If his name is Thor Odinson, doesn't that mean Odin's full name is Odin Odinson...

If his name is Thor Odinson, doesn't that mean Odin's full name is Odin Odinson? I get that it's because he is "Odin's Son", but that's not how fucking names work.

Names work differently in different places, user.

I don't know if you're trolling, but patronyms are not really hard to understand.

loki lauffyson
thor odison
odin borson?

Vikings were retarded before all the manly ones were wiped out.

op faggotson

Ding ding ding

In Iceland sons' surnames are named after their fathers, and daughters' after their mothers, but you're right that aliens from another planet probably do it the way you're used to

hopefully that mod on a deleting rampage deletes this one too

>that's not how fucking names work

That's exactly how most Scandinavian surnames worked up until quite recently.

thats how names were

but youre just pretending to be retarded, right?

No, because Odin's father was named something else.

That's how it worked back in the day, when Norse mythology was a bigger thing. A lot of surnames start that way. You've never met anyone whose last name is "Robertson"?

David Davidson

Laufey is female in the eddas and so Loki is unique in having his mother's name instead of his father's in his surname.

That's how they name people in Nordic countries even today. One example: if Thor were a real person living in Iceland and he were a woman, his last name would be Odindóttir (for dense people...dóttir = daughter).

Is that why he got fucked by a horse?

It was how it was with Vikings, you got your father's name in your last name


That's how it still works in Iceland dumb faggot, boys get a surname saying (Father)sson and girls get a surname saying (Father)sdottir
Haven't you ever played Splinter Cell?

Norse people used this system called a patronymic where you were named after your father, not that hard to understand
It was pretty kino wish we did it still

That's still how they work in iceland

Iceland still does it, males are called Faggotson and females are called Faggotsdotir

Dontreply Opson

was Idris Elba's character a Mywifeson?

dank kek

Grimsdottir's father's name is Grim?

Are there people actually named Grim?

Only in Iceland.

and Odins dad is Bor Burison.

What about the other? Heimdall whose son? And Sif? Hogun? Legolas? Gimli?

And a giant, and somehow that made a snake and a wolf

No, but "Grímur".

North Germanics were the first Germanics to innovate surnames, likely around the 7th century... West Germanics innovated a different kind of surname, using professions instead. (This is where names like Smith and Fisher come from.) Probably the earliest recorded Germanic name was 'Hlewagastiz Holtijaz'; but 'Holtijaz' likely just means 'from Holt'.