Marvel - 14

Marvel - 14
DC - 0

how long can they keep getting away with it?

Someone in WB needs to say it: Cut loses and reboot FUCKING NOW. Every new movie that comes out is doing more damage to the DC brand.

dare i say it?

Best origin film since Ant-Man?

Told what could have been a complicated story in a very simple, concise way. The challenge in making capeflick movies these days seems to lie in conveying a multitude of ideas in as little time as possible (ie: under 3 hours)


>C average

Will marvel ever make a B or A rated movie ? Iron Man and Winter Solider seem to be the only films that were well made

But if you read the comments on Facebook, an overwhelming amount of them are positive. Most mainstream viewers generally liked it. So it actually delivered in its job in providing them an hour and a half of entertainment.

Civil War

And Guardians of the Galaxy.

>normies like easily digestible stories with no substance
Wow, I never would have fucking guessed. And just a reminder, style =/= substance.

The movie was good, though. So you whining about substance isn't applicable.

Apple =/= couch. Duh you fucking idiot. Post an insightful comment next time.

define substance

Normies = majority = $$$
Also if a normie easily digests the new, insane ideas your shovelling down their throats then you've made a good movie.

Civil War was pretty bad. The entire middle of the film was embarrassingly bad and has one of the worst villains
And GotG is pretty enjoyable but it's technically a poorly made film that only works because it has a likeable cast

meme movie

lol no, its literally 'look at our airport scene' the movie. Amazing how much it carried the film

Horrible villian with no logical plan, jaring tonal shifts and horrible editing in almost every action scene

Yeah its a good movie, best in the MCU by far


14 - 0 what?
I guess u mean
Marvel - 14 failures
DC - 0 failures
That's more accurate.

It was the culmination of two long-running character arcs coming in conflict over a fairly realistic and genuinely morally grey issue that was handled with the nuance and complexity it deserved. It had a solid narrative structure that utilised auxiliary crossover characters without having them overstay their welcome, and the villain served his purpose adequately to provide a catalyst for the actual Civil War conflict, without getting too much in the way of that conflict itself (which was the core conflict of the movie). It had some of the more genuinely exciting and creative action scenes from a Marvel movie so far, that were compelling more because of the characters' motivations and goals rather than by flashy effects (aside from the airport scene, which was more about audience gratification and seeing how all the different characters interact in a fight), and it had Robert Downey Jr's most powerful performance as Tony Stark that he's ever given that (maybe single-handedly) stopped the character from being a hardline authoritarian villain and more like a human with a dissenting opinion on an important political issue. Civil War wasn't just a great superhero movie, it was arguably one of the best movies to come out in recent years, and in my opinion could rival The Dark Knight as potentially the best comic book movie of all time.

Don't give me this "no substance" bullshit. Maybe try coming up with some actual arguments rather than just "horrible, jarring, horrible".


No, don't reboot. Just go all the way and make it an elseworld story where Batfleck becomes Owlman and Superman goes crazy.

Well lets be honest here, the DC universe fucking sucks.

That's certainly the world we live in. DC just outright refusing to make bad movies and delivering one Kino after the other. Green Lantern, TDKR, Jonah Hex, Man of Steel, BvS, Suicide Squad. What a time to be alive. What a time to be a DC fan.

>two long characters arc
>characters change personality just for this one film so it would make sense

honestly these movies aren't good (its why they generally get 6/10s)

>not totally phoning in his Iron Man performance.

Solid film. Neat action sequences. Cheesy dialouge though. Also cute rachel mcadams

RT is owned by Warners, the company that owns DC you fucking retard

yes, but critics are owned by Disney

>DC employs people from the other team

are you implying rotten tomatoes pays its critics?

>characters change personality just for this one film so it would make sense
Neither character changed personality. Both had been moving in this direction for a long time, with Steve Rogers slowly coming to distrust governmental bodies after Winter Soldier and Age of Ultron, and Tony Stark being afraid of the damage his own power can cause after basically every single Iron Man movie and Age of Ultron.

>RDJ totally phoning in his Iron Man performance.
Every scene he's in with Steve Rogers, he constantly pleads with him to sign the Accords like a real person would. There's nuance in the way he half-maintains a facade of arrogant cockiness, but still shows insecurity and desperation. In fact, he gets progressively worse at hiding his desperation as the movie goes on. One of the best examples of this is right before the airport fight, as the two teams are facing each other in a line up, and Stark makes one last attempt to convince Rogers to stop. He says "come on" like he's gambling, like he's hoping against all reason at this point that Rogers might actually just stop right there and change his mind. While Rogers is perfectly happy to fight his friends for the sake of his principles, Stark really genuinely doesn't want to have to fight, and that absolutely comes through in his performance.

So no, imo RDJ didn't "phone in" his performance in Civil War and he gets better at the role every time he plays it.

Better than Ant-Man and Iron Man in my opinion. The only other MCU movie I liked better was Winter Soldier.

wtf I love Marvel now

It was OK, probably a 6/10- which is perfectly acceptable for a fiver.

I do wish there had been less action.

Winter Soldier is in another league of it's own. It's essentially a political thriller but have men in funny costumes so can't be taken too seriously.

The fight choreography and direction is superb. I think cap movies have a leg up though because the characters typically don't have any crazy powers.

Man of Steel literally has a higher Tomatometer score than BvS and SS combined.

We live in a world where MoS is the critical darling of a franchise.

To be fair, I did think MoS was much better than both BvS and SS. It was a more coherent movie overall.

Came out of MoS thinking it was an ok capemovie, but I regretted spending money on BvS and SS.

the expected, and wrong, meme opinion

capeshit with people in bussiness suits is still capeshit

this is possibly the most autistic thread i've seen on here ever.

How old are all of you?

That's perfectly fine, considering that MoS was a much better movie than both BvS and SS.


Surely there are memes to be made out of that image...

if you are below 25 on Sup Forums, you have no worthy opinion on any subject and you are wasting your youth

if you are older than 25, you are a pathetic manchild that needs to grow up and leave mommy's house

my most favoured comic based film in the '89 punisher film you fucking retard.
so you're what 13?

Look Dr strange was OK as best, but it's still more enjoyable than DC shit. It's not that DC suck s though, it just corporate suits can make good movies.