What is going to happen to Austria after this election

What is going to happen to Austria after this election.

how can the country function so divided

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Dubs gonna happen

they are still collecting fraud evidence from what I read in the news. before that, no answers.

Is it looking good for Hofer?

Reminder that current government is not legitimate and is a US puppet government.

The Habsburgs will return to claim the throne and the counter revolution will begin.

Isn't the current Habsburg hair literally a Wall Street banker

Well considering the amount of left wing voter fraud being investigated i would guess a civil war when VdB refuses to step down.

fayman was not legitimate also

What election? Hofer already lost.
He conceded to the Green guy

hofer won. it was a fraud.

I saw an FPO press conference a few weeks ago, and Hofer himself said he telephoned Van Bellen, and congratulated him on his win

It's over

Austrians don't care. We are now all about making the refugee crisis stop. There are 29,000 new proceedings opened of illegals this year already.

One thing we can start is to actually use Dublin III seriously. We have over 15,000 people which we could deport to Italy, Hungary andGreece right now under Dublin III.

austria and germany dont need to take refugees at all
they belong into the country where they first touched european clay.

he doesn't want to re-elect but Strache wants to and Strache is not only party leader but also technically Hofer's boss.

>they belong into the country where they first touched european clay.

Yes, but our governments do not use Dublin III to bring those fuckers back to Greece or Hungary or Italy.

Plus, of the rest, there are a shitload of people who we could deport to countries where there is no war at all.

>Based Strache.

But seriously, nothing will happen.

>Brexit will fail.
>Hillary will win.
>Migrant crisis will continue.
>Whites will become a persecuted minority everywhere and thousands of years of Philosophy, science and culture are going to be destroyed over the course of a few years.

Well, it was good while it lasted m8s. Gonna go drink a bottle and then maybe kill myself.

just kill all Hofer voters

>. Wichtigste Regel für die Zuständigkeit: Der Staat, in den der Asylbewerber nachweislich zuerst eingereist ist, MUSS das Asylverfahren durchführen.
ergo sind alle asylverfahren die in Österreich und Deutschland erschlichen werden illegal.

>ergo sind alle asylverfahren die in Österreich und Deutschland erschlichen werden illegal.
No, it does not work like this. If our governments ignore Dublin III, they can also voluntarily start asylum proceedings in our countries and not send migrants back. This is what happens.

Not sure why they do not send them back.

Based kaiser karl

>that image
I don't get it.
If they accept it it's legal. They need to actively deny it based on the Dublin regulations.
We'll see if Kern is more open to people's wishes than Fayman.

They do not exactly ignore dublin 3. Dublin 3 explicitly states this option to voluntarily do the asylum procedure in your country.

>We'll see if Kern is more open to people's wishes than Fayman.
You haven't followed the Austrian refugees numbers manipulation scandal.

>You haven't followed the Austrian refugees numbers manipulation scandal.
I saw something like that but I'm not sure if it really was him.

>They do not exactly ignore dublin 3.
Last year, Austria deported 1300 people under Dublin 3, but got 100,000 illegals in.

>I saw something like that but I'm not sure if it really was him.
Zwei Wochen nach seinem Antritt als Bundeskanzler, bei dem er eine neue Art des Regierens versprochen hatte, hat Christian Kern den ersten Koalitionskrach am Hals.

Den Auslöser lieferte der Regierungschef selbst, als er am Dienstag nach dem Ministerrat von heuer bisher 11.000 Asylanträgen sprach, die auf die von der Koalition im Jänner festgelegten Obergrenze von 37.500 Anträgen in diesem Jahr anzurechnen seien. Insgesamt wurden nämlich seit Jahresbeginn bereits mehr als 20.000 Asylanträge gestellt – wie viele genau, ist aber noch nicht bekannt. Die deutlich geringere Zahl ergibt sich jedenfalls, wenn man Anträge auf Familiennachzug und sogenannte Dublin-Fälle herausrechnet.

>Not sure why they do not send them back.
Die Rapefugees brauchen alle Wohnungen. das treibt die Immobilien + Mietpreise hoch wegen der verstärkten nachfrage.

Große Gewinner sind also die Banken und Anleger die sich zuvor mit billigen Immobilien eingedeckt haben... (immobilienkrise)

Außerdem ist es ein sicheres Geschäft, denn die wucher mieten werden sowiso vom Staat bezahlt

They do not use a option they have under dublin 3 but this is not the same as a breach of law. There acts are lawful; maybe not smart but lawful



lmaoooo salty germacucks complaining about mmuh Dublin agreement. Get fucked by a pole covered in sand. You sanctioned my country to shit when we were stopping the boats, now deal with the consequences you humanitarian left wing cocksuckers

I still wish that first post got dubs, woulda been better that way.

da haste alle

>You sanctioned my country to shit
Italy has never been subject to any sanctions whatsoever.

there is likely nothing happening further down the road, true.

Strache is damn based indeed because he was the one who convinced Hofer to run for president in the first place. And look how far they got. He might have lost but he still had better chances than most leftist cuckolds.

The EU/Germany is the one really in control anyway.