(((MSM))) is supressing and discrediting reports of racist attacks against whites at Black Panther screenings all over...

(((MSM))) is supressing and discrediting reports of racist attacks against whites at Black Panther screenings all over the US and even in somw parts of Europe. Sup Forums needs to make sure people know the truth.

Wake up sheeple! Wake up sheeple! Wake up sheeple! Wake up sheeple!

the tinfoil maga hat board is that way

Okay fuck off. You were exposed. Taking photos of domestic abuse and posting on Twitter that a woman got beat at a BP showing is bullshit. Fuck Sup Forums and the Paul Nehlen dummy accounts.

Hold that thought.




Now what, faggot. I reported it to authorities and the news when this psy-op started. And guess what, faggot, they saw the thread. Tired of this shit.

Oy vey, be a GOOD goyim.


Kek. Exposed

Truth hurts, soyboy.

Yes it does soyboy

You can't win.

I have proof you are lying

Colonists btfo

Brainwashed scum. Keep sucking Jew cock and wiping out your own race.



o rly?

You were saying?

>went and saw Black Panther on opening day
>no such shit happened
I swear the jews run Sup Forums in a jewish attempt to cause shit between everyone.

what was that, Adolf Goldstein?

Stormfront tried to make a race riot happen with news of fake attacks in the theater. Except this time, I started filming and taking notes.


Last one, bitch

I showed you my evidence. Now show me yours.

kekkles. OP, you a funny fag.