These are the ruins of Göbekli Tepe, an ancient temple unearthed atop a mountain ridge in Southeastern Anatolia...

These are the ruins of Göbekli Tepe, an ancient temple unearthed atop a mountain ridge in Southeastern Anatolia. Built by a mysterious culture almost twelve thousand years ago, more time separates the habitation of ancient Sumer from that of Göbekli Tepe than separates the present day from ancient Sumer.

In conclusion, Turks may be descended from aliens.

Other urls found in this thread:Çatalhöyük

Ancient Albanians.


Damn... Albanians really are the most powerful race

All jokes and memes aside, I think this is one of the most interesting archeological sites on the planet. Like, they were sedentary literally several milennia before everyone else, large parts of Europe were still covered by glaciers and the South Pacific wasn't even inhabited ffs. Four MILENNIA after them, the people of the Middle East invented the ideas of houses. It's like we suddenly found out people from 2000 BCE had computers.


Kys american swine. Anatolians were not turkish

They liked kots, I'm sure they were bros.


>native to anatolia

Fuck yes, i love things like this to research1

this place was built in 10 000 bc ?

My ancestor :)

Sometime between 10000-8000BCE.

That means that it could pre-date the domestication of wheat.

how were they even capable of building this

What the American says. It's some of the oldest stuff we know of. The houses in Jericho are 8000 years old, i.e. 2000 years YOUNGER than this, and they had their doors on the roof. We have no idea what these people were doing.

I'd also like to point out that the Wikipedia article of Kim Kardashian is longer than the one of GT... ;_;

Who knows. I think the more interesting question is who built it and why did they leave it.

There's a lot of amazing archaeological sites in Anatolia.Çatalhöyük

that's why we banned it

Modern 'Turks' are just Anatolians who happen to speak a Turkic language: they're not central Asian nomads. I mean, we can all agree that Finns are not ethnically Mongols by virtue of their inscrutable moon language, correct?

It's the God-Emperor's shithouse, probably

>they're not central Asian nomads
But they were though. They came from Central Asia and settled Anatolia through the ages. 4000 years ago the people in Anatolia were hardly Greek, much less Turkic.

>Someone actually took hittite meme seriously
Oh America, why are you so inbred and retarded

Some academics maintain it was built by hunter-gatherers but personally I don't think that's possible

There's a considerable amount of East Asian DNA in modern Turks.
Obviously when you invade the original population doesn't disappear entirely but the Turks don't quite match the population of a millennium ago.

Hm interesting graph, I suppose I stand corrected. Source?

the asian DNA in Turks vary from 2% to 25%. But genes do not directly affect your phenotype
for example, my uncle looks like an incarnation of Suppiluliuma but my father looks like a hapa middle eastern
GEDMATCH results

That technically means that Turks are white since the Hittites were an Indo-Eueopean people

Wait is this the city that originated not from agriculture but because it was the ideal hunting grounds so it could support a sedentary han population?

Also does anyone here know Eurogenes K15? It surprisingly is better than every haploshit scam website.

for example, this is a Turk' s (From İzmir, Western Turkey) genetic

>implying culture = genteics
No, do some wikipedia research
This on the other hand
>A genetic analysis of human bone remains dating back to 6500 to 2700 B.C. in the Liao area, Haplogroup N (Y-DNA) (frequently in Uralic peoples and Yakuts) was observed at approximately 70% frequency.[4] People of Liao civilization possibly are related to Uralic and Yakut people.

I think so yes, but I could be mistaken.

>No, do some wikipedia research
Point me in the right direction then. I could be wrong of course, but that's history like I learned it.

>how were they even capable of building this

It was essentially situated in a Garden if Eden type of environment at the time so following the herds as nomads wasn't required. Then the climate shifted.

Should also note the closer to Greece you get the less "turkish" the people are.
Still turkish. Just less so.
>But genes do not directly affect your phenotype
Sure they do. You just don't know which will present themselves most apparently.
My brother looks mediterranean and I look northern euro. Certain traits presented more strongly in him than me.

>wikipedia research
TOP KEK'd irl
i love how you talk so authoritarian yet you know nothing :DD stop being retarded, you could learn a lot from me

>Should also note the closer to Greece you get the less "turkish" the people are.

That map is wrong. It's based on literally my ass.
This one is better since it's based on actualy genetic results from Turk individuals, it's not entirely correct though.

>I think so yes, but I could be mistaken
Ok then it's what I thought. Most of their art was supposedly based around game and predators from that time period and with no real agriculture at that time and an ideal environment, I think it's where archeologist get the sedentary hunter gatherer theory.

>east eurasian
Pretty sure yours would be west asia.

So when those ideal conditions deteriorated, everyone just fugged off back into not building cool temples?

This is a Turk from Eastern Turkey

Isn't the Syrian War several retarding excavation of the site?

Most of this shit is still covered up. The temple/menhir circle/alien summoning zone is just a fraction of the total site, most of which has yet to be excavated.

They didn't have time nor resources to afford large scale projects like this when they were forced to go back to a hunter gatherer lifestyle. They couldn't settle in an area for the length of time it would take to construct these buildings. Also likely were unable to find another place so ideal to live.

>Isn't the Syrian War several retarding excavation of the site?

My friend, this site is in Turkey

The PKK War, then.

It's pretty close to the border regardless.

Some of it was seems to have been intentionally buried.
So it was likely abandoned by the inhabitants.

It became more important to collect food and return to being mobile they lost the relaxed life that allowed building. The Sahara was once fertile, the ME used to be more fertile and then Greece was more fertile but that faded. Climate change in a region can really devastate civilization. Other groups like the Dutch started with a shitty climate but turned to technology to change it but they are a bit abnormal for human history.

>build all kinds of cool shit
>have to leave
>bury it so no one else can play with your toys

Why were ancient civilizations so shitty?

Maybe they were attacked and them leaving is a primitive example of a scorched earth policy.
Maybe disease struck and they had to leave.
Maybe they were all slaughtered and the people who took over didn't know how to maintain it so they just buried it.

Most likely though they just weren't ready to settle and regressed to hunter gatherer. Maybe these people built another settlement in a different area which has yet to be discovered.

Hittie pride world wide
Fucking Hello-Turcos destroid my culture pay reparations

It would be awesome if they discovered a whole other similar settlement not far from the region. Maybe there could be more evidence showing what happened and making it clear this level of skill isn't an isolated incident. I bet there are all kinds of ancient villages that were just destroyed after their inhabitants left or lost through natural causes. Could you imagine finding advanced towns from this time period elsewhere? It would show so much about ancient migrations.

u wot

Lydian here
Greek and Turkish subhumans destroyed my homeland and i demand 250000000 Euros for their crimes in my homeland

Related question: why did it take so long for humans to invent agriculture?

Because wild seeds are hard to cultivate. It took hundreds and hundred of years of selective breeding to end up having what we have now.

domesticating plants isn't as easy as it sounds


>I mean, we can all agree that Finns are not ethnically Mongols by virtue of their inscrutable moon language, correct?

Finns contain a lot more Asian DNA than other Europeans (still a low amount in absolute terms), and their haploshits are exclusively from an Asian source.

So no they're not Mongols, but they are descended from Siberian-like people.

>>A genetic analysis of human bone remains dating back to 6500 to 2700 B.C. in the Liao area, Haplogroup N (Y-DNA) (frequently in Uralic peoples and Yakuts) was observed at approximately 70% frequency.[4] People of Liao civilization possibly are related to Uralic and Yakut people.


None really found as old as this but Catalhoyuk is 3000 years younger.



Muslim detected

>It's like we suddenly found out people from 2000 BCE had computers.

not really. the level of technological sophistication needed for a computer is like an order of magnitude of orders of magnitude more than that needed for settled life.

Still very interesting though

Weren't Yamaya WHG?

It was 12000 years ago, countless different groups had occupied that area many millennia before Turks did. Most modern ethnicities didn't even exist then.


It's not even in Anatolia. It's in Mesopotamia. And the very historic city next to it isn't populated by a Turkish majority either.

If humans had existed for 100000 years what are they doing all those while before this settlement?

Southeastern Anatolia

just chillin

Living in small bands of extended family, hunting, gathering, maybe a bit of slash and burn agriculture, fugging, creating rudimentary pottery, tools, and adornments, and getting killed by horrific shit. It's really difficult to settle down and create things when you're not sure if you're going to survive day-to-day and have to constantly replenish your resources.

Probably something similar to what the Andamanese are doing right now


According to their official system for schools.

Just look at it, they put all of geographical Armenia in "eastern Anatolia" when it was never called that.

>they were sedentary
the evidence left behind seems to suggest they were semi-nomadic hunters who would periodically gather at this location and build upon it over time, similar to how Stonehenge and other similar megalithic sites were used in Britain

I think its even more amazing to think about how a people who were not sedentary could have built something like this and been organized to such a degree as to need a large temple complex (or whatever it was)

this combined with recent evidence proving that homo-sapiens existed outside of Africa not 100 000 years but over 300 000 is really fascinating
think of how much time that is, especially considering that all recorded history only amounts to about 10 000 years.
the ice age would have wiped any large buildings away completely if they did exist.
and Göbekli Tepe proves that they most certainly could have.

it is not in Anatolia

turks are mongrels and subhuman invaders
those things would be destroyed if it wasnt a tourist country

albanians are subhumans

we don't know
and its confirmed 300 000 years now

finding anything older than 10 000 years still in recognizable shape is hard enough, finding something from before or during the ice age is monumental.

look at abos

300,000 years of anatomical modernity may not mean 300,000 years of behavioral modernity. Perhaps neurological characteristics which allow for complex abstract thinking and language did not proliferate until some time after Homo sapiens skeletons took their current form

even so
300 000 years of anatomical modernity is a lot longer than 100 000

and considering modern anthropological knowledge, especially on how societies can just utterly collapse without any connection left to the ruins that surround them, I don't see the idea of ancient advanced civilizations as implausible. then when you get into the myths of antediluvian splendor it makes for some interesting ideas.
I don't believe in aliens or flying cars in Africa 50 000 years ago, but I believe in the potential of mankind

what am I supposed to see in this picture besides a bunch of rocks