What advice does Sup Forums have for getting over love?

What advice does Sup Forums have for getting over love?

I met this girl this summer, we clicked and started chatting a while before we met up after several long conversations. We kissed and sadly just slept in the same bed. The morning after something was off and she said she just wanted to be friends.

We went back and forth between being friends and me professing my love for her. Unrelatedly I wound up in the hospital after too much drugs and got diagnosed with schizophrenia. In the hospital we had a goodbye talk and we haven't spoken since.

I know she won't make contact but every time somebody rings the buzzer to get into the building I "pray" for it to be her walking up the stairs.

What should I do?

Whats his name again?

Bang. Bang away.

>I loved a girl once and have gone 15 years without set/love since then

You've been going out for less than a fucking year. Get over yourself and find another slut.

Stay on your meds and you'll be a normal person.

>The morning after something was off and she said she just wanted to be friends
you sure you didnt fart like a fucking horse?


bendlecrunch samplesnatch

think it's my smoking, waking up to someone asking them to hold you and then reeking of smoke might not be so appealing

also my desperation for love might have scared her off

Given your current position I'd say just keep thinking about her until you fall asleep. Then you can dream about her, then wake up and think about her some more. Rinse and repeat.

With a situation like that...it's best to leave it be. It sucks to say this but you have to go into cliche mode. Do stuff to take your mind off her, focus on repairing and rebuilding yourself, and try to have yourself in a better state all around, for the next time if you should try to do anything past speak to a woman. They are toxic nowadays. Its sad. but its true.

Not saying this could ever happen but.
I would kick even the hottest of supermodels outta my bed if she was reeking of smoke.I won't have my bed smelling like an ashtray.

Nah, I think he should really just focus on her and only her until he goes mad and finds her and cums inside.

me too
also I would kick her out of my bed if her asshole smelled of shit

Are you sure you really feel this way man?

yes of course.

Whatever you say you rotten little prick.

It could be worse. I got broken up with last week and found out today she's hooking up with some dude that supposedly has a huge dick

you should have fucked her then. Learn and make sure to apply next time

It ain't his cock, that's all I'll tell you.

yeah she did look kinda stumped when I stopped kissing her and just lied back down in bed. But kinda feel like fuck her if she can't look past something like that. Even though it's more than that, that led to all this

Oh, she sounds like a foul person. Just remember that all women are inherently bad for your spirit.

Jesus man, you fucked up with her.

1st mistake: You didn't fuck her the night you slept in the same bed. Her agreeing to sleep there was woman signal for 'I like you, make a move and fuck me, I won't make the first move because you might reject me or think I'm a slut' When you didn't fuck her, she took it as a sign you weren't interested/a rejection and that's why she was cold with you afterwards. From then on she'll have been looking for reasons not to like you to spare her ego from the 'rejection'.

2nd Mistake: Never ever ever fucking ever show more interest in a girl than she shows in you. Women are attracted to guys that act as though they are 'higher status' than them. Never tell a girl 'I love you' first, never express how deeply you feel for her and how she is 'the one'. She isn't the only woman in the world, there are many others that will fuck you once you understand how attraction and attachment work.

Mistake 3: You already have shit that marks you as unattractive, don't fucking overdose and show signs of being out of control. Huge red flags. You aren't really in love with her, she was just the first cunt to show you affection and you formed an idealized mental image of her, which ignores all the irritations and disgusting shit that make people normal. DON'T IDEALIZE ANYONE. Everyone is the same deep down, we're all insecure little kids to start with, people just learn to hide it and delude themselves as they get older.

If you want to attract women you can't show signs of neediness, desperation, clinginess, caring too much, creepiness. Never let them see you cry.

Be laid back, say that that amuse yourself, be 'comfortable' around girls, touch them 'casually' (ie. take your hand away before they get uncomfortable, and for gods sake don't look at your hand as you touch them), don't try and make them like you with false niceness, don't bribe them with gifts or presents or expensive shit, just be fun to hang out with.

I smoke weed but its probably not advisable for you

> don't bribe them with gifts, just be fun to hang out with!
Thanks mom, great advice.

no weed is what caused everything to stir out of control. Took my clothes off in the middle of city center in the winter and tried to break into my neighbors place, to start with. Everything spiraled out of control even more but mostly things that happened on the inside

This is actually pretty good advice, apart from the not crying infront of them. And I get it, I blew it.

After I had professed my love for her and said that it would be too hard to be around her she showed up (called first) and wanted to spend the night. There was something in her eye when she chugged her glass of wine. But I'm too fucking stupid to react with a kiss.

But it seems like she'll be out of my life forever now, maybe that's for the best. She did always make me feel jelous when there were others around, wanted her to spend all her time on me etc

High Quality Shitpost

say things to amuse yourself*

Also don't give the impression that you 'expect sex', obligation kills passion. Flirt, smile, eye contact, brief touches, casual conversation and funny stories, tease her a little bit. Ask her back to your place if she's laughing and smiling a lot. Always be escalating, always be teasing, stopping/pulling away for a second just as she's starting to enjoy it, make some silly reason why you could never work, or why you just can't have sex 'my neighbours will hear, we can't do this' she'll feel like she needs to work and reciprocate to win you over and seduce you.

Seriously, if you have to bribe a girl with expensive dinners/gifts then you're already showing her that she's higher status than you. 'Oh, he bought me a new phone wow. I bet he expects sex for this, does he really think that's how much I cost? Maybe if I deny him sex for longer he'll get me a laptop too...'

Spend as little money as possible on cunts. Don't seem stingy/cheap, but don't buy her presents unless she's REALLY done something to deserve it. And even then, just get her a single rose or bring her with you to something you will enjoy too.

Be selfish, be honest about being selfish, show (but don't say ffs) you don't really give a shit if she rejects you because there are loads of other cunts just waiting for their chance with you.


Maybe its the fact u slept together once, didnt fuck her, then woke up and you lol asked her lol to hold you,you fuckin giant pussybrony bitch. Your fuckking clearly obsessed with this girl so just get out of hospital, track her down and kill her, jerk off and tadaa you found your true calling in life you fuckin serial killin ass muthafucka.

Best advice right heer. Just keep lettin your mind become consumed with the image of her all day everyday until you finally snap and realize you a fuckin psychopath.

Women say they want you to 'open up' emotionally because it makes them feel better about their own insecurity and inability to control their emotions. Crying is healthy and should be done to purge negative emotions after a loss, BUT crying in front of other people causes them to view you with pity/disgust unless you have a vagina. Crying can be used as a social strategy to prevent further harm being done by manipulating the emotions of the people around, and since they aren't physically strong enough to stop them directly, women and children tend to fall back on this.

Only cry in front of a girl if you have been together for a long time and there are VALID reasons for it, like someone dying. Trust me, women encourage men 'brave' enough to cry, but they DO NOT find them attractive. A blubbering grown man is a disgusting sight and makes their cunts dry up instantly.

You need to be their 'rock' and anchor of emotional stability, not the other way around unless she has a VERY strong attachment to you already, and even then, it will diminish her attachment to you.

Listen fucktard. May very well have a magnificently humungo cock that splits her giblits in ways your bronysoyboy faggot teenage cock could never imagine but thats most likely just what she or her friend or your friends are tellin you just to make frantic and hopefully A fuck one of her friends or b just make you jealous or option c to make u hate her guts and deffinatively leave the field open for your supposed “boys and bros” cocks to take a run. Fucking Teenagers i swear. I guess u have a small girl peenis you mote aswell start putting on makeup and stretching out yer own ass faggot