Trump is Finished

Reddit here. Just wondering how you racist basement dwellers expect a sexist/racist pig to be elected to the highest office in the U.S.A. I am pissed about bernie losing, but atleast Hillary is finally getting tough and taking this asshole on.

I seriously cannot wait to relish in your butthurt when Trump loses to a WOMAN.

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Wow... really makes me think huh? Well that seals it. I'm a #Bruiser4DaCruzer now.

This is just poor bait, if you actually use reddit, you'd have seen way to much calling the witch out to actually believe anything she says actually matters outside of her echo chamber.

This meme is you.
Your a sad sack of shit that abandons all morals when you can't win.

See you at the polls.

really made me think

stopped reading there
you have to go back

Damn, that really made me think, now I'm a #Hillary'sClitoris, we need a battle-hardened true conservative candidate in the white house

She has a vagina though so all of that stuff is irrelevant.


I am accepting bernie's defeat and going with all that is left to stop this prick from getting elected. I don't like her much, but I'll take what I can get if it stops the wall from happening(which will never happen anyway).

Because you idiots have expanded the idea of racism and sexism so much that everybody is one, so my question is how could the US not elect what some people call a racist or a sexist? Even you OP are clearly a sexist shitlord

I only said the woman thing because I know that pisses off people like /pol who actually believe that woman are inferior to men.

The liberal doth protest too much, methinks.

This thread has caused me to halt my current idealogical thought process and reasses the views I have held strongly for Donald J Trump.

I now have migrated to the belief spectrum of a Hillary Clinton supporter.

Go Hillary! You are the candidate for me and my breathren.

Fuck off Pablo.

we're burned out from your bullshit. We're not hearing it anymore. sorry. Change your tune, it's the only way.

>quoting ultra-left NYT

fuck off

quick reminder that trump referred to a black man at his rally as "my african american". This shit isn't gonna fly come the general folks. You are seriously in la la land if you think otherwise.

It's sad how so far up their own ass most liberals are.

Obama won by big margins from niggers and women who thought it was so cool to get a black guy and a "homeboy" in office. Half of women who'd vote for Democrats hate Hillary. Niggers won't show up for some Honky lady

Meanwhile Trump has awakened millions of people who'd never b

So by this logic, shouldn't blacks also be rejecting Hillary, since democratic policies have kept blacks in symbolic chains since 1965?

this doesn't concern you, Hat.
how much do aussie votes count in the general. I forget..

>citation needed
>institutionalized racism has NOTHING to do with it.

Name one benefit that the country earns by putting a women instead of a man in office.

My guess is that your political knowledge is only as far as late night political TV shows on Comedy Central, such as the Colbert Report and the Daily Show. Those shows are satire, both Jon and Stephen are actors. Everything you have ever been told is a lie.

So if I'm white, then I'm guilty? That's fucking unconstitutional, you heretic!

>how much do Aussie votes count
About as much as a vote for Bernie sanders in the primaries apparently

I never said you, were white, just that your opinion was wrong.

>women have higher IQ on average than men.
>women are more compassionate are less likely declare needless wars
>women are strong,having lived entire lives around men like you constantly shitting down on them.

haha you got me there.

While it's convenient to deny objective reality, it's not very useful when attempting to engage in a meaningful discussion.

Ask yourself this: has the black community gotten better or worse since the democrats took them under their wing in 1965?

The easiest metric is rate of single-parent black households, which was about 25% in the 60s and about 75% now. This seismic shift is primarily the result of Uncle Sam stepping in as surrogate father.

As everyone knows, single-parent households are more likely to raise children in poverty, who are then more likely to become violent criminals, psychologically damaged, addicted to drugs. They are less likely to finish high school, less likely to attend college, and less likely to elevate themselves from poverty in adulthood.

In that way, the most damaging kind of institutionalized racism that I see is the soft bigotry of low expectations, perpetuated by the left.

Hello NYTimes

It has been scientifically proven by the most accurate scientists on Earth that, on average, men have more neurons in their brain than women.

Also, you never said that I was wrong, if you bothered enough to read, you would see that on Sup Forums, we have things called ID's, they don't give us karma points, but they let dumb asses like you know who you're talking to.

>I am pissed about bernie losing, but


>reddit here
>expecting to be taken seriously for views which are now archaic
Faggotshit, read what I'm saying carefully. Racism, sexism and all these other buzzwords trollops like you use daily have LOST THEIR EFFECT. She is getting closer to indictment every day. Your misuse of these words have contributed to the possibility that actual racism will now be disregarded. Let's entertain the possibility you're an actual PC/SJW/cuck. You do realize that God is real and will have His revenge on people like you who give these idiots power, right? Whether or not you believe in him? Your decadence is coming to an end and your own personal army of illegals give a signal to that statement. Have fun while it lasts, now get the fuck off our board.

Why on earth would anyone respond to this obvious attention-seeking thread? Do you honestly think you're going to get an intelligent response?

OP is a fag. Nothing to see here

Just shut the fuck up, you stupid fucking progressive! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO USE THE WORD LIBERAL! UNDER EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE, IT IS YOUR INTENTION TO CRITICIZE, RIDICULE, CENSOR, AND DIMINISH THINGS YOU DON'T LIKE, WELL HOW ABOUT I CENSOR YOU? HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF I REVOKED EVERY HUMAN RIGHT YOU HAD? Now you understand, you understand how I feel. That is something many people are not capable of, but now... you.

(((NY Times)))

Double retarded

Can felons get elected POTUS? Hillary is soon to be indicted on federal racketeering and treason charges.

Archived copy of deleted HuffPo article regarding Shillary's indictment.

Hey buddy I'm from reddit too. I can't wait to see the fight. No fucking way I'm voting for that crook. You know if maybe 2008 didn't happen things would be different. Who to blame for the shit that Bush did in 2008. Billy "muh dick" Clinton. You aren't sick of the Clinton, Bush and Obama crimes?