If you could choose the afterlife what would you want happen?

if you could choose the afterlife what would you want happen?

I'd prefer to not die in the first place.

I once read about a possible afterlife (I think it was spiritualism) that said that after you die you basically become a god of your own spiritual realm.

You can create everything using your spiritual energy, which is basically infinite since we are imbued with it by god.

Then you spend time there being your own pocket-universe's god to learn the superficiality and meaningless of material life, and afterwards, when you get bored, you can ascend and maybe reincarnate.

I would appreciate one such afterlife.


Me having omnipotence

So basically the exact same experience as putting on a VR headset.

Doesn't sound like it's worth dying for.

To make up for your impotence in life?

If you can restart your life and have another chance at being great

To not exist.

Except you don't have omnipotence using VR. VR requires you to buy or steal someone's work in order to only look at a very limited number pseudo 3D videos/games/simulations in which you have almost no control. And requires effort to achieve it.
This is living second life as a god. VR headsets compared to being a god of your universe is like comparing having a tooth pick and being a fucking Superman.

Reincarnate as a new human but maintain the same consciousness so as my brain develops I would gain my old consciousness's experiences but with knowledge of my past life. However I don't know if that's possible. most likely the afterlife is just reincarnating as something else that's alive. If you reincarnate as another person you probably just develop as that person without any knowledge of your past life since you can't have a fully developed brain as a baby or fetus. I think the afterlife is just the transfer of raw life energy into something else. You will come back as a bird, tree, person, anything alive but you won't have knowledge of your past life. and if you come back as an animal or plant you don't have a consciousness so you won't be aware, and if you come back as another person you also won't be aware of your past life, you'll just be transferred to a new consciousness and you won't know that you're a new person. Like for example we all remember before we were born, we have all experienced not existing yet we still exist. It feels like all of time was scripted to happen a certain way, and the cosmos is just made of infinite dimensions because of the quantum, where you are in between existence or nonexistence like before we are born, but we are all scripted to begin existing at a certain point, otherwise we could not have been not born yet. in other words there would be no before you were born if you were never born, and before you were born is all of time, so you could say all of time had led up to you being born as if you were meant to exist from the start, not that it was random. Once you leave the quantum singularity of existing nowhere and everywhere at the same time or not existing and existing and enter duality I don't think you can ever leave.

But if reincarnation is real, then you must lose your memories when reborn.


Then fuck that

Zozzle. Billions of people, most of them stupid as fuck, become gods of their spiritual realms.

I don't want an afterlife.

reincarnation seems pretty dope.

You know like that Cloud Atlas shit.

Endless mephedrone euphoria.

to relive 2015

Honestly, afterlife sounds like a drag. I would much rather have eternal rest, which is far more likely will happen.

I would become a wolf and find and fuck every female I saw

Driving at high speeds listening to eurobeat racing my friends at day and cruising with them at night. Every drift I make is life threatening but I always hit it

nice. stuck here forever.

To be honest you have to have an IQ of 255 to appreciate this joke.

I'd like it if my spirit ascended to space and I could travel endlessly from planet to planet, occasionally dipping into a planet with intelligent life to live a lifetime there.

Create your own paradise ala What Dreams May Come


Nothing. I'd want to just no longer exist. Which will happen so lucky me.

Basically a cross between Minecraft and Westworld and that USS Callister episode on Black Mirror. The ability to shape a world at command and have other "players" who participate in my adventure.

I'd generate a world of small islands, and make each island have a different purpose. I'd have a pirate ship to travel between islands. Want to get laid? Sail to the island with wenches begging to be raped. Want to eat? Sail to the island stocked full of crab, bananas, pineapples, grapes, etc. Sailing could be accelerated so you don't spend any more time than you care to travel. In fact, all of the world's properties could be modified. You could make it perpetually dark and 70 degrees F.

i would like to become king of the world and have my own sex slaves

I'd want to suck a log of shit from Andy's asshole for eternity

That's a neat concept. What if our reality is that of someone that died before and they're doing a pretty decent job thus far (imo). its a long project spanning over 13 billion years.

spbp. this is something i'd look forward too.

I want to be a cow

I want to transform into some kind of tentacle monster that swims in macaroni and cheese while looking for huge tited women in the the mac and cheese and fucking them with my tentacle dicks. At the same time my mind can play an infinite amount of video games simultaneously

I'm going to say the one that Jesus layed was for me believing in the Christian faith evon tho the way life has played out for me it's hard to believe but I'm trying tho if it's that I'm cool with it I hate that the fact is I'll be judged especially having to live a human life where all I feel is judgement every single day of my life I guess a final judgment will be a huge relief

To share god's knowledge

that i would be reborn as a Icelandic woman.
with skin as white as milk
and hair red as fire

shitposting without captcha trying to stop me every single time to click these stupid street signs

I would say no to it

Reincarnating while keeping the memories of my previous life.

underrated as hell

permanent orgy with infinite hot fat bitches

lucid dream forever

I'd rather stay dead.. Nothing in this world worth living through one more time!

Come back to life as a Chad with superpowers and then choose again.

Bathe in the pure love of the infinite and know oneness again

Is hell real?

escaping re-imbodiment and ascending to join with the godhead

Endless lust. 24/7 fulfillment of any fantasy I want, and nothing ever gets dull. I never get tired or hungry. When I cum theres no downtime. No time. Just sex

An alternate dimension without jews and feminists.

Being with all the waifus i have had crush on throughout my life.
Lick their armpits, feet and asses for all eternity.

s o what the нell ıs тнis all about?

well, at least she has a pretty face


duke zuur

that was a close call

nothing was stop asking so many questions

wow man that's awesome

oh yeah, well, i'm not a robot? yeah · · ·

i'm not a robot.

Reincarnated, full memory kept, into a new world populated by others with the same experience. We all have a second go at it. Would probably be a nice world.

people copy me a lot, i have to cover all the bases

uh, stop having a dirty mind?

i was saying it in general

that i simply cease to exist

Roam the multiverse as a spirit.

I appreciate the Celtic mythology of the Otherworld, a world much like our own but infused with the magic and mysticism that has slipped away from this plane. One lives and dies in the Otherworld and is then reborn to live and die again in this one. In this way, death is seen as a joyful event, for it allows you to spend a lifetime in the Otherworld, while birth is less so.

Anyway, here's some tits.

so uh yeah, i have Sup Forums's dns register, it means i have your adresses and phone numbers.

I want my wife and loved ones to be reincarnated in an mmo type world, and a blue haired goddess will accompany us.

so uh, stop lying at your selves?

pun not intended.

daмп ıт.

stupid dumb ass unintentionals

You're reborn into the same life as before, though as you grow older you slowly develop the ability to do God-like things. Anything you can imagine, you can manipulate the world around you, change your own physical appearance and/or if you want, even change your own life entirely. I like the idea of being able to live a variety of different lives where I'm in complete control. Sounds comfy.

that might be a partially correct answer

checked and VR BTFO'd

I'd like to know everything and than just watch until the end of everything.

An afterlife in which you'd get to fuck anything you want, including lolis, shotas (or both at the same time)

Id want them feets in my face

I am not lying

Don't forget that Earth is likely not the only inhabited planet in the universe.


it's on autorepeat so yeah, you guys are silly

ok · · ·

ok · · ·

that was slow · · ·

Big tranny dicks


sauce on that semen demon?

Dream familiar dreams forever

That could be the name of some post rock album

Well that's why it's hell for someone and for others it's heaven.

I wouldn't want an afterlife at all. No matter what you come up with, it would get boring eventually. Imagine being immortal... eventually that shit would get repetitive as fuck.

I did that on a shroom trip once, shit was terrifying. Complete ego death.

Infinite trips

No more life please, i had enough

The ability to fuck every girl I've ever wanted to when I was alive. Also to remove memory at will for when I get bored.



I'd be down for this

Valhalla, drink booze with amazing warriors for ever? eat tons of meat, sex and be called upon once again to help fight against Loki? I'd be fucking /fit/ after being trained by literally the best warriors, hell yeah I'm choosing Valhalla

Reincarnate as a vampire and live eternally. I'd have to except the downsides of course (burning in sunlight, weakness to garlic, ect.) but the pros would outweigh the cons. I'd get like 3 vampire slave wives just like Dracula. Our coffins would be in some abandoned castle or factory with traps and shit to kill intruders. Vampire sex. Blood sex. Can't be killed by guns or anything. Bloody sex. Looking creepy. Get to be alone most of the time.