Real talk:

Real talk:
Who would win, a tiger or a bear?

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Pedobear would rape the tiger

>Who would win, a tiger or a bear?

From a teeth/claws standpoint, a similar sized bear and tiger would be evenly matched. However, a tiger is far more agile and way faster than a bear.

A tiger wins every time

Sure, if running away is winning

I don't know if every time
>a similar sized bear
I'm pretty sure many bears grow bigger than most tiger, further clarification of the parameters are needed.
Also, a bear's thick fur a fat coating would be pretty good defense i wager

Grizzly or Polar bear? Bear wins easily

Black or panda bear? Rip bear

>Sure, if running away is winning

Dumb cunt. How many times have you heard of a tiger running from anything? A tiger is an apex predator.

You run from anything except dick.

Does a 600lb grizzly bear look like a prey animal to you?

According to that old and shitty TV show,Animal Face Off,the bear wins
i disagree

They used to stage fights in circuses in Britain in the early 1900's between various animals. (It was horribly cruel, of course)

Your average bear would and did steamroll your average tiger or lion. Tigers have got claws, but so do bears.

Agility doesn't mean anything when you get your skull crushed.

That show was TITS


I'm just sayin

Chill nigger, the only question is what kind of bear it is. Anything grizzly or bigger and the bear wins, no contest, anything black bear or lower and the tiger probably wins. Type of tiger makes a tiny difference, but there's a lot less variation in size between different kinds of tigers than different kinds of bears.

Which brings up, where is the fight?

Circus fights are in a confined area, where agility can't help. But in a wider area it's a bigger deal.

it was dumb as fuck
i liked it back then,as a brainlet teenager
the winner in the lame virtual battles were always arbitrary

It's not a cage match, and really it doesn't make as big a difference you might think.


Is that a joke OP, a bear would demolish just about every land animal.

If it's a grizzly, then I would bet on the near every time. 12 some feet tall, thick fur and skin, smaller teeth but just as crushing of a jaw, huge razor sharp claws, and they can run pretty ducking fast as well, not as long as the tiger of course but still

*Every bear but a fucking koala grows to over twice the size of a tiger.

>Does a 600lb grizzly bear look like a prey animal to you?

Thy have been to me. I lived in Fairbanks for a couple years and bagged 2 Griz

Tigers have weighed in at 670 lbs, and I wouldn't go looking for one in the wild. Bears are fucking dumb. I've never come across a stupid cat.

Tiger will aim for neck every time.
Bear will aim for pretty much anything. It can crush it's enemy and tear him apart with ease.

I think that the first one that lands a good hit is who wins.

You're probably still a brainlet teenager if you think a tiger would beat a bear

Does if the tiger can get behind the bear. Cats try and jump on the back of prey and crush their throats. More room makes that easier.

Absolutely zero contest
Even smaller bears would have a chance if agitated enough

Faggot with a rifle beats animal with no rifle, Who would have fucking thought?

Isn't shooting a Grizzly in AK exceptionally ridiculously illegal?

Like, even if it's self defense you have to prove it?

A koala isn't a bear.

How could you just come on to the internet and make up such a blatant lie?

How do you crush a throat the size of a bear's though?

Need I remind you bears are fucking massive.

So you're going to just casually lie about hunting bears, then compare a light grizzly to an abnormally heavy tiger? Get the fuck outtahe


did i ever imply that? i didn't

the show itself was pretty silly
learn to read properly

>Isn't shooting a Grizzly in AK exceptionally ridiculously illegal?

Nope. You need to buy a tag, or prove that you're hunting a stock killer. If a bear kills a dog, that's close enough.


What weapons would they carry? I'm fairly certain bears have better weapon proficiency

Tigers don't rely on power as a bear does it relies on biting the windpipe and choking a creature to death. If a Tiger was able to grab the lower jowl and smash a bears windpipe it doesn't matter how big the bear is, it's over. Cats are ridiculously efficient killers.

>How could you just come on to the internet and make up such a blatant lie?

The same way you suck dick in real life. You just do it.

Next you'll tell me the Bernstein bears aren't real. It's in the name you retard.

Small Shields and daggers only.

And a bear's HP and AC is through the fucking roof.

Cat jaws are made for fucking up throats, but if the neck is too big for the jaws the tiger won't be able to make use of that very well and the bear will fucking crush it with one mean ass swipe.

Bear still wins, cat won't get that kind of position on the bear without getting hit, bear punch = fucked up cat.

I suppose anyone crazy enough to play the bear or tiger lotteries.


can you prove they get that big

a bear can lift a car

the attacker wins. amur tigers are the apex predator in the taiga. they often share territory with grizzly bears("eurasian brown bears"). there is conflict. usually the attacker wins. face to face fight, the bear probably wins based on size. but if the tiger pounces and hits, the tiger wins quickly and easily. it is known.

Don: Hey, Napoleon. What did you do last summer again? Napoleon Dynamite: I told you! I spent it with my uncle in Alaska hunting wolverines! Don: Did you shoot any? Napoleon Dynamite: Yes, like 50 of 'em! They kept trying to attack my cousins, what the heck would you do in a situation like that?

Bears are crazy juggernaughts of spite and fury. Even if the pipe is crushed the bear would fuck up the now-stationary tiger, then die on top of it's corpse.

You're an idiot. The bear wins by bone density alone. Look up the California Pit Fights.



>Look up the California Pit Fights.

Lick up your mom's cock pit, nigger fagggt retard.

Always reminding people that the funniest shit on b isn't in ylyl threads

it's berenstain you fucktard.

Who would win, Brock lesnar or The Karate Kid?

Notice how they never fight in the wild though.

Wanna know why?

Bears aren't the attackers, and tigers know they would get fucked up.

You ever have a pet cat that couldn't flip under your wrist and bite the shit out of you when it's pissed? Me either. Now multiply that by life and death situation. Bears are massive and can't sustain a breath moving all that mass around. I don't think a pissed off tiger would have trouble reaching the neck or rolling off a bear swipe to absorb the kinetic energy. Cats are top of the chain hunters.

A bear is a brick shithouse juggernaut built of meat and rage
A tiger is a porta-potty built of plastic and fur

Bears evolved that thick fur, fat and skin for both environment and combat. If you watch two grizzly bears fight each other over mating rights you'll see that a tiger is no match for a bear. The wounds a tiger can inflict on a man are deadly, but on a bear, they are just scratches. Also, a bear will piss and shit continuously while fighting for some reason. I think this would cause the tiger to wtf too hard to defend itself as well as it normally would.

So you admit defeat. Good.

Well, I'm gonna kms now

>can't sustain a breath moving all that mass around
No no, where talking about BEARS, not BEARS...
BEARS, the kind found in the wild, not the kind you're used to meeting at the local club.

Str beats agi every time

>I admit that I suck dick and cry a lot.. Good.

Make shit up, cunt. I DGAF


Tigerfag here, bear wins easily. Tigers and other cats are ambush predators for a reason, straight up fights are not their strong suit. Bears may be scavengers and foragers by nature but they are basically designed to just fuck shit up in close quarters. Most species of bears are much larger than most species of tigers as well.

Eat shit nigger

Could you crush your fucking cat's head if you wanted? Well, maybe not 'you', but could a man?
Bear meet Tiger

Bears can't hold enough oxygen in their body to sustain consciousness when they can't breath. It's the same of every large warm blooded animal. This is why cats evolved to kill without laceration in the first place. They don't cut a kill to pieces till it's dead.

Also, the bear's armor rating is much higher.


Watch 2 grizzlies fight each other. They can go long enough to fuck up anything in or under their weight class.

Koala's don't need to be big to kill a Tiger mate.

They are called dropbears for a reason. They are the epitome of ambush predators After seeing this, I am far more scared of a bear than a tiger. A tiger would kill me quickly with a neck bite, but this seems terrifying.

Grizzlies have been known to break a bison's neck with a single swipe. The cat would be crushed in a matter of seconds. Their bones aren't near as dense as a bison's.

>when they can't breath
You think anything on the planet could subdue by the neck a 600lb bear? You're fucking delusional.

You guys realize Tigers have been hunting animals 5x their size for thousands of years right? They kill all kinds of huge shit with horns and teeth and tusks and spikes. You guys may be fascinated by watching some old nature shows from the 70's and 80's before the libtard faggots decided to pretend all animals are cute and furry.

>600lb bear
And that's just a normal American Grizzly.
Kodiak Grizzlies average 900-1000 lbs

You realize this is Sup Forums, and everyone is comparing things to how cool they think their pet cat is?

I think it would be a good fight. I disagree a Bear would auto win. It'd be dangerous but Tigers are fucking incredible I shit you not.

Pure rhetoric.
Let's look at the actual data. Big cats have been pit up against bears and consecutively LOST. Look up the California Pit Fights.

Vladimir Putin would.

There was a show like this on Animal planet a long time ago. It was a Sabertooth Vs. some older type of bear, around the same time period as when Sabertooths existed I guess.
The sabertooth won if I remember correctly. It was just a lot faster pretty much. Or maaaybe they both died/were evenly matched

Of course, but including the exception would diminish my broad statement.

Tigers regularly take down animals much larger than themselves, and do it effectively

grizzlies don't pounce on shit and eat fish 99% of the time, aside from dead animals and berries, etc

So from a series of animal fights in Russian and California during the mid to late 19th century the answer is the bear always wins. Even small bears are bigger and they are a lot stronger.

That doesn't mean shit. See

My cat weighs 10 pounds I weigh 225 pounds. Guess who walks away bleeding when I try to cut that whores nails or give that bitch a bath? Of course I could break her neck like a twig but give her another 20-30 pounds and holy shit. Give her a hundred and jesus christ. Pound for pound cats are extremely dangerous.

it means everything. The tiger knows the kill spots and once it's on top of the bear it's pretty much over because it's gonna bite down and not let go

continue being a dumbass though

my bear weighs 600 lbs and I pay homeless people to cut his nails. I'm running out of homeless people

Do you finger her when she's in heat?

Yeah, but we are talking about a bear vs tiger fight. Not a cat vs. pussy fight.

Depends, if we're talking a straight-up fight like what circuses and probably the Romans did. (Im no expert in roman history, but I'm fairly confident that the ancient romans had access to both, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)

In that situation the bear wins

If it's in the wild, it could go either way, since there's nothing to force the tiger to fight head-on. They may be big, but they are great stealth hunters, in the wild, the tiger would be my bet via stealth kill

>Pic somewhat related

Is seriously trying to compare a house cat to wild animals such as Tigers and 1000lb kodiak bears
This is real autism

what kind of tiger?
what kind of bear?
for example, siberian tigers hunt black bears with some regularity and on occasion ussuri brown bears
but a larger bear like a kodiak or polar bear would present a much bigger challenge


A black/grizzly female bear would fuck the tiger up in less than a minute