheated death once, its time for that cunt to GOOOO

None let the mexicunts burn.

Get out the marshmallows and watch the cunts burn

How can you hate camilia? She is so cute and has such a beautiful soul

same as this dude ^^^^^

left is cuter that is all I know

I'd save Ariana.