Bored at work AMA

Bored at work AMA.


funny stories go

Are you guys always nice to the doggos n kittays...also post pics of doggos in the store getting there hair did

There Is Literally NOTHING I want to ask a person who works at Pet's mart

ever lose someones pet?

IDK I stock the store most of time I'm here at 3am before anyone is here.

One time a groomer nipped off the tip of a dogs tongue.

Our groomers are the worst. Well it's half our retarded groomers half peoples retarded untrained Pets that never leave the house.

Same pham.

Nope. Just turn off the sliding doors upfront and they can't run out.

do people try and shoplift animals?

"Is that a parakeet in your pocket, or is your dick performing acrobatic moves?"

Got any pics of the puppers n kitties from the store? Its really all that matters in this thread

Actually. Not our store no. But someone managed to steal like a 800 dollar snake from its cage in a pet smart not that long ago.

Our bird cages open from the back it's like a little room.

why do you touch little boys

Are there live turtles for sale?
Post pics of the turtles.

You are not the only one. I'm a firefighter, a volunteer one. and i'm replacing a god damn policeman, the fucker is a member of my hq. Decided to go and do something else. I'm watching some shit so it doesn't get stoled

Didn't had breakfast, there's no tv, neither wifi, nothing to read or eat. And i didn't bring any money to buy something

To make this shitty day worse, mi phone has 22% of battery

For how many hours or unknown

What happens to the unpurchased pets do they have a date to sell by

I touch little girls.
Yes we have turtles and tortoises but we do not have any dogs only cats.

I started working here to try to get out of construction. TBH about like one more stupid instructions from my new manager (less than a month) away from going "fuck you!" I haven't called out or been late my whole time working here until this week because I hate my cunt of a manager. Oh and the store is ran by literal feminist.

Have fired every male and has said in front of me. That they aren't hiring any more males. Only two of us left.

Actually when a pet is sick or starting to get too old for their cages. You can haggle a little with them or sometimes get them for free (however this doesn't work with the fish cause they so cheap.)

However some stores won't let you take say a gerbil for free unless you buy food with it so it lessons the chance of the person taking it for a feeder animal. Some even make you buy cages too.

Just depends. Nobody here cares all the employees that deal with actual pets have snakes and reptiles.

You ever fuck a dog or other pet?

Who is your daddy and what does he do?

Unknown. I was told to in our hq before our normal time, when i got there, they took me here. Didn't say nothing in the way here about the time. 3 of us went to their houses/jobs, leaving me and another guy alone. The other guy is in the hq, doing nothing probably

I make beastiality jokes all the time. In front of some of my managers. But no I've never fucked a dog or anything besides a human.

fuck a dog and record it

>I'm a firefighter
Kek pick one you fucking water fairy.

We don't have dogs. Otherwise I would just for you phamalam

What kind of pet smart doesn't have dogs?
Fuck any animal there, and record that

Fuck. That's sounds pretty bad. In my hq I have to talk carefully with some people, they are a bunch of cunts who see what everybody is not doing, so they can say it to our 2nd boss.

shove that toy up your ass

Do you know any cringe-worthy pet jokes

Post pics of the cats at the store stop being a faggot n post the cats ! Cats cats cats!!!

Firefighter, firemen. Whatever it is called where you are from. I'm still one, and a volunteer

Elitist are worse than racist.

Like all of them. You're thinking of petco. And very very few petsmarts. Or petworld.

Yeah there's two people you have to watch yourself anything you say it gets repeated. Especially this one bitch, fuck her. The only thing good about her is probably her clam.

Listen here hose dragger. You say "I'm a VOLUNTEER firefighter. Not the other way around. You're a volunteer cuck first. That's like saying "I'm a lawyer...but just practicing no license yet" ok so you're not a fucking lawyer yet then

I know that shop, dubs and I'll wreck OP lmao

The example you used makes you look stupid, you know?

The way you say it sounds like you're saying that we don't do anything, study or neither practice like a normal firefighter from the police

Gotta be bad working for a feminist. I'm kinda glad to not have seen one ot those in a long time.

This motherfucker is walking around

Better pic