What is systemic racism Sup Forums? It's mentioned a lot these days. Really makes me think

What is systemic racism Sup Forums? It's mentioned a lot these days. Really makes me think.

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Basically anything that hurts their feelings.

>blacks disproportionately commit crime?

it's like pot being illegal

or stealing being illegal

or being a nigger at work being frowned on

systematic racism

Crazy marxist bullshit. Anybody that takes it seriously is not to be taken seriously.

>It's not my job to educate you, shitlord.


White people are privileged because they have beauty and brains.
So the obvious solution to white privilege is to tattoo all white people with black-face, and to preform neurosurgery that removes 20% of their brain, especially in the prefrontal cortex, and they should be given daily supplements of testosterone to make them equally aggressive as blacks. Only when this is done will white people be able to escape their privilege.

>laws are racist and shieet
Which laws?
>omg are you fucking kidding me? It's the current year why are you so uneducated? I don't have time to explain all the systemic racism. Read a book, because you are so uneducated. I'm so triggered you would question me, I literally cannot even.
Just one concrete example of one law that's racist.

>I don't have time to support my position, just get someone who agrees with me to tell you why I'm right
god I fucking hate this shit


It's the scapecoat lefties use to reassure minorities whenever they fail in life.

>da ebil white man deed it!!

You don't have the capability, actually.

If you need to ask, you're part of the problem

>I don't have the time
>Spends all day tweeting and blogging

Tell me about ptsd when you're covered in what used to be your friend, fucking tumblrinas acting like they've suffered so much trauma in their sheltered lives.


That's a tranny? Damn, I guess blacks can pass since they look so manly.

Progressivism is the new religion
SJWs are its puritans
Tumblr is its church
White privilege is its original sin.

>read a book
Mein Kampf?

The vast white conspiracy to keep the blck man down, of course.

I wish black people will kill the niggers. Obviously nobody cares about black-on-black crime; Black people could get away with it indefinitely.

>mfw this actually happened to me
Rest in peace Dylan.

Just ignore them
They'll start linking you to commie literature
Name them as a communist & dismiss them

I really hate this bitch.

>read a book
but only a book by a black female trans liberal intersectional feminist


Obviously we're supposed to read Harrison Bergeron and try to emulate the utopia in it.

And no one owes it to not call you a tranny nigger either.
We've "progressed" full circle.

Affirmative action

But the moral in the story is that it was dystopia, and that equity, justice, and equality were all different. It's

Can we ruin this bitch's night? I'm actually triggered by this cunt's attitude.

Really does make you think though.

>"i dont have the time"
if you dont have the time dont get into an argument about it

My two cents: I believe blacks are being racist by saying that whites are being racist to them as it would imply that they believe that there is a significant genetic and biological distinction between the two groups that would demand that they are completely different. Think about it like this: if you flay a white man alongside a black man, do they not have the same type of muscular and skeletal structure that is near identical save the small minute differences that gives them a difference in appearance in only the cosmetic way (i.e. styles of eyebrows and eye color, facial patterns and tics, etc)? Can a black man with an A+ blood type be able to use the the A+ blood type of a white man (genetics and biology says yes)? Are there any outstanding differences between the type of lungs the two men share? These black people seem to want to imply that there is a difference so absolute and total in manner that constitutes the black populace be a separate race from the white populace, despite all evidence to the contrary. So......why the fuck is no one calling them out on this?

To be racist, one would have to be like "Man fuck them ducks, always waddling around like they fucking own the place, and bothering me for my sandwich bread when I am the park. Go get your fucking own you lazy fucking drake!" or something of the sort.

it has a penis?

i feel like i SHOULD be surprised but...

>used to be cop
>dealt with all manners of shit
>lost it and quit during a B-Double on sedan MVA with a bunch of kids in it

I've actually considered king hitting these leftards who go on about PTSD before.

self diagnosis isn't valid

>What systemic racism
Dindus being butthurt.

Sorry but what's a B double?

Who is this jizz wizz?

>>lost it and quit during a B-Double on sedan MVA with a bunch of kids in it
can you please explain your cop lingo

Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in a barrel, is a way of thinking best described by the phrase, "if I can't have it, neither can you."[1] The metaphor refers to a bucket or barrel of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the bucket, but instead they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise.[2][3][4] The analogy in human behavior is claimed to be that members of a group will attempt to negate or diminish the importance of any member who achieves success beyond the others, out of envy, spite, conspiracy, or competitive feelings, to halt their progress.

Whites and blacks are very different tho


Truck with a layout like pic related, normally up to 25 meters and packed to the brim with shit.

B-Double as in above, MVA as in Motor Vehicle Accident.

And this made you quit?

seems pretty traumatizing, I've never been in any sort of violent situation but when I hear these kids talk about PTSD from seeing a hamburger or some shit I want to scream


The word "racism" has become virtually meaningless.

I mean, really - how do you even define it? Racial bias is just an inherent part of being human, and we take it for granted that blacks, hispanics, asians, want to be around their own people and cultures. It's not racist for them to have pride in their race or want to be with their own. So you can't say "racist" is preferring the company of one race over another...unless you're white, perhaps.

And besides, if most people who throw around the word "racist" don't even think that race is scientifically valid....Than what exactly do they think it means to be racist? Why do they still use the term race so often?

It's not racist to state that some races are more prone to certain diseases than others. So clearly pointing out biological differences between populations, is not racist...


Every night is ruined for her when she gets out of the shower and sees her fat ape body.

an excuse for non-white inferiority.

wow cool beans its almost like all of these laws have actually been gone for decades

It's strongly reliant on the idea of the butter fly effect, especially when we're talking about micro aggressions where subtle hints of differing (not always negative ) treatment is reserved for blacks so their entire opportunity in society is lessened in a snow ball of oppression. It's a misinterpretation of nature.

Spread Colin Flaherty to them.
"Does any other minority have MOB violence like blacks"
Some rich kid needs to buy hundreds of copies of 'don't make the black kids angry' and just place them at random locations around campuses.

Yes. The truck was coming down a roughly 15 degree incline, it's breaks snapped and the driver started blaring his horn. The driver of the sedan didn't pay attention, kept going, got T-boned. The people inside the car got fucked up extremely badly and I had to try and render first aid through the chassis, 4 dead 1 survived just barely.

It doesn't compare to seeing one of your best friends get blown away by an IED or something, but it was pretty bad nonetheless. I started losing my shit and resigned to avoid getting someone hurt a few weeks later.


Still a minute difference. While there is some evidence that black may be part of a different subgroup of humanity they still fall in the same genus of Homo-, and really that's more or less residual genes left behind by there forefathers who were a different subspecies in the Homo- family. If they were truly that vastly different, I would not exist, nor would my daughter; it would be impossible for a black woman/man to procreate with a white woman/man, or at least create offspring who themselves would be able to reproduce. Cows and dogs can't interbreed; white people and black people can interbreed (or any other group of humanity for that matter).

Ergo, dumb fucks like Kat Blaque are doing more harm than good for the black community.

No meaning, just a way to silence you by repeatedly saying 'racist' and cry and flail around and so on so you don't have to discuss or counter-argument or to excuse a oppression.

>read a book

Who gives a shit? Why can't the Ching chongs stay in China? Why can't the niggers stay in Africa? Why can't the Indians stay in India? We went there gave them railways, roads, hospitals, schools they wanted independence we gave them that and they completely destroyed everything we gave them and now want to come to our countries.
Too bad, they didn't want us there why should we let them here? Would they have given us independence if they took us over? Hungary only became independent from ottoman occupation and survived the attempted genocide against us because the Pope raised an army to fight against them.



holy shit that sounds scary

>too afraid to admit they're right so claims it's a lack of "muh privilege"

and no white person owes you an apology, reparations, or a welfare check.

>implying any sensible white person wants a dialogue with this cunt in a first place

>jim crowe south leads to great migration
>increased african american presence in cities leaves middle class whites uncomfortable so they go to suburbs
>blacks aren't allowed in many suburbs
these old racist laws lead to trends we see today. not saying white guilt should be a thing, just that institutions led to oppression. thus the term "systemic racism".

Niggers have the privilege of having an average IQ lower than a gorilla so that they don't understand how stupid they sound

if these people were actually oppressed, they'd be silenced and thrown in jail for making statements like this. thats what I don't get.

Here's what I think guys

I think identity consciousness is here to stay with us forever. Aren't all groups of people growing a consciousness to the 'social constructs' and rules imposed on them? Women with feminism, blacks with white supremacy and even whites with "white genocide". I think this is growing and inevitable trend. People are extremely adverse to socio-political impositions on them and view them as transgressions.

I was thinking about this when I thought about how a world after liberalism would look like. How can a traditionalist "fascist" regime even last if the class/identity consciousness that allowed the French to revolt in the French revolution exists not just today in the present but also in the past as books, art, general media? If such a fascist regime were to take place again it would have to be extremely violent.

I think literally all groups will have and need their own "right-group" because even denying that a group should have a "rights" organization is transgression and setting that group up for ultimate oppression.

This is the true meaning of equality I think. Constant war at every vector of humanity because there is constant understanding that a group "getting ahead" is in some way stepping on you to get up there.

They are equal under the law now. Nobody is preventing them from doing these things

My response to that

>Read a book
>Grow up

Things that make me REEEEEEEEEE

it's prolly a social construct user, so obviously we should crash this society with no survivors.
Read uncle adolphs book if you haven't yet.

Losing your friend in war or witnessing/getting into a major accident first hand is indeed far more traumatizing than what these Stupid Judgmental Whiners are wailing about.

Witnessing people dying in front of you does change you in some way.

The only racism in America is anti-white racism.

RAMZPAUL plays the pretend-things-were-opposite game, below. What if the woman who got assaulted with eggs were black?

What if the terrorists were white and the people attacked were black?

Prison for all. 30 years at least.

But the attackers were brown, waving a Mexican flag.

So the San Jose leadership blames (wait for it) the TRUMP supporters and Trump himself for having political views that the terrorists didn't like.

What the FUCK, America?

What happened?

It will only get worse unless we get Trump elected and the illegals deported the hell out of here.

Build the wall, Mr. Trump,

Please build that wall.



Daily reminder that the jews hate all races but they hate whites the most.

If they tell you they don't they're probably working on some scheme, like raising goy moral so you go die for Israel.

I like that avatar.

It's an unquantifiable, unfalsifiable social "science" hypothesis that is intentionally loosely defined. It explains any and all measured or unmeasured outcomes that advance the narrative, but fails to exist where outcomes run counter to the narrative. When you ask for concrete examples, they will rarely give a falsifiable example - and when they do, they'll ignore evidence against it.

In science, claims must be made such that they can be tested. If I say friction releases heat, then any scientist who can show friction that does not release heat can falsify my claim. When/if that happens, a better model must be designed and tested. In social science, the goal is to invent a catchy, meaningless phrase which advances a liberal policy. If it can be supported by data, great, but Rule #1 is that it must never be designed such that any kind of data can disprove it.

In other words, bullshit whiny minority stuff.

Long term, all it's going to do is convince greater numbers of Europeans and Euro-Americans that tribal politics is the order of the day rather than blind justice. The libruls are overreaching on the white guilt gravy train, and will soon learn that you can shave a cat many times but only skin it once.

>"Trigger Warnings can save lives"
>106 people liked this


>Why can't the Ching chongs stay in China?
if i lived in china i wouldn't want to stay there. assuming you're native american/canadian at some point your ancestors figured better get over there cause its better than here

>Why can't the niggers stay in Africa?
we brought them here as slaves

>Why can't the Indians stay in India?
same as the chinese region. go ask your great grand parents why they came here. shit sucks in india, US is a country traditionally receptive of immigrants

LMFAO what a bitch

Wew lad

Goes like this:

Systemic racism causes inequality.
Inequality exists.
Therefore systemic racism exists.

Similar to

God created the universe.
The universe exists.
Therefore God exists.

>cause and effect is tricky

>you're native american/canadian
woops, assuming you're not that

fucking roasted

>it is contemporary impact

Read a book

In response to this, I sent her a link to her YouTube channel.

Looks like a half breed itself, so it must not count either.

I have this book being shipped to me. Am I going to get red pilled?

>we brought them here as slaves
we didn't, you brought them here without our permission and we shipped them to Africa but some stayed and now they're all coming here.
I don't care about the US you were at your peak 88% white in the 1940's Canada was 90% white even in the 70's. Canada is a white country anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.

There's no such thing as systemic racism, there's prejudice though.

>black tranny btfoing pol posters in real time

Granpappy went through this. Watched his friend get shot in the lung when he was right next to him. Tough fucker, still alive today. Far-right, absolutely fucking hates tumblrinas.


She has really long distracting hair so you can't see her man shoulders

>trigger warnings can save lives

Fuck off faggot



What they mean is the existence of whites

They're just too cowardly to admit it

Pure evil. Every time one of these brainless morons says "systemic racism" you fucking ignore and cut ties with them. They're too far gone to bother with

hey man it almost got me but i'm off 1.5mg 2c-b anything could be going on atm