What's the best way to lose weight /b?

What's the best way to lose weight /b?

>inb4 eat less, eat healthier, work out

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Eat less

I've lost almost 30 pounds in 4 months just by cutting down to 1500ish calories a day, and I'm mostly sedentary

260 > 233 btw

Stuff your face with tons of celery and drink more than 2 liters of pure water per day.

What do you mean by "best"? Healthiest? Fastest?

One of the best, easiest steps you can take it not drinking anything sugary.

I moved to drinking water and unsweet tea (hot or cold). Got rid of all juices, sodas, pre-sweetened teas.

If you can gain control of just what you drink, you can gain control of what you eat and then what you do.

Did you guys not read the original post... I'm not wanting to eat less or eat healthy


Start smoking crack.

Eat less, shit more

Lol well fuck off and die then

Cut sugar

Massive amounts of cardio, to burn off all the useless calories then.

Eat less and work out.

I'm down 80lbs and still losing.

Are you even trying, user?

Stop eating sugar


>don't want to eat healthy
>want to lose weight
I guess get cancer then and hope chemo allows you to wither away to nothing.

This, it also helps you have easier/stronger erections due to good nitrates in it. So win/win for fatties with terrible circulation.

Be mindful of shit you eat. Less processed the better. Drink more water than anything. Stay away from too many carbs and sugars. Walk. I weighed 340lbs going into a job in a Burger King kitchen. All the moving around I did while working the fryers, amounted to losing 50 lbs in 4 months. I drank mostly water and coffee or tea. Ate healthy, a diabetics diet even though I'm not a diabetic. Still losing weight just not as much as fast.

You’ll be amazed how cooking, and I mean actual cooking and not reheating processsed shit, can do wonders to your metabolism and weight loss. That and go the fuck outside and walk.

Get a tapeworm


How lose wait
>inbfur every way to lose wait durdurdur

Eat nothing but bacon 24/7 then, fatty. You'll still probably lose weight because your current diet is so terrible.

>How do I lose weight being a fat lazy piece of shit?
Get surgery. Cant afford it? Eat healthy and go outside. Don’t want to do that? Be a fat piece of shit until you die in the old age of 28

Listen up you dumb fat sack of shit.

The phrase that has existed for fucking ever is this :
Gain muscle in the gym. Lose weight in the kitchen.
There is no amount of cardio you can that will counteract your disgusting diet.
There is no magic pill or magic substance.
Eat less. Or die young.

Multiply your current weight times 12. The number you get is the amount of calories you need daily to maintain your current weight. So if you weigh 300 pounds... 300 x 12 = 3,600 calories. Now, if you want to lose 1 pound a week, eliminate 500 calories out of your daily food intake. If you want to lose 2 pounds a week, eliminate 1000 calories out of your daily food intake. This is assuming youre a lazyfag, so you dont need to exercise and you can sit around on your ass and lose weight. You will want to eventually to firm up loose skin and build muscle tone.

Quit the job because fuck BK. Work behind a desk now so not much chance for exercise at work. My choices are still as healthy, weigh 245lbs. I do miss eating shit food and sugary stuff all the time. I eat processed stuff maybe once a week. Drink a soda or juice two or three times a week.

Rule #1: Avoid “white” carbohydrates (or anything that can be white).
Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again.
Rule #3: Don’t drink calories, including milk.
Rule #4: Don’t eat fruit.
Rule #5: Take one day off per week and go nuts.

Switching to only drinking water helped me, and when I was happy and ready to start drinking pop once again I found that I kinda just prefer water now

haha that is actually funny.....and I actaully once did something similar. A "friend" told me I should try meth and that you can just use a small amount each day to not get high but to supress the appitite... so I tried it and about a week later I ended up the in emergency room three times in one week and now have basically permanent anxiety - well not contunuously but basically regualy anxiety attacts....seriously bad advice and when I told the ER doctor all that he more or less walked out of the door which I dont blame him for doing...anyway they gave me some shit to stop my panic attacks at the ER each time I went , some injection of something and now I use medication to calm them....besides smokeing ciggerettes that is definately the stupidest thing I have ever done to myself. I used to lift and jogg regularly but life got buisy and I got stress fat. So yeah basically there is NO easy way out.

Drink a glass of grapefruit juice every day. The real, good stuff. Even better if you eat one instead. DO NOT SWEETEN IT. Grapefruit juice boosts your metabolism. You'll be down 5 lbs within a week just doing this and nothing else.

Better if you diet and exercise as well, but I guarantee you if you try this you will lose weight and it's that fuckin easy.

Alternatively if you want to do a forced diet, order a few trinidad scorpion peppers and swish one of those babies around in your mouth as you shew it (swallowing not required or recommended). Keep a gallon of whole milk at the ready. It'll wipe out your taste buds for the better part of a week and you'll get zero enjoyment from food.

On a serious note try the fucking grapefruit.

The biggest rule of them all, avoid rules like these.

Have you tried dying? Putrification tends to take off a lot of mass.

Remove sugary drinks and the weight will melt off quick as shit. People dont realize that thats a fucking huge problem and sodas and shit make people gain a shitload of weight

Nope. He's right.
Actually good advice.


I'm the same way. Sometimes I'll have a soda, or some sugary juice, but I prefer water over anything.

Sounds like you already know so how bout you stfu and go for a walk.

do this

> eat whatever you want
> eat how much you want
> work no time at all
> profit

stop eating. not a joke

eat less and exercise will help. buy some crap like hydroxycut. some crap to lose weight by drinking it.

then you wont lose weight dumb ass have being a fat retard until you die

>inb4 you tell me how to actually lose weight
How fucking stupid are you? Eat less, eat healthier, and work out. That's all there is to it.

blame it on genetics and ignore the fact that everyone is disgusted by your existence

i dropped an average of 6lbs a week from 170 to 140 ( yes I am tiny like 5'7)

Walk to work/school/whatever
Cut sugar, only water
Eat when you have to, not when you want to
Drink water. Los of it. Do whatever you need but you need to drink tons of it
Cut milk
No fucking exceptions. Never ever bypass these rules under no circumstances.
Go out with friends. Basically go out, it will make you walk and thats nice
Play basket or whatever with your friends. Whenever anyone plays a sport, join them and try your best
No ramen or prepared foods, no frozen pizza or anything like that
Buy quality food. It tastes better and is better for your body.

Drink massive amounts of caffeine. About 30 mins before a meal. And stick to meals. No snacking.

Lose a leg to Diabetes. That should be good for a few pounds.

Just find someone who appreciates a Bear sized man. They are out there.

Yeah, infomercial snake oil is great advice

planet sized man

Fat bears are only tolerated if they have money.

refuse to believe this isn't bait

OP I think i know what you want.

Google Thermogenics
Google SARMS.

Both are legal and very effective.

Without modifying your diet you can lose weight. (as long as you stay on them)

Thermogenics will make you sweat and shake (but lose weight)

Sarms can dehydrate your fat back a bit.

But only as long as you're on them.

surgery you lazy fat fuck.

or kill yourself, how dare you demand to lose weight without putting any effort in.

Are you that guy that was looking for meals other than fast food?


Thermogenics work by raising your metabolic rate and causing thermogenesis...in short you'll be producing heat your body doesn't need and you'll sweat a bit more than usual you fat fuck.

Fat lypolisis is also aided by raising temperatures in adjacent muscle tissue.

Basically you can lose weight by being a shaky sweaty hambeast.

This is pretty much what I did, down almost 100lbs. 10/10.

Why don't eat fruit?

Cardio, cut sugar down immensely.

The thing that has mainly helped me is the complete elimination of fast food, that stuff fucks you up. At least try to cut down on it for more home-cooked.

Most forms of chemo make you gain weight.

Killing yourself.

Joke... Make some swimming and basic cardio, also, try to eat less grass and sugar.

You god damn idiot, it's calories in versus calories out, you can't lose weight without either taking in less calories or burning off more of them.

Eat less you disgusting fuck and normalise your food intake to something that isn't your perverse idea of what normal is.

Thank me later.

I have that exact same body type and I can't lose weight for shit. I am 389 lbs... It sucks.


Not everyone is after money.

>asks how to lose weight
>mocks the actual way to lose weight

It's called calories in, calories out. To be a fat fucking retard consumes lots of calories, like thousands more than a normal person. All you have to do is consume less than 2k calories a day and you'll lose weight. That's it.

Stop trying to find a magic loophole like eating only meat or farting on the third sunday at 2pm.