Do you feel Trump did a cuckold move by outlawing bumpfire stocks?

Do you feel Trump did a cuckold move by outlawing bumpfire stocks?

I wanna make sweet love to her until she calms down

my honest opinion it doesn't matter a whole lot.... many weapons can be bump fired without any mods it's just a matter to the shooter's ability. I'm kinda glad they wasted their time on it so they wouldn't try to ban something more useful sooner.

There has been some discussion in Germany about altering the language to remove gender from nouns.

>TFW you realize you are part of the last generation of REAL men

>altering the language to remove gender
Now THAT is a cuck move.
Especially with a language like German which has many of its words based in a masculine/feminine system.

I'm all for gun rights, but bumpfire stocks were just a lazy-mans way around previously established regulations.
Will banning them change anything? No, probably not.
Am I that surprised? No, not really.
If you want to bumpfire, there is still nothing stopping you from doing it the old way. Even still, unless you know what you are doing bumpfireing is still only useful for fun-range shooting.


Yeah, I kept telling myself he's not that bad. But I felt betrayed when I heard about that.

>he hasn't yet

I'm curious to see what his end game is here. Watching him so far, he's all about over reaching and then compromising to make both sides feel like they got a win.

He's pushing for some things that liberals are furious about. Also, I don't know anyone who actually enjoys bump stocks. (Personally, I don't see how they're accurate) I'm hoping this is him gaining back some favor with the Dems to get the wall done and immigration straightened out. I can use a Geissele Trigger and be better than a bump stock.

Only Congress can ban them

What the fuck?
What about the neutral gender?
Isn't it enough to calm down the SJWs?

So german is the only acceptable to SJWs?

America should ban all guns. Their people have proven they can't be fucking trusted with them, civilian and cop alike.

Oh, you want to bitch about "rights"? Ask any of the Japanese-Americans who were interred in WW2 about "rights", you stupid cunt. Any "right" you have is a privilege that can be cancelled at any time. Get over it, you whiny babies.

This is why I hate my country

No it's a midterm time and he owes certain states for votes. It's normal practice promise the mass its piece of mind then don t pass legislation. It's business as usual.

If you knew your own ass from a hole in the ground you would know that it has to be voted into law, also bump stocks are fucking stupid and don't really work well.

I bet your feet look sexy as he'll in your big sisters Bobby socks mommy jr.


The problem isn't the weekly massacres that dominate the headlines, it's the thousands of shooting every year that happen one at a time, and are so common they scarcely make the news at all anymore.

Americans are basically chimps, and you don't give a chimp a gun for obvious reasons.

Says the Ukraine chad

These people that were sent to camps were 1st and 2nd generation immigrants which means that weren't American.

>>TFW you realize you are part of the last generation of REAL men

I'm pretty certain that those who returned from WW2 said that.

I'm pretty certain those who survived the trenches in WW1 said that

I'm pretty certain that those returning from Gettysburg, or Waterloo said that.

I'm pretty certain that the sailors who stepped off Magellan's ships after circumnavigating the globe said that.

I'm pretty certain that as the Normans crowned William I, the remaining saxons said that.

I'm pretty certain that when King Ethelred levied the Danegeld, people said that.

I'm pretty certain when the Spartans stood at Thermopylae, they said that.

> and 2nd generation immigrants which means that weren't American.

I dont think you know what "American" means.

In fact, I think you're a disgrace to your nation.

Little bit. They ought to be banned though. I just don't understand why every gun challenge doesn't go right to the supreme court due to gun rights being stated on the Bill of Rights.

And we've seen how eager they are to pass gun control laws.

lol, this is a hostile takeover dude. Its not enough until youre in chains, castrated and serving dykes there breakfast

if you say so but you're not welcome here anyways..

Argentinean here
Feminazis are trying to implement "x" for words

For example

Todos (all, males)
Todas (all, females)
Todxs (inclusive for all genders )


But our based RAE (Royal Spanish Academy ) the ones who control our dialect are in fight with them because they disagree with changing shit

Also probably if I'm going to USA someday I would make everyone from tumblr throw a autistic screaming ?
I only know "he, she" fuck the rest

He hasn't actually done it yet.

I think he'll come up with a piece of shit "executive order" knowing full well the courts will shoot it down, then shrug his shoulders and claim that he tried.

Not really. They arent necessary for domestic use

now, I have no clue about your language beyond the babbling nonsense about the falkland isles, but, I cant help ask myself:

1: how the fuck are you supposed to pronounce "todxs", and
2: surely something like "todes" would make more sense to be established as a gender-neutral substitute for todos/as

This. OP is a retard who can’t critically think.


You're not a real man if that's what you spend your time worrying about.

Yeah that's why Nazis idolize it. Just another kind of SJW.

Go rub one out and spare yourself

You can bumpfire without a "bumpfire stock" if you practice enough. It's literally nothing.

sure kid
now fuck off

sure kid

sure kid
stay retarded

sure kid
this retarded

this retarded

Who knows mate, only thing I know is that the RAE is based and hopefully will kill all feminism in South America

won't help so why bother?

I think the internment of the Japanese is an excellent argument AGAINST gun control. The Jews weren't able to fight back against the Nazis because any weapons they had were immediately confiscated. Now whether they would have stood a chance against the Nazis regardless of their being armed or not is debatable, sure. But many older Jews, especially those living in Israel and who have some connection to the holocaust, will tell you that they believe it's every Jew's responsibility to be armed so that it never happens again.

Anyone who believes that our country could never do such a thing, could never turn tyrannical, well... while internment camps =/= concentration camps, it's close enough to make one wonder.