When are we gonna start getting some camera footage from the school shooting. Or some pictures from inside

When are we gonna start getting some camera footage from the school shooting. Or some pictures from inside.


And why don't more shooters live stream?
Seems like something they'd be into big time

It's really surprising, in a school filled with teenagers with cell phones, there's not more footage or pictures of the shooting

It's called a false flag. In a place where every single person has a camera there should be massive footage and uploads. But there probably isn't.

This, maybe just strap a go pro on the gun and one on your helmet or chest then upload footage then suicide ez

This too like wtf

But normies don’t immediately start recording. They are busy screaming and giving away their location and shit.

thats actually a super good question


Wonder if there's footage of any of them getting shot up?

Fun Fact:
That first girl is the niece of one of the Wwe wrestlers

Which one?


>that first girl
Are you braindead

There were snapchats while it was happening. You are saying nobody took a picture of a body on the way out?

He was asking which wrestler you tarhead

his name is JOHN CENA!!!

>Let me just film this ongoing massacre for posterity
>oops I'm dead now


You've never been out of the house have you? WHen fight or flight reflex hits- you NOPE the fuck out of there in the quickest way possible. You don't even think about 911, let alone owning a phone- when your first thought is to run from the living nightmare.

Anybody who stops to open up their camera and find the record button is just fucking retarded. Who does that? I mean, that one girl got in the news one time when she recorded her dying friend on facebook live, but she was a complete retard- and surprisingly, not everyone is as retarded as her.

you listen to too much talk radio

Never. Just like Sandy Hoax

Its not cheap to setup a good livestream and they usually gotta use all the money they have to buy guns


This guy is clearly a sped
