What does Sup Forums think of h3h3?

What does Sup Forums think of h3h3?

Gas all jews

Fat, ugly, unfunny kikes.

nice dubs

I think you're both secretly bisexual

they are popular so of course Sup Forums has to pretend to hate them

russian shills working on putin

The only answer is gas

not as entertaining as they used to be and they were never good.

Fat, kike loving, mental, moronic faggot cunt wagon shit waffle bitch made.



I thought Ethan was a cool dude until I saw the video where he is bashing on pewdiepie and while I don't like felix, Ethan sounded like a complete prick so since then I stopped watching his channel.


unfunny reddit tier humor and drama based bullshit podcast that brings absolutely nothing fresh to the table.
hila deserves a real man instead of a doughboy.

I think he's jewish


i just found them a couple days ago (been sick and binged like half their videos already) and i really like their older stuff actually, but the new stuff is weird and not very good but that's how most youtubers end up. they run out of stuff to do and they've admitted it. can't help but find hila weirdly cute with her awkwardness, hate me i guess.

he was making a joke, they're friends. how many of his videos have you seen to not get he picks on everyone but that doesn't mean he's serious

papa bless

faggots in faggot clothing

you guys like grapes? *JTC

I think your grandparents are roasted.

Hila has a cute aura about her in her awkwardness, can't decide if I legit find her attractive though. It has been pretty col to watch her go from a hermit to a full on screen personality. Someday we'll see what Ethan actually looks like under whoever's skinsuit he's wearing.

its lump and not so lump

No opinon, dont watch youtube

He needs to get back to what made him famous. Right now it's just video after video of bitching.

I can see it tbh fam


it's funny cuz it's true

Do you guys fuck? It seems like Hila Klein is asexual. I feel like Ethan just jerks off while he watches you pretend to masturbate.

That's idubbbz, retard

Your "girl" looks like a man, and you look like Stogiefarts on YouTube. hahahaha.

Hate them. Cancerous youtubers that rant about other cancerous youtubers.

Remarkably honest and candid.
Would absolutely chill with them.

I agree. I feel like they peaked with their main channel when they released Vape Naysh, and a majority of their videos since have been really hit or miss.
Their podcast is phenomenal, though. Would recommend if you like their content.

Never heard of her