Just think of how great Africa would be if it weren't for the interference of colonialism...

Just think of how great Africa would be if it weren't for the interference of colonialism. When will the whites realize that they are just plain evil and have reeked nothing but havoc upon peace loving nations? Then steal their most vital resources and technology?

This movie was a real eye opener!

Other urls found in this thread:


>This movie was a real eye opener!
Yeah, apparently all you need to be able to create uniquely advanced technology at a rapid pace is...

some really strong metal.



if africa could have been that great, white colonialism wouldn't have affected them.

Ethiopia was never colonised


It's fictional bs.
You can't blame everything wrong in Africa on whitey just because the only significant thing in their history besides building straw huts, was the slave trade hundreds of years ago.
It's not like they had anything better to do besides sit around and attract flies while starving to death.
Also, if vibranium were real and it fell from space into Africa, nobody would know what to do with it, they would stare at it and then go back to bathing in goat piss.

Reverse everything that whites did and replace their role with blacks, and make the whites in the position of slaves in history.

Neither would the world look any better (and very likely would it look worse), but white slaves would have rebelled far earlier on and earned their freedom by intelligence and force.

You all know this is true. This is why history end up like it did. Yes, groups of white people have oppressed others, but not all of them have, and everyone can learn from mistakes in history.


Learn the history of black slave trade and know that niggers sold off niggers to the highest bidders.

Niggers didn't even want niggers to be free.

Taught us how to bathe?

No, I prefer not to soak myself in animal urine.


99% chance that this thread is bait

who else agrees?

This is every racists' favorite go to argument.

"Black people sold black people, yall!"

Just about 15 more years and people like you will be replaced and nothing more than a distant memory.

Africans never contributed anything to history, prior to being removed from their vermin infested sweat huts.

Being THIS butthurt because truth hurts.


It is, but it's just so damn tasty.

So, you are in favor of revisionism? That's fucked up, dude.

I'm not really that racist, I'm just pointing out one of the major contributions as to why blacks became slaves

for all we know the nigs INVENTED IT, and the idea of it wasn't in the head of the white man originally


Why would I be butthurt? Its your grandchildren who will be brown eventually. How butthurt will you be when karma strikes?

Only because Italy was the only country to try and take over, and the Italians haven't done something successful since the Roman Empire

In truth, Europe did to Africa the same thing that was done to the middle-east. Destabilized it. there were "kingdoms" and empires in Africa before and after the Europeans went crazy for some fucking spice and decided to cross the fucking world for that.

Without ANY European interference, central Africa would still be a fucking backwards place, because it's a fucking jungle, but there might be some more stable nations on the coast. Its stupid to blame the entire situation of Africa on the white man, they started the fire, but it was their own people who allowed it to burn the house down.

Karma for what?
I didn't contribute to slavery?
So, because I'm white, I'm to blame by default for something someone did hundreds of years ago?
So by that logic, all blacks are to blame and should be jailed every time one of them commits a crime.
Your logic is flawed there cuck lord.



Mine will be yellow. Asian power.


Pride in what, fictional comic book heroes?

Do they think that when I watch Captain America, I'm like, yeah I feel proud?

The fuck is wrong with them?
So pathetic that they need to cling to a cape shit movie for moral support?

Nothing but mental illness in this thread.

>marveling with pride
But why...?

Imagine putting "story based on facts" at the beggining/end of the movie. Oh boy would we be swarmed by tweats like

Im sure you actually would like for all blacks to be jailed for the crimes of few. Im sure you probably feel revulsion at yourself that you have to pretend you are not a racist to try and win an argument.

Brown will come around for your progeny

I know, tell that to the negroid lover.

And I'll give a little nibble. Black Panther and Wakanda are fictional characters and places invented for a comic book by a WHITE MAN, YOU COLOSSAL FUCKING MORONS!

Niggers are so bereft of culture and achievements and stupid, they cling to a fucking fantasy. Holy shit.


the same pride you feel when you see heroes from whatever country you live in on a Movie.

although, mostly, this is journalists being dumbasses, they like seeing a hero that has the same color as they have. seeing a move where the characters look like them, but that's it. talking about how "they are filled with pride" is bulshit from a white journalist that does not understand representation.

Im sure you actually would like for all whites to be punished for the crimes of few drunk slave traders.
You need to stop being hypocritical.

Every time I see one of you faggots post, I just glance over it as if this is one if the new norms of Sup Forums.
That's all your shitty little meme will ever receive, is a glance, and this pointless reply.

that ape is really cute

>setting and characters that are 100% made-up and downright unrealistic as fuck
>inspire pride

Sounds like the downfall of civilization.
Will be a giant welfare state, economy will hit rock bottom, and everywhere will look like detroit.
Yeah what a lovely future.

he fun part are those jokes in my head about blacks that watch this and feel proud of what they achieved... because og magical metal... but they don't see that all normal blacks around still are living in mud huts when whites are highly advanced.

Becoming brown isnt a punishment, unless you are a white trash sister fucker. Just accept whats coming and watch your life improve

Nice bait thread

And most people who talk about things like "representation" don't understand it.

Blacks account for a mere 13% or 14% of the US population. So, realistically, they are overrepresented, not underrepresented.


How would my life improve?
Are you saying being brown is superior?
Hitler thought Germans were superior, and look how that worked out.
You are an advocate of brown nazis?
Once again, you're a hypocrite.

So she doesn't know where she was actually born?
Though I guess it's better than a shirt that says, "I dodged abortion, was found in a trash can by a homeless person".

>Show Me Again, Grandfather, And I Will Finish What You Started.

Why can't we be equal?
Why do you assume brown is better?
I know people like to side with the underdog, but come on.

How do you get superior from the word improve? Then some how that turns into Nazis? You do know Godwin's law right? Look it up and see why you are now the dumbest fuck on this thread. Then go finish your homework before supper

reverse everything about this movie, black not allowed blacks are evil blacks ruin everything.... Is it racist?

That's kinda the point of storytelling

Name a prosperous ISOLATED country...... I'll wait.

You are saying being brown is better, yes?
Being "better" would mean superior.
You make it sound like skin color is some sort of blessing.

What I found particularly interesting about this movie is that the big bad villain is basically the american black racist.

The black man who feels oppressed and that whitey has been the sole cause for all his problems. Born and raised in a black ghetto, talks like a gangsta, a self-proclaimed bad-ass who murders in cold blood for a living. Has become so bitter he only wants to use Wakanda's vast resources and tech to act on his "us vs. them"-attitude against whites.
Even has a rap beat playing as his theme music in his scenes.

It's probably something that fly over most viewers' heads, but it's a neat element of the movie.

Skin color has no bearing on intellectual ability, only culture does, and since Black CULTURE is shit, they are more likely to suck.

You're still a hypocrite.
You don't speak of equality, you speak of whites being replaced by half breed goblins.
The nazis wanted to eradicate jews, just like you would love to take part in white genocide.
You're just as bad, logically, as a white supremacist, except you prefer darker skin.

This thread is fucking lame. If dubs, we convert it into a random image and greentext thread.

Apparently it is user

The point of storytelling isn't to give people a sense of pride, no.


Ahhh, but there is the catch. i could say that since Chinese and Indians are the majority of the world's population, then white people are also overrepresented in the media. it's not about the size of the population,

Most movies are still made by white people, with a cast of white people to be watched by white people, and there is not a thing wrong with that. think like this, Black Panther is one guy amidst some 50+ characters in the Marvel cinematographic universe, the reason he gets his own movie in his country, is because they need the place for the plot of Avengers 3.

but while that, they pander a bit with the Black people around the world, who would pay to watch a movie where the black guy is saving the world, instead of being the sidekick (like Falcon is to Cap. America)

This is Representation. is being able to watch a movie and identify with the character because he looks like you, or comes from the same country as you. I'm Brazilian, and i have brown skin, i can watch a movie and identify with a white character from the US, but if i see a Brazilian character (that is not a drug dealer for fucks sake), it kinda speaks to me, that this random nonexistent person comes from the same arbitrary world location as me.

Growing up, color of skin doesn't really matters, if the character is cool, then that's it. but as you grow older, you will inevitably wonder why everyone in the TV is different from you, and what that will mean for your life in the future.

anyway, sorry for the rant/blabbering, here are some Brazilian tits

Why are you falling for this?

Do you know any words other than hypocrite?

>it doesn't count when one of ours does it

>muh melanin

Do blacks realize that they have become the very thing they claim to hate?
Racist to the core.
They need to go back to dindu tribe in their glorious homeland.


Yes, but that's the best word to describe backwards thinking.
Nitpick all you like, you might as well be a black supremacist.

niggers excited to see a movie about niggers being segregated from the rest of the world.....

>Racist to the core
Of course they don't realize that.

After all, you can't be racist to white people.

Exactly, I thought they were against segregation?
Rosa Parks was a mistake.


Trump wants to put up a wall to keep out illegal immigrants, and people protest and call it racist.

Fictional Wakanda is a super advanced country with a wall surrounding the entire place, keeping everyone out.
It's thought of as brilliant by critics.



Super memory?

I can say one thing for sure, the cgi was pretty bad.

my ass has darker skin than that profile pic , wth

Or else what?
They play the race card and chimp out?

I think I have jungle fever.

>15 more years and people like you will be replaced
wut happens in 15 years?

North Korea....um, nevermind.

The only realistic part of the movie for me, was when the earth was being attacked by fucken aliens in avengers, these fucken dindus sat in their cave and watched shit on cnn and did nothing to contribute to humanities survival. That was what I took away from the movie.

Never forget that the first people to own black slaves from Africa were other black men from Africa. Tribal feuding and the taking of slaves by rival factions provided an endless bounty of slaves for the white men to purchase.

Black men raided villages, burned down homes, killed the men, raped the women, and took the children as slaves and then turned around and sold their prisoners to the white men who took them away on boats.

Think about that for a minute.

Africa is Lebensraum.

>peace loving nations
sure bud

That's the real shame in their history that they are ignorant to.
If they acknowledged it, the welfare checks might stop.

most human societies practiced slavery at some point, try harder champ

But it was okay because muh skin color.
If it were whites instead, it would be called the most racist film of the century.

Might stop? Very wishful thinking friend

A vibranium meteor hits somewhere in Africa and suddenly an advanced civilization springs up overnight?

>When will the whites realize that they are just plain evil and have reeked nothing but havoc upon peace loving nations?
>have reeked nothing but havoc upon

Around the same time that you become fluent in English.

English is the white devil language.
A superior race speaks with grunts, screams and clicking insect sounds.

Call it suspension of disbelief.

>A superior race speaks with grunts, screams and clicking insect sounds.
Sounds like a Wetherspoons pub on a Friday night in Britain.

I agree with you but you’re expecting too high a level of self-awareness from those who see this film as the start of some kind of revolution.