I wish I had an Italian girlfriend

I wish I had an Italian girlfriend


Just go to London and grab one you lazy cunt

I wish I had any girlfriend

>Sorry user, I don't date weak britlets. Now let me lift, I have to train

had girly from Naples. was pure hell, tbqh m8

>even the local mafiosa girls are muscle
Wat do gf-seekers, she'll snap your dick like a celery stalk

>tfw my bf is a cute british twink

>what, me going out with... you? Sorry user, but I don't want my children to be tainted by Perfidious Albion. Now I have to go to the meeting at the Casa del Fascio, we have a lecture about Julius Evola

Exactly was I was thinking ;-;



>look at this pathetic brit, what should we do with him?

>italian girls


hello where are the italian girls

In Italy with their superior Nubian boyfriends, white cucklets need not apply

dont you read our shitposting about naples? you are the only one at guilt

Forgot pick.
Fuck off white boys, Italian girls are for the BBC only!

fucking nigger stop stealing wifi to spam nigga propaganda

I wish I were pewdiepie.

Sorry Matteo, but our future is mixed, and it looks beautiful!
Good thing tomorrow our parliament is finally going to bring our country in 2017 and enact ius soli, at least it will stop any dream of you racists ever winning the elections