Pretty sure gf is permanently leaving me for another guy even though she still loves me. Don't know what to do anymore...

Pretty sure gf is permanently leaving me for another guy even though she still loves me. Don't know what to do anymore, give me something to laugh about?

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“Even though she still loves me”

>lol nah man


If she "still loves you" and is leaving you to be with someone else she's probably emotionally immature and this will save you in the long run.

I learned the hard way. Focus on bettering yourself. Once you get over it you'll probably regret wasting time feeling bad about it.

Emotionally immature, sure she is a bit younger than me, but it's more because I'm shit when it comes to talking and comforting, also I live further away

If you wanted to stay with her then you can tell her something like, "look.. I really don't know how to express myself eloquently or romantically with these things but I do care about you and want you to know that I want to do every thing I can to make you feel loved. Blah blah blah."

If she still wants to leave you then let her go. The pain of loss is something you can use later in life to be a stronger person.

I've been single for 7 years and the last girl I was with left me because I have depression. She said she still wanted to be with me but needed to date around for the time being. Just stupid female shit and I don't know why I wasted my time even considering about getting back with her. I felt a lot better once I finally told her I didn't want to see her again. I can't even feel loneliness anymore and I'd imagine that if any bitch even tried playing tricks like that again it would be easy to tell her to fuck off. There's a lot of women you could possibly love as much as her who are more structured and healthy for you.

Drink with some bros to help you feel better. I know it wont come easy.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, op. She is doing you a favor.

Flip off a black kid.

I guarantee you'll feel better.


just love her and you shut the fuck up

women are over rated , have some kitties to cheer you up , I remember back when I was younger I used to get so depressed and unhappy after break ups, now I look back and laugh, how stupid I was,who gives a shit? the world is full of people , men and women, there is always another one if you really want to look


Thanks, I appreciate that, I really do want to be with her, she really is everything I could want in a girl, and she's given me everything I could ever want and more (you don't want to know how much she's spent in games alone for me). I'm by no means giving up, it's just a lot of discouraging shit going on.


>Pretty sure gf is permanently leaving me for another guy even though she still loves me.

She doesnt love you anymore, shes just playing a guilt/victim card so that she can keep her graces in whatever social circles shes part of, it will likely sound like this; "Oh you know, I love him, but I'm just not in love with him," or "I love him, but he just not taking care of himself and is still kinda kid." Women will bend the truth or otherwise attempt to minimize the impact of their shitty decisions.

Just come to terms with the fact she's out getting pounded by a big dick every night

>she still loves me
fuck man why not just rip the bandaid right off

Funnily enough, one of the reasons she still likes me is because I'm way better looking which even with my shitty self esteem I can tell.

Honestly how I feel sometimes, but whenever I want to talk about it, all I get is a lot of "I don't know."

>she still loves me
literally narcissism. make of list of all the shit she hates and look for commonality. if its your personality or your favorite things to do and she knows that you will never not do them, then she is gone.

Not OP but your advice was really helpfull to me as well. Last night my gf broke up with me because of my depression and because some faggot made her feel happy. It's really immature and I feel horrible.


Girls do not ever leave someone if they love them.

People who are meant to be in your life will choose to be there if you give then the time, space and freedom to choose you willingly.

So don't think "i need to do something" just let her go if she chooses to. Don't force things, don't go beta and be friends with her after she leaves.

what's with America and getting cucked by black dudes? Is it some new fetish or the in thing to do or some shit?

How so?

What's your story? Why do you think she is leaving? Why do you think it is for another guy? has she been unfaithful yet? Has she in the past?


Bros, would you like to hear my story?


>Even though she still loves me
Translates to "I'd like you to be my backup."

Cut contact.