Is a Star Trek style post-scarcity utopia possible?

Is a Star Trek style post-scarcity utopia possible?

Is it even desirable?

Anything is possible if we all work together for a better tomorrow :-)

Star Trek is socialist propaganda.

Not possible. Humans will never let go of their greedy and violent natures.

It's a pipe dream, the only way different races and cultures can merge is by one dominating, subjugating, and raping the others. Which doesn't happen completely or that often.

Unfortunately I don't think world peace is ever possible, even us white people are too idealistic and independent to ever agree on everything.

We will always be in perpetual war and the only way that will change is when we wipe eachother out of existence or one race / culture is able to dominate the world thoroughly enough and long enough to advance too the next stage of human evolution / exploration (space)

>work together
get out of here you dirty commie

I was very angry at that episode, it felt like it went of for fucking ever

The only one that even has a shot of doing that is america but the globalists subverted it against itself

no it's a sci fi show

>Is it even desirable?

No, we don't need any more r-selection.

With matter energy conversion sure it is possible.

Otherwise no it is not.

what's more likely is that nations as they exist now will continue to grow from beyond earth here, so long as colonization is deemed socially 'acceptable.' If FTL does turn out to be impossible, these colonies will almost certainly turn into their own countries.

as long as muslims cease to exist yes

It's not only possible, it's inevitable. Will happen after we try communism at the global level for the first time, hopefully in a few years when the US and the EU join up and start integrating the rest of the world.

It's socialist nonsense. It presupposes that human nature can be completely overwritten.

Star Trek is literally the manchild show which started this whole propaganda trash.

Get this nasty shit out of here.

There is actually nothing socialist about it.


post-scarcity of basic needs is not utopia
ie. machines will do 90% of workload and you can play robin hood on your VR, no joke

You can't have post scarcity due to human wants being infinite and often arcane in nature. Unless there were no humans, there could be no such thing. You could argue human wants are finite, but I don't think you'd get very far.

I didn't like it at first, but eventually grew to be a fond memory, after some memeing. An interesting concept of communication.

>no money, at least within the federation
>everybody get gimmedats for free
>muh post-scarcity
>muh everybody works to improve each other, comrade
>muh everybody equal

This has to be satire, right?

We will fuel the reactors with blue helmets.

>no money

That is not socialist dumb ass


There is no gibs me dat because there are no resources that need to be distributed except for the military and science etc..

>everybody equal

Hell no not everyone is equal, normal assholes cannot even get into star fleet.

Have you even watched the show?

Lean what socialism is you fucking cunt.

For someone who is not a socialist you sure know a lot of about socialism.

Singularity is more plausible than anything that has happened in star trek

Space Exploration as shown in star trek is not possible. The Impulse drive is even less plausible than the warp drive and the life support systems defy all conventional understandings of The law of conservation of mass.

>Is a Star Trek style post-scarcity utopia possible?

It hinges on the existence of technology that may or may not ever be possible (replicators that can meet any basic need instantly for no apparent cost, warp drives that can travel between star systems in a matter of hours, seemingly unlimited amounts of clean, renewable energy etc).

>Is it even desirable?
On the one hand, it seems to deliver the greatest good for the greatest number of people, on the other hand it's based totally on idealism; the idea that once we no longer need to compete amongst ourselves for resources, we'll all work towards bettering ourselves as a species and spreading our values to aliens for benevolent, mutually beneficial purposes. I'm not aware of any human civilization that exhibited this level of moral character, and abandoning our current model of society, which isn't perfect but functions, is extremely dangerous to pursue something this idealistic.

I think we're far more likely to see an international effort to colonize Mars, and eventually Europa, and a huge effort once space travel is cost efficient, to mine the asteroid belt.

Inevitably, Mars and Europa will become exceptionally wealthy colonies, and independent of Earth. Mars will serve most likely as the home for many miners, and the first drop-off-point for materials that are mined.

Earth will either become exceedingly wealthy as a result, or collapse because the fresh start on Mars and Europa will drive the most wealthy, intelligent and able-bodied there.

Well it can.

Civilization is proof of that, or we'd still be acting like niggers (like Europeans did centuries ago).

In a post-scarcity world, by that I mean no need to work for a living, your outlook and priorities would be completely different. You'd conduct yourself completely differently. Human nature is adaptability.

>I do not know what socialism is but I hate it.
>I am an educated american.
As for your arguments.
>no money
If there is no scarcity of resources there would be no need for money.
same as above
>everybody equal
No and no one is equal in a socialist society anyways.

>Is a Star Trek style post-scarcity utopia possible?

Star Trek, for all its flaws, was an attempt to imagine a future in which Westernism won out against all other forces. It is what the West could have been, and should have been, in the future.

Sadly, this is not a future we will ever see.

t is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

Mars colonies is going to make the western frontier look like a little girl's tea party. Nobody wealthy is going to be living there for a while. Imagine living your life without ever seeing a tree, or a bird, or a blue sky.

No, not possible because some will bitch and moan about it not being inclusive and equal for everyone

>Is a Star Trek style post-scarcity utopia possible?
Yes, eventually (in 20 years).

>Is it even desirable?
Not the way Star Trek portrays it. In the absence economic competition society would rapidly degrade unless a wide variety of social and genetic controls were implemented.


>a future in which Westernism won

No it wasn't. Roddenberry, like most leftists, didn't really understand Western Civilization. Star Trek represented the triumph of Secular Liberalism.

Humans fight, it's what we do. If we can't find another country to fight, we'll just fight amongst ourselves. Post scarcity, even if possible, would just give us more time to fight.

When the synthetics kick in, maybe.

A post scarcity world could be possible in some ways, the sun gives off several times the amount of energy all of humanity uses so we just need to efficiently and cheaply capture it. If that happened energy wouldn't be a rare resource anymore. If we have robots doing all the menial jobs at a very low cost then a large portion of society wouldn't have to work anymore and then either they have to get smarter and jobs get more specialized (never happening) or there would be a basic income. And no it wouldn't be communism because we have fucking robots. That's assuming those things are possible but they probably are, just look at that DARPA robot.

his eyes awaken!

>a large portion of society wouldn't have to work anymore

A large portion of society doesn't work now. They live off welfare benefits. The influence of welfare economics on the cultural fabric of the west's poor has some ugly implications for post scarcity societies.

You said Europe.

So white people and Asians can adapt. Africans have proven that they can't.

Communism literally only ever fails because it's too small scale and gets corrupted by outside capitalist influences. Global communism will be too big to fail.

I mean, if we can have robots do all the menial work would you really turn that down? That will probably become possible someday and then we would have to do something about people not being able to work.

no, the world is going to get worst and end in near time

I think once technology advances to a certain point, it will be necessary.
Replicators would be the biggest reason. If you can replicate any food, gun, clothes, medicine, etc.. you wouldn't need to employee people to manufacture these things.
Without having to work for food, water, shelter, people could focus more on exploration, health, earth defense, and happiness.

only in a world where technology puts us at a post scarcity society.

for now capitalism distributes resources the best, and provides the highest standard of living

also in Star Trek like 90% of the planet died in a nuclear war THEN the tech to do that came

Nope. Post-scarcity is only possible after some sort of massive human eradication event, where so few are left that the resources are comparatively plentiful.

>if we can have robots do all the menial work would you really turn that down?

No, but that's not the issue. The problem is what people will do with themselves when they don't have to work. We've already seen negative real world effects in communities afflicted with material abundance or an absence of incentive to work. At the high end we see "affluenza"in wealthy communities and social decay in poor populations living off welfare benefits.

>someday and then we would have to do something about people not being able to work.


This is a problem right now. Do a search on "labor force participation rate".

It was only 400 million dead.

We're going to need a new life-form desu.

Well I was trying to avoid saying an exact number because I don't know exact but I mean labor force participation would be very low because we have robot slaves doing everything, much lower than it is now. As for the other problems those are problems that happen now, you aren't talking about a society where everyone who isn't rich can just live comfortable middle class lives because we have slaves and tons of energy available for very cheap. There would also likely be more advanced jobs still so people could still go to school and try to better themselves but obviously everyone wouldn't succeed.

Also, people would have every incentive to work except this time it wouldn't be on pointless shit like taking someone's order, putting crap on a shelf, etc. it would be on things people actually want to do, like art for instance. If people have no reason to work a meaningless, mind numbing job, they will instead do something meaningful. If anything culture would be at it's absolute peak in a society where nobody has to work anymore because everyone would be able to devote all their time to something they actually enjoy. I'm not saying this is exactly how it would turn out but I hate how people are so willing to shoot it down because they compare it to the present.

You are describing the Beautiful Ones.

If the world were comprised of only whites we would have colonized planets by now and we would pretty much be living in a post-scarcity utopia.

There will never be post-scarcity. Someone will invent an imaginary positional good to trade, and that will be used to barter, bribe, or intimidate others to control their behavior. Someone will make a phaser that shoots blue beams, or a minidress that's a slightly different shade than the ones everyone else has to wear, or anything else it takes to make a scarce product out of literally any idea.

And the Ferengi will be the ones who invented that blue phaser. Those Ferengi who follow the teachings of Quark, not the progressive numale Ferengi teachings of Grand Nagus Rom.


>Is a Star Trek style post-scarcity utopia possible?

As shown in the entire franchise? Yes, but improbable. The abundance of fusion and antimatter energy plays a big role. It's no longer the socialist ideal shown in TOS but more of an idealized commune in the core with China-style capitalism propping it up at the edges and a benign-seeming shadow government holding together the seams. Credits/Latinum are still a thing and dilithium is a very valuable commodity in the Federation though the majority of the population is depicted as opting out of the rat race and content pursuing their personal interests while leading American middle-class lives.

>Is it even desirable?
Of course it is, it's what most people today try to do, that is, get rich/not want for anything, applied to a conglomeration of cultures. The problem is are we willing to pay the true price? DS9, Voyager and Enterprise have all shown that not all is well with the Federation, namely Section 31 and the elimination of disenfranchised minorities, "needs of the many" and all that. The way it is now the show is very similar to Asimov's Foundation universe where the Foundation is the ruling power but it is the hidden Second Foundation that ensures that rule. So if you want a truly transparent government, No. If "Black Ops, Black Ops Everywhere" is your thing, it'll likely be okay.


>pointless shit like taking someone's order, putting crap on a shelf, etc. it would be on things people actually want to do, like art for instance. If people have no reason to work a meaningless, mind numbing job, they will instead do something meaningful.

The problem is that most people don't find meaning through art or other cultural pursuits. Typically they find it through personal struggles or competition with others. With nothing to struggle against many people will find their lives meaningless. With ample resources people will compete for things that are inevitably scarce: social status and political power.

Maybe by the end of my lifetime (80ish years) End of factory farms for meat would fix our major water and pollution problems by us using grown meat protein. Solar and wind power replacing fossil fuels could end energy conflicts, that combined with basic income and subsidies for educational resources would turn the US into a near utopia. We would basically end street crime with basic income and our homeless problem with 1950s style home loans thru government back credit unions leaving the jew banks out of the home market for the betterment of the American people. And making Marijuana and methadone legal would put cartels out of business, then move on to government generic medication production like Canada to ensure our citizens don't spend $500 on a pill they need to live.

Only thing that would keep fucking us up would be the leaders of country's making simple power grabs, and of course Muslims and their damn koran leading them to endlessly wage war on our awesome future society, but I hope we have our robotic ground forces to cull them in mass.

But we will probably end up some crazy neo military state instead and wreck most of the planet in a global conflict with Russia/China alliance against Europe and the rest of Asia.

Shit....I think im for socialism in one form or another.

> post scarcity

But then what was all that "gold pressed latinum" about?

Federation personal can and do use alien currency, but on human settlements and stations ect.. its not needed, but the klingons, and cardassians use currency like the ferangi.

Not without Eugenics Wars.

no, there will always be a scarce resource, that's the reality of material existence.

like for example, futurists say we'll have everything we need abundantly, but people will move on to fighting over the higher goods, not basic goods. Like the high end intelligence enhancing drugs or technology. meanwhile, yeah everyone has food.

>Asimov's Foundation universe
Mah nigga
Great read if anyone is interested


Whats the one limited resource men can be guaranteed to compete for, even fight over...

There will always be scarcity in resources, I agree, but not in labour. Even if we discover some undiscovered element on an asteroid which proves extremely valuable - what if we have robots to mine and refine it?

Some forms of services will probably always exist, but this is not really enough to continue our current economic theories. The vast majority of people just won't have a place.

>Hurr durr muh dick

Men are the niggers of gender.

i'm not exclusively talking about raw materials. i'm mostly not talking about resources, i'm talking about thisand even if robots are mining everything there will still be people turning the robots at the next tribe in war.

>He has never seen The Omega Glory
>TOS S2 E23