It's sad to see kids die, but why are we acting like mass shootings are some sort of major problem

It's sad to see kids die, but why are we acting like mass shootings are some sort of major problem.
17k homocides in America. Mass shootings are one of the rarest ways to die.

Why do we pretend that if guns were gone, that people wouldn't just fire bomb schools?

Why do people pretend, that mass murder is an actual problem, and that there is some sort of cure for the problem?

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get on a treadmill dumbass amerifat

This is america, that red in our flag is the blood of our people.

Mass shootings and murder is just our way of life.

Most people don't actually care that much. It's highly sensationalized, but it'll be forgotten within a month. Always happens. People just like to use it as a platform for virtue signalling, they don't actually care about people dying. If they did, we would ban cars and high fructose corn syrup. But those opinions won't get you instagram likes, so people talk about the weekly hot topic instead, jumping from issue to issue for attention.

I think this is true. But this thread will still be filled with cucks saying that Americans are retards and should disarm.

The last bikes to use a sense of virtue Signal Point to get rid of firearms. What they don't care if their rights are trampled on I mean just look at their beliefs like socialism and communism. Does Belize have killed more people than any mass shooting in America.

>we would ban cars and hfcs
That's a false equivalency. While both of those things do kill people, they aren't created with the express purpose of killing them

I think that mass shootings can be repressed, but there can never be a cure. Weapons will always be available.

Exactly my point. You don't give a fuck how many people die. You only care about how sensational the cause of death is.

BASED. Don't disarm. Your government will cuck you like mine. (UK)

Because news agencies make money from all of it

>Get money
>Buy used gun
>Shoot up school

>Search online for bomb blueprints
>Buy multiple different explosive/toxic/dangerous compounds
>Try bomb the school and primar fails

Seriously bombs are A) uneffective (thats why terrorists stopped using them and now rely on guns and trucks). B) Dont you think the FBI/Agencies backtrack who is buying these compounds (especialy if you buy exactly the chemicals you need for a bomb)?

Im not anti gun, I do own a pistol legaly but we seriously need to ban selling/gifting used guns.

Gun ownership needs to be registerd and if you want to sell it, you would need to sell it at an licenced auctionhouse/gunshop.

>Americans are retards
>this is true.

2nd this

>since people will find a new way to kill people, we shouldn't make it harder for them to kill people.

Yeah but talking with you guys, most of your opinions are based off assumptions you guys deliberately go out of your way to make the worst of. At this point the insult just slides off the shoulder

America is the only place where this regularly happens, or even at all really

Unrealistic. You're creating a scenario where the government has as precedent to come and 'take your guns', which would be impossible to achieve politically and dangerous.

Licenses and written/piratical tests, renewal requirements, background checks, no sale to violent offenders.

How would this hurt anyone?

... and why pretend most homicides in the US aren't nigger-based? Even in killings, one white or Hispanic guy will usually outperform a nigger.

Kind of sad, actually.

>piratical tests
Yaar! I be behind this one!


yee want an ar-15? walk the plank!

Guns are created for the purpose of defending and saving lives.
No manufacture makes guns so that people will murder with them.

No look, I dont want the goverment to ban guns or take them away,

I think it would be good if we banned the secound hand sale of guns (sellign peer to peer).

Right now, you could give a friend youre gun and it would be legal in most states, this needs to change on a federal basis.

I am not sure if a private person should be allowed to own automatic rifles (at least without a license) but banning the peer to peer sale of guns would definetly help.

yeah i really hate edgelords and don't want to be one's such a small number of deaths

18,000 + deaths in the 2011 tohoku tsunami
200,000 + dead in the 2004 indochina tsunami
2000 + dead in WTC attacks
millions dead in wars
cancer, millions dead

17 dead and everyone flips their shit and acts like america is under assault from mass shooters


How do you save a life with gun?

>sort of cure for the problem?

I performed a tracheotomy on a choking diner with a shotgun barrel, once.

Oh, wait. Now, I remember: I once shot a nigger in the face who was wearing a ball cap indoors at IHOP.

My memory these days. Wow.

Disarming citizens of a democracy tends to be the more deadly solution historically

It's harder to kill with a gun then fire bombing. There are no gun crimes in prison. We should all Give up our rights and lock ourselves up so that we aren't one of the hundred people out of 300 million that are killed in mass school shootings each year.

please don't say the n word on Sup Forums, or other racial slurs
this is a safe space, friend
do it again and i will report you and have you banned by the mods

>nobody will use this because it destroys their worldview

It wouldn't be harder tbh. Pipe bomb and poor man's mustard gas materials can be bought at your local home depot.
And tbh, I'd rather be shot than have my leg blown off.
It's arguably never been harder then right now to get a gun in America and school shootings are on a rise anyway.
It's a culture thing. Kids have no respect or will to understand one another or something. Not as much anyway. Maybe you can blame it on phones where we can just talk to our close friends all the time rather than getting to know the stranger sitting across the aisle, or learning to look past the shortcomings of your neighbors.
That's probably just part of it. That and they don't have any fear toward the only adult in the classroom. You can sue that guy if he talks too mean anymore.
So it's just thousands of spoiled, self-isolated pubescent adolescents with no real authority figure running around under one roof. Yeah that actually sounds like the Lord of the Flies when you look at it like that. Guns are just the weapon of choice.

Because tragedy is the best means to enact evil political policies...

Nice argument, way to prove you have nothing intellectual to say.

Did you know that over here in Australia the last time there was a 'mass shooting' which was 1996 killed 36 people and since then all semiautomatic weapons have been banned and it's a very long and complicated process to even get a pistol now. And guess what? No mass shootings and no school shootings since.

I follow the Quentin Tarantino theory of linguistic slurs - if you use them often enough, they lose their power to hurt and insult.
Say "nigger" 1000 times in a row and it starts to lose its meaning. Do it in Atlanta or above 95th street and you'll liberate the World.

I also like Brigette Fonda's feet and haven't written anything worth a shit since 1996.

Right, but they're far more effective at killing it seems. If that's what we're trying to cut down, what's your argument?

This doesn't even make sense user. Both of those have uses other than killing, the gun does not. A car can be used as a weapon but it's also necessary for our society to function, a gun is not. Hfcs produces cheap, albeit unhealthy foods and may not be necessary, but it isn't being used to intentionally end human life.

The vast majority of guns used in self defense and the defense of family, are never fired.
If a criminal is caught in your house he has the choice of escalating to attacking or running.
A gun as a deterrent saves the lives of the innocent and but also can prevent the criminal from turning burglary to murder. In a sense, 20years of his life has been saved as well.

Tragedy + Time = Fun Midterm Elections.

A gun doesn't protect, a gun ends life. If that protects someone then, sure, the gun is used to protect but it was never created for the purpose of protection. A gun is created for warfare, for killing.

With the government's goal of a disarmed populace achieved, there is no reason to continue MK Ultra false flags.

Right, and your over all murder rate has disappeared as well?

But Saving Lives Is Worth Overhauling Your Way Of Life
Humans got asking just fine before cars and cheap plasticisers or wtvr

Protection's protection. You're mincing words over whether it can be a legitimate form of protection versus created for the purpose of protection.

You need to work on that argument a bit more. You read like you may be an idiot.

I swear gunfags just write stupid shit and act like they trumped everything anyone else said. There is no way to convince you idiots that human life is more valuable than your toy, or that a weapon that is intended to kill people might be helpful in killing people

Actually their violent crime rate jumped 300% in the first year alone

And guns are the only remedy to those problems?

Yeah good luck having a functional modern society without motorized vehicles. We could exist without guns and live the same, if not possibly safer, lives.

When you have children, you'll understand

Speaking of which, there are 77x more deaths caused by obesity every year in America than by guns. Where is the protest against fast food?
If we're not protesting against 2.8 million deaths, why even care about 34,000?

You are wrong. Gun manufacturers design and market their wares as self defense tools. Show me one gun advertisement that shows how good they are at killing innocent people.

"Pain killers are designed to get high and addicted"

Human life is more valuable than our toy, cept it isn't a toy. It is a tool to defend your family from violent criminals and tyrranical governments which have KILLED WAY MORE PEOPLE THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN THE 20th and 21st CENTURY

Actually I'm fully aware of that. I'm not convinced however that if guns magically disappeared that person wouldn't find another way to kill. We're super inventive creatures.

Cars, alcohol, cigarettes, firearms, processed sugars...none are expressly designed to kill people. They all do when used improperly.

If you can use something improperly and kill someone then they should ban water.

someone killing themselves with fast food is not the same as someone shooting up kids.

>the same, if not possibly safer
Criminals are unlikely to surrender their firearms. Just saiyan.

Once your wife is home during a home invasion, you'll understand.

Source: that's when we bought our first gun and moved out of commiefornia

,,, mmmm.... actually, my toy is more valuable than most human lives. I've got a teeny streak of misanthropy g'wan on.

Sorry Sup Forumsros.

Of course not, there will always be murders no matter how restricted a country is. But according to what you are asking, you are saying you guys are better off not doing anything about it at all...? You know that makes no sense right

Basically right now if shootings were an arcade game the whites have the high score leaderboard but the nig nogs have the most time played. They only seem to shoot each other though. SO basically what we need is more niggers

guns are super easy to make. bullets are the hard part but give me a spent casing a bolt a hacksaw and a pack of strike anywhere matches and I'll make you a shitty bullet that will reek havoc on soft tissue

>SO basically what we need is more niggers

NO! Just NO!

That is Never the correct answer and you should KYS for suggesting it.

>Shooting happens with many people killed
>americans peform a celebratory chain
What is wrong with them?

>trusting that the manufacturer isn't manipulating you into buying their product

What is a mass shooting?

FOUR or more shot and/or killed in a single event [incident], at the same general time and location, not including the shooter.

The majority of home invasions in the UK happen in occupied homes. Criminals like occupied homes because they get purses wallets a and cell phones.
In the U.S. It is rare for an occupied home to be burgled. Criminals make sure they are empty for fear of getting shot

Here I was thinking my thoughts and prayers would have protected them. Oh well, I'll pray for the next ones.

well, it's a naturally symbolic act to people, it takes on meaning because it's intentional and dramatic and seems like a statement. It sticks in our minds and threatens us in a way like personal because of that. Also, people tend to think of schools as kind of sacred institutions, like the way we tend to think of childhood, idealized. Anyway, I don't think controlling guns would stop it because, yes, bombs are easy enough to make but it would probably make them less common, because I think, i might be wrong, but bombs are a little harder to make very effective and you have to place them in one place that is easier to police, and the components can be tracked somewhat more easily and there's less of an ability to hide behind innocent ownership of say, tons of fertilizer...the problem is elsewhere, though...but if politicians are going to point to mental health, in these cases, then it's dumb of them to interfere with easy access to that the way they often do...there solved it. All. Forever.

Did anyone see this video this morning on Face the Nation? The kid at the top left... soooooo fucking cringeworthy. The shit he was saying, and the faces he was making....
Someone needs to find a video because the meme's are dying to be released. (no pun intended)

By that logic we should discount all the suicides from the gun death statistics. Then you only have about 12,000 deaths per year. That's less than the drunk-driving deaths (13,000). Where is the protest against alcohol? might defend you from a bad sheriff but no way is it going to defend you from The Government. Not without some serious training to go along with it...which is how the 2nd amendment is written anyway.

Do you not know some of those ancient cities were in the 100,000s to low millions in population? They built pyramids and aquaducts and domed towers back with just the horse and buggy concept. It would just take your longer to visit your aunt and that's all, and maybe slightly less fresh produce at the grocer and that's all.

Why would they need to manipulate? The product sells its self. People willing to protect themselves rather than waiting for the government to come save them, will always be loyal customers.

are you going to factor in the higher success rate of suicide by gun than by other means, and the statistics for people that fail at a suicide attempt not attempting a second time?

It is if they're feeding it to their kids isn't it? Raising your kids on fast food will probably teach them to raise their kids on fast food too and before you know it there's 30 people dead from clogged arteries

Your local grocery store, pharmacy, and hardware stores can protect you from the government. You just need to learn a little chemistry and physics.
In order to be able to stack the bottles REALLY high in warehouses, the neck of a glass coca-cola bottle is a parabolic cone. Use this information wisely.

People thinking that the chances of them being victims of a crime are even remotely plausible.
I live in rural Minnesota where crime rates are incredibly low, yet gun ownership and cc permits are high because people think they might get mugged going to a local store.

Guns are not the problem in shootings, it's the people involved. If there weren't a second person, there would be nobody to shoot, so it would make the situation moot. Even if the shooter were to shoot himself, there may not even be a gun involved. The vast majority of shootings do not even involve guns. The most famous of recent shootings in Las Vegas, most of the guns found in the hotel room weren't even used in the shooting.

Again: Most guns found in the shooter's hotel room in Vegas were not even used in the incident. It was like they were innocent bystanders. Does that mean they should be banned just because they were there? If you think so you are just crazy. Even the bump stocks that were made so famous in that case, those are usually sold by reputable merchants who own small businesses. But here's the best part: Bump stocks are sold almost exclusively without guns. Without guns! It is just as crazy to assume a bump stock could be used in a shooting without a gun.

People should just wake up and see the facts: Most shootings do not even involve guns.

Congratulations Yanks!

You've successfully managed to combine an aggressive, selfish and closed-minded culture, schools that promote social isolation and don't do shit for mental illness and rich pro-gun government lobbyists into a secret sauce that ACTUALLY RADICALIZES YOUR OWN CHILDREN.

Fucking wow

Dude, don't you have some INSANE Somalian population up there? It's a wonder you can cross the street without some Kangz popping a cap in your lutefisk.

Only if we factor in the relatively low success rate of vehicular homicide and the number of repeat offender drunk drivers.

how could have an interest in something like this,

And where are they now?

Supporting that many people, agriculture is always the limiting factor.

You didn't seen the worlds population skyrocket until the industrial revolution and things like the Haber–Bosch process. That's because the limiting factor (food) was no longer relevant.

And look what happened as they started restrictions on drunk driving.
To say the kids would not make their own decisions is bullshit.


Spoken by someone who probably thinks islamic terrorism is the #1 threat to America.

>selfish and closed-minded culture,
Now, we're only selfish because we gave you shitlords a whole bunch of cash in the 40s to rebuild Europe after we had to bail your asses out in WWII, and you Jew fucks still haven't started making payments.

And we're closed-minded, because we had a look around and didn't see anything else better than what we had already.

So... you know, that's just like your opinion. And your opinion doesn't really mean shit.

Selling peer to peer should not be banned, a record of the transaction should probably take place though.
I would say the best law would be to issue a private buyer card, where every year you do a background check to renew the card, and private sellers should be held liable if they sell without seeing a valid card. People could get it once a year when they buy their hunting license, or when they buy a fire arm from a dealer.
It's not perfect, but I wouldn't mind getting one once a year.
It would do nothing to stop school shootings though

I don't know about you but my bombs never have issues Blowing ㄟ(ツ)ㄏ

>restrictions on drunk driving.
That's an interesting position to take. Because you're not restricting the *item* involved, just its improper use. By that logic, we should not ban guns themselves, but ban murder.
Oh, wait...

>>DAVID HOGG: President Trump you control the House of Representatives. You control the Senate and you control the executive. You haven't taken a single bill for mental health care or gun control and passed it. And that's pathetic. We've seen a government shutdown. We've seen tax reform but nothing to save our children's lives. Are you kidding me. You think now is the time to focus on the past and not the future to prevent the death of thousands of other children. You sicken me.

Shuttup Ben.

To say the kid would make the right decision is also bullshit

I see someone doesn't understand how government works

pretty sure people with a history of drunk driving are restricted from drinking too

Spend a year living in the arctic cirlce, then tell me a gun couldnt be a necissary part of daily life. If you want to eat, and avoid being eaten, you'll need a gun.

Its a very valid argument within the context. An item that is designed to keep its occupants alive is killing more people than an object that according to you is designed only to kill. All despite cars being heavily outnumbered by guns in the united states.

>>DAVID HOGG: Well what I think needs to be on the books right now that isn't is literally any law that's from either side of the political spectrum. If you're a Republican that supports mental health care we want you out there making your voice heard because that's just as important as gun control or gun safety laws at this point because Democrats also want gun safety rules and we can't get into any more debates. We need discussion. We've had the debates and people have died as a result children have died and will continue to if we don't stop now and look at both sides of this because we can't wait around any longer. Children are dying as a result. And we need to take action. And I call on President Trump and the Republican controlled House and Senate and Executive Branch to work together, get some bills passed and stop taking money from the NRA because children are dying and so is the future of America as a result.