Drunk poorfag here

Drunk poorfag here

Are you gay?

Bumping in my skin, these image limit will not heal

Na, even though sometimes I tough I were pansexual but pussy wins Everytime

Post poor penis.

What do you do for a job?

Sorry I also has small venis

Also sorry for late response but I don't have a stable internet connection

I were a security orangutan and a professional car painter

Now I'm studying for being a doctor but I can't find any job in this city and only have the money to pay this small house

Bump with tonight's food

what the fuck dude, get a job. which 3rd world shit hole you in?

Where the fuck do you live? Get a job or better job. I lived like you, except I was determined to better myself. I now have my ticket in welding and make 120,000k a year. No excuses

Please /b make me some company, I feel so alone and I don't have friends or family to talk
Or money to buy shits to be happy like food or going out

is that a 1882 fernet???

argentina??? pls dont tell me you put minerva to the fernet


But the problem is that there is no jobs that I can find after going to the university

Only full time shitty jobs and that will be the end of my career

Why don't you just hang yourself?
Nobody would care

es una pija, yo tampoco consigo laburo, quiero tener guita ya para gastarla en putas y droga


>master race

how's the white privilege thing working out for you?

OP what is your rent per month, or do you live in parents basement?

tu monoambiente esta lindo igual, un poco vacio pero lindo, cuanto pagas de alquiler ahi? y donde es??

ay fernet! lol are you drunk off bitters?

you need to get yourself some furniture or a plant or something.

is that a real window or do you live in a basement?

a poor white man is still better off than a poor black man

fernet is to argentinians as beer to germans, wine to french or vodka to the russians,

Solid advice

i were looking for a vodka but only branca and cant pay for it so, 1882

i have dreams, they make me keep going for a hope on a eventualy better future

queria gastarla en prensado pero en este barrio no conozco a nadie que venda algo
315 pesos en dos fernets de mierda y una coca, hijos de puta

>master race
i sell everything I got as a kid for buying it
ps2, ps3, guitar and using all i got from the shit works

252 dollars but in argentinean peso is like half of the basic income job

5k chubut, es lindo pero no tengo nada mas que una pc, ni heladera tengo

i got small cactus on the window, its real windows its not a basement

where i live i never saw a poor black man, and only see less than 10 blacks in this city

compra fernandito septimo, o fernet forte fernando, sale 20 p

vieja 5k es carisimo por un monoambiente, yo pagaba eso por un depto grande con 2 habitaciones en el centro, pero ahro vivo en la casa de un amigo, maldita pobresa

compre lo que habia, ademas nunca probe el fernandito
se me hacia que no pegaba nada y era al pedo comprar

por estos lados 5k por esto es bastante safable el precio y lugar

lo mas barato que encontre fue una habitacion a 2500

una casa con solo una habitacion por arriba de 6000 si o si

un departamento lindo 10000, menos que eso no hay

a la mierda, no entiendo de donde saca tanta guita la gente, yo tambien quiero un laburo bien pago

voy a preguntar con carpa, una de esas hay uno de ESTA ciudad acá y me hace el aguante

las 1008 esta lleno de negros
el año pasado se lleno de agua todo

aca todos los que trabajan fulltime tienen una paga decente pero sale todo caro asi que es al pedo

looks pretty comfy desu

it is, but i need a lot more of things that make this the perfect place to be

like a chair, a freezer, and food

que ciudad wachin??

and don`t forget the pussy

al pedo que la diga, busco a alguien que viva acá

con decir eso deberia ser suficiente

im social retarded, cant get any pussy like this

or money for pay one

who lives upstairs ?

what? there is no stairs