>new bill allows teachers to carry guns in order to protect themselves and kids from would-be school shooters

>teacher loses his shit after being pranked again by the football jock and shoots entire class before killing himself

>new bill allows children to carry guns to protect themselves from other classmates and maniac teachers!
>YAY! Everyone will be safe:D
>RL Battle Royale, 70 kids death per day because bullying now includes shootings at the cafeteria

>new bill allows janitors to carry SWAT suits, snipers and heavy machine guns to break up school shootings happening outside shooting hours

>new bill gives a gun to every new born child to help them be protected since they are born


Other urls found in this thread:


>OP is still an faggot

>teacher loses his shit after being pranked again by the football jock and shoots entire class before killing himself
You are legitimately a colossal retard if you think that's a viable scenario

>>teacher loses his shit after being pranked again by the football jock and shoots entire class before killing himself
sounds like they had it coming.

Because America is known for following logic and reason? lol you have bimbos recording their own sisters dead body on Snapchat, a teacher shooting up some kids is a plausible scenario in murica, yes

>Thinking any kind of meaningful gun legislation can be passed for either side of the issue.
>eating through a tube because you're that fucking retarded.

Sure but any gun control law that has teeth to it will just usher in the era of the american IED.

Try living outside the internet

Fuck off Russian cuck.

This is now a Dragons Fucking Cars thread.

>outside shooting hours

>already stretched-thin, underpaid, under-appreciated and overworked
>now you might have to shoot a teenager

cool, good stuff, solid idea 10 outta 10

been to usa lots of times, the average murican is stupid

When I saw this I actually thought that this only means that the shooter will shot the teacher first?
Idk I'm not from McAmerica

Doubt you've engaged with many. Assumptions are bad user

Kinda better than being shot by one wouldn't you say?

Assuming the Teacher is a Male.


>assumptions are bad user
>instantly assumes my first hand experience is fake
lol, you are a prime example of what I am talking about, self-centered, idiotic, and too stupid to realise how dumb you are

I teach elementary. Trust me, you do NOT want teachers to be able to carry guns.

lolollololol irony at it's best

they think the teacher will be some old west cowboy and will draw his gun faster and blow the brains out of the autismo kid, thats the only way I assume they think would work, but in reality it would be like
>teacher may I go to the bathroom
>shoot him in the back
>pick up his gun
>2x the ammo and guns
>increase score

I've seen sereral teachers lose their shit and have mental breakdowns. I've even been assaulted by a teacher over a situation that didn't involve me.

I'd much rather see them arm hobos and post them outside of the schools.

Sounds more like he assumed you didn't get a reliable sample of 330 million people through the few you interacted with while you were smuggling cocaine in your asshole.

wow how did you get to know over 300 million people in a single lifetime? thats amazing

confirmed by current elected president

Get out of here with this shitty bait thread.

you are legitimately a colossal retard if you think a teacher shooting up a school is not viable in today's society.

>assume gender of the teacher
>teacher gets triggered and blows my brains out

Well they have the same access to guns that the kids have if not more so. And yet it's never happened. Considering that, it doesn't seem to likely.

do you know what average means? How do you think statics come up, do you think they ask individually to each of the millions of persons they are doing the reasearch on?

I been to texas, LA, personally and met even more online from other places

If 6 out of 10 americans are dumb, and the same happens in difference places, you could call that an average

remember kids, when shooting up your school, make sure you take the biggest threat down first.

dont take my word then, but people from all around the world (not related to USA) think a lot of americans are stupid, fat, and gun lovers that follow no reason, do you think the meme originated out of nowhere? No, you already have that fame

would you shoot the little kids?

Do you know what sample size means.
And how the results of any study that samples a few hundred people are largely ignored?

No you don't. Cause you're 12 and just talking out your ass.

>posts article
> GtFO with ur BaitTTT!!!11!!
so easy to spot the butthurts americans

maybe because they dont carry the gun to work on a daily basis? lol, teachers have lost their shit and punched kids or whatever, if they have had a gun, maybe, they would have shot some retard already in their angry attack

you are legitimately a colossal retard if you ignore all the other times some retard also thought "x scenario" was not viable, like
postal shootings
female mass shootings
bomb plots
moms shooting kids
.... it's funny that faggots like you show how retarded you are by denying one stupid suggestion (teacher getting pranked) but ignoring a million more likely scenarios (teacher just got cucked, teacher got divorce and owes all his $$$, teacher got AIDS from wife)
despite the fact all lead to the same result: teacher shoots students and kills self

better than being shot to death is an awfully bottom-of-the-barrel justification for something

it isn't and shouldn't be the responsibility of teaching staff to engage armed assaulters

is there any other place in the world that a non security type job requires a weapon to feel safe or protect others? kek
hpw about they assign a cop to every school to roam around the campus during school hours?

whatever bro, everyone outside of USA thinks you have a lot of retards (obviously not a 100%) but to be a "first world" country you have a high amount of idiots and everyone laughs at you

and yes I know what you will say
>we dont care, fuck off europoor
or some shit, but that doesnt change the fact, you are retarded

geez, wonder why people would think that

Just a thought but why can't child services be required to look into every student's home and personal life to detect any problems that could lead to a mass shooting?

Literally any place that has a population over 0 has the potential for deadly violence. Most schools already have cops on campus, they're just too busy arresting the real threat (smokers).

>you're 12 and just talking out of your ass

>everyone outside of USA thinks you have a lot of retards
not the one you replied to, and not a friend of amerifats, but your argument was just to SHITTY to let pass.
the opinions of scattered people are subjective assessments that have no scientific nor actionable value. That you rely on subjective assessments for your reality says more about your own lack of intellectual rigour than the criticisms you espouse.

1. if the average amerifat was a retard, we can standardize (by using G or IQ) that to 100. This would suggest 100 IQ = retarded.
2. we could then use similar abstract tests (Ravens, Spatials) to compare IQ with other nations.... this has been done.
sadly, amerifats are #9 on the scale, at a worldwide average of 98

but since this is not even one standard deviation, it is far from retarded.

additionally, the fact all other wealthy nations are within the margin of error suggests the world is just as 'retarded' as amerifats.

and just like the overuse of 'rape', when you call everyone 'retarded' then the word 'retarded' loses its meaning, as it has no clinical value.

that you ignore this, suggests it is YOU who are retarded

That would take massive funding that average U.S. citizen wouldn't want to pay for.

What the actual fuck?!!?

They have a cop in most schools here. At least we had one in my school. Dude had barely any training and was a walking vagina

>not the one you replied to

There was a Football Coach named Aaron Feis at the Florida shooting who ran toward the shooting to shield students with his own body and died after taking several bullets.

Don't tell me a man that courageous couldn't have made a difference if he were armed.

richest country in the world
didn't come from being stupid. .

As if iq means fucking anything.


its sad people don't even see it

its those who see these hypocritical tendencies who thrive.

>As if iq means fucking anything.
as if IQ means absolutely nothing
and as if your shitty dismissal somehow proves anything other than lazy hasty generalization fallacies up your ass

boy, your lack of intellectual nuance is quite telling ;)

How is someone opinion relevant to actual reality? Your perception of something is only created by the material youre given, and that material has a purpose.

Stop being shallow minded and thinking from one side. As dude said, you probably haven't even spoke to any americans.

fuck look at the size of him
he must've made a bloody great shield



The Sig P365 would be a perfect weapon for teachers willing to carry.
Very compact and low printing if carried on person and a 10+1 capacity.
The student would never know it was around unless it was actually needed.

TIL in MERICA a football coach should carry a gun to work to protect his students. not what you would think a football coach should worry about, but remember, MERICA

Even more reason to praise him, he had a family and knew he wasn't going to dodge any bullets that came down that hallway but ran toward danger anyways.

do you have any idea how much manpower that would take?

Is it wrong that I'd look forward to a future like that?

Its what ever human should worry about, self preservation motherfucker.
Even if you personally carry 60 years of your life and only use it once that once could mean the difference to dozens or hundreds depending on circumstance.

In Ohio we have hundreds of teachers from districts that allowed concealed carry at school signing up for training classes.

Guns are the tools not the cause you retard
You stop the cause otherwise you'll be banning every fucking thing in the world in a futile attempt to stopping mass killings.

there would be nothing left of the internet.

what if I told you that there are multiple places in the world where such a retarded thought wouldn't cross your mind. I know you will never see it, but if you feel like you gotta carry a gun to feel safe then you got a problem

I think what a lot of people forget is that there are stupid people everywhere, but because of the size, and more importantly the cultural importance of free speech in the USA, the idiots of america tend to be a louder minority than in most places.

Not at all and in Ohio its already happening
This Sheriff has offered free active shooter training and hundreds of teachers have signed up.

Do you understand that people with a propensity to kill other people don't typically pass background checks and lawfully carry guns around and are not of the mindset that their reaction to being angry is to kill someone? I carry 100% of the time, I get angry as fuck with people who cut me off in traffic as an example, and the thought never crosses my mind that I need to hunt them down and kill them. I carry because I fear the people who are NOT like me. Like liberals who have 'rage rooms' to smash plates and shit. Them... They shouldn't have guns and thank god they're usually anti gun.


Teachers should be allowed to carry a gun if they have a concealed carry permit but we can't ask teachers to be fucking police now. Hire army to watch over schools employ through veterans affairs program to get more working. I would pay taxes to that. Then give some incentives to the children in those classrooms to become school watchdogs as a career and suddenly we are all watching over ourselves again like we did in the 1940s kids on the street picking up scrap. Create jobs within the armed forces for our nation not ramming our missles up the ass of every other country because we are collapsing here on the homefront.

Shooter training class for teachers in Ohio.

>now an angry teen will punch you out, take your gun, and now your gun just killed 5 people

If parents can't raise their kids not to be psychopaths, in Ohio at least we can paint the walls with their brains in lots of our schools.

come to MERICA,live along armed people in constant fear

> 3182
> OP is still a massive faggot xe

Guns are sexy
OP is not

i think in this case it would be you who gets triggered

it's always a viable scenario, it's just incredibly unlikely.
just like taking away guns from everyone won't make everyone safe suddenly, because you can still obtain a gun illegally. it's just, well, less likely.

still, i think school staff should be allowed to carry a fucking airwolf in their pockets.

>American continues to have more intense brain problem people over the years
>They still think it's the guns

I've seen better your such a fucking nigger Cars fucking Dragons is the best


You're coming across as more of a retard than any burger Ive met.

How can you honestly not believe taking guns away will not make people safer if you acknowledge that it will make it more difficult to get guns. Look at any other country that doesn't have more guns than people. The stats are blatant.

I'm Australian living here in USA and am mostly fine with gun laws. Just the crazies here can do a lot of dmg compared to crazies in Australia. I can't imagine an Australia where aborigines can buy guns. They're worse than niggers.

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.

>windows all shatter
>dick is impaled by thousands of shards of glass

This shit isn't new. I remember in the 80s, there was a shooting in Chicago where a guy got squirted with a Super Soaker and reacted by drawing a handgun and murdering the person who squirted him. Chicago city council reacted by passing a bylaw banning Super Soakers.

Apparently you don't know how modern gun holsters work...
Or the concept of concealed carry.

"the average" tends to be pretty silly just about everywhere. majority of society in every country so far seems to comprise of imagination-impaired people. however, well-developed societies seem to have less trouble with that (look at Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Hongkong, Taiwan, Singapore, some others I guess). Perhaps… it's a matter of educating people.

Really expensive, and CPS tend to be bad guys. In the US, so eh.

>a teacher
>on Sup Forums
how's down town?

I cc all the time. Apparently you don't know 250lb beasts can be in high school. What are teachers going to do when a student attacks them with the intent of taking their gun? It's a bad idea unless the guns are locked in a drawer not on the teacher.

a bit hyperbolic, yeah
could see a teacher losing it and shooting a kid though

We don't have to be in fear we are armed.

Sheep never fear the wolf until it attacks.

let it gp bro, these fucks are brainwashed by their own government that need them to buy guns for their financial gains. is no use.

>new bill allows doctors to shoot newborns as they exit the womb

>after years of natural selection, evolution produces a race of bulletproof superhumans that dominate mankind

>everybody wants to be an MC

>everybody want to be a DJ

>everybody want to be a producer

>everybody want to tell ya the meaning of the music

I think someone that lives in fear and thinks they need a gun to be safe is in fact crazy.