Why do most people in Latin America denigrates their Amerindian past?

Why do most people in Latin America denigrates their Amerindian past?

It's not like the Amerindians were some kind uncivilized men without any accomplishment whatsoever. They build civilizations and empires. Tenochtitlan and Cuzco were much bigger than any European city at the time, the Mayans had a better astronomical prediction system and most of them had a highly sophisticated architecture.

Yet, people here always feel ashamed of it and I know most of people here aren't pure Amerindian, but still.

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You're forgetting someone

You're asking this on a website where most people look like this.

Hierachy. Mexico always had this "WE'S ALL MESTIZOS" and built it's identity around the "everyone is Mestizos" belief and propagated it and it manifests in different ways in society.

Oh, sorry I don't much about South American civilizations outside the mainstream ones, but still it's pretty interesting to know more.

Yes I know, but I just want to know the reasons behind it.
Tbh, if anything I would be ashamed of my country after the Independence. One fail after another.

I know that the official ideology is that we all are mestizos, but the society doesn't and instead have a racist view about itself

because shitskins like Mexicans, Spaniards, Muslims, etc. are inherently racist.

Only northern Europeans aren't racist

I know we're racist, but I don't know why we haven't changed our views since the Conquest. I mean, why Moors don't want to be Spaniards after their expulsion from Spain but we do.

lol MENAs are always trying hard to be white. They often lie and claim to be Italian or other Southern Europeans

Amerindians in countries like Mexico, Guatemala or Peru might have had acomplishments. But in most countries they did nothing worthy of note in the past. And in the present they are mostly a pain for society and a drain of money for the state.

>And in the present they are mostly a pain for society and a drain of money for the state.
Well, but it is because they've been conditioned to it. And I know this is probably a good argument here, but the Encomiendas system really fuck them up and it's not like the Independence wars changed it.

Because modern day Amerindians are poor and have the intelligence of a potato.
It also doesn't help that whiteys and mestizos jerk off to Aztec past and don't care about the natives of today.

Not all boards are Sup Forums colonies.

Our natives basically were in the paleolithical age still and they still are. Since the ones that came to the east coast were the one that fled the empires from the east to pursue Pindorama (palm tree heaven)

>don't care about the natives of today.
I know, but I think that the first thing we should do is embrace that part of our past (not in the sense of we wuz Aztecs) so we can stop seeing them as different of any other Mexican.

Countries that had the most decent natives are the ones that have the biggest WE WUZ culture
I'm glad we killed them desu as forging your country with that mixture isn't right, but I would've liked for the ancestral Incas to be left alone

not all natives are the same

in south america, the natives of the andes were/are clearly superior (except in looks) to the rest.

yeah this
i won't say guaranies were completely useless (pic related) but yeah nothing to write back home 2bh
(although Antonio Ruiz de Montoya did write back home what he found)

Don't confuse the rest of the natives with Meso America and the Aztecs the rest were basically stone aged and barely practiced agriculture. Compare that to the rest of the world outside of sub-saharan Africa, Australia and places like PNG at the time and there isn't much to be proud of. They were pretty brutal too. In NE America they were constantly at war and into kidnapping, torture and throwing their trash everywhere so they don't even have anything they were morally superior to or more refined than the Europeans.

>Tenochtitlan and Cuzco were much bigger than any European city at the time
That's not true Tenochitlan was comparable to Europes two largest cities but not bigger.


I guess you guys are right and not all natives were the same and not many of them developed an advanced civilization.
Still, I feel that the racism towards them in our societies is concerning.

>racism towards them in our societies is concerning.

Africa was iron-age though..
How can you get the most basic fact critically wrong?

Mexico an Peru had decent pre-hispanic civilizations. Our natives were shit.

>Why do most people in Latin America denigrates their Amerindian past?

Speak for your own shithole, my shithole is not ashamed of its Amerindian past, and we actually identify more with them than with Spaniards even though we are a lot closer to them culturally than with Native Americans.


It depends on where you live. I live in the north and here most people are of mixed descent but the native traditions are followed by everyone equally. My grandpa was native so I was never ashamed of what I am. That said, only recently I started seeing this WE WUZ shittery but it's not very common yet.