Has anyone had so much sex and jacked off so much that they just view both women and males as kind of unattractive...

Has anyone had so much sex and jacked off so much that they just view both women and males as kind of unattractive? Like i look at the fucking sex posts here, nudes and i cannot see the appeal. My ex and i fuck so much and i jack off every night, masturbating feels like autonomy now.

Too soon

Too soon, user, too soon...

Al Franken did nothing wrong.

No. but I did once go so far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like, though.

The timing is about right

Who's the girl? What's the story? Ik this is photoshopped so it adds to the confusion

Died at a cabin party from overdrinking, girl is dead in photo. happened in canada.

People who say too soon, so then when?
Exactly, we didn't knew her personally, what the fuck is big deal here, oh someone died because stupid guy killed her with etanol.

I know soft anons don't want to talk about things that are not okey with them, but don't say others can't, It is like PC culture, don't talk about it because it offend me.

Yes i'm doing big deal about it.

I quite like Franken, but this is a solid kek. This image needed to exist.

Too soon

Too soon tho


I dont get the big deal. There are 1.8 deaths per second worldwide.

She really died?
I tough this it was just a joke.. like this "too soon shit"

Don't mention her. Too soon

Why you gotta ruin it? Fucking newfags

L. G

Shes not dead, it was all staged


Zees things, eet heppens

People say too soon to fish out the newfags, the girl in that pic was alive the whole time

But what will fishing out newfags accomplish?

you really don't know where you are do you

Do you tho?

Fishing out newfags does nothing.