1) The government is becoming more oppressive, overreaching, and dangerous. Police forces are being heavily militarized. We should surrender all of our weapons to them immediately!

2) Islam is a religion of peace.

3) Marijuana cures cancer and basically everything else.

4) Hillary would do anything more for the middle class than Trump is doing.

5) Our educational system and world ranking is shameful, we spend more on war than on education. Our kids should protest guns and war by not going to school!

6) Muh science. I need muh proof to believe anything. But genitals dont decide gender and "I can decide Im a girl today" hurr hurr.

Other urls found in this thread:


That's a dumb picture and the government was getting oppressive under obama


Russians actually get paid to shitpost pro-trump shit, what a time to be alive.


Because liberals are extremely pro-government lately...

Oh everyone's a fucking sheep, you're just a sheep for tinfoil retards with youtube channels.

Political beliefs are only a dichotomy among those lacking a formal education.

The necessary skill to critically discern what information is actually useful is a skill few have...the trick is not to look at the information that backs up your ideals but to genuinely seek out that which refutes it.

Holding your ideas up for scrutiny is the best way to check if they are correct, Sup Forums doesn't count.

What are you trying to conserve, young man? A world that didn't exist before you were sentient? Other people's personal property?

And soyboys, kikes and gooks get paid to post pro left shit. 2 side of the same coin

Things conservatives actually believe:

1: Everything fox news tells me is correct because they tell me I'm smart for believing them

2: trump is great because he tells me how great I am

3: everyone else is wrong because they don't suck my pathetic dick

4: people who expect me to know anything about anything or have objective evidence that goes against one of my opinions are "liberals" and thus evil and stupid

Do you feel it slipping away, your ideology vanishing from the minds of the public by the second? If you can oversimplify the opposition, but not make the same caricature for your own side, it's only a sign you're getting better at shaping your worldview without having to argue within the realms of reason and deep thought. It's a sign it's all starting to get to to you, I wonder if there's any other deeper reasons why we can't yet tell from your postings.

I want to protect the right of any Slavic prostitute to come into the US illegally and become FLOTUS. That is one of the basic freedoms our founding fathers shed their blood for.

Things Liberals ACTUALLY believe:

1) The United States government is becoming more oppressive, overreaching and dangerous. Police forces throughout the United States are becoming heavily militarized. This is in direct response to the escalation on the streets; if you live in a nation with more guns than people, you expect everyone to be armed. This is why police confrontations are becoming increasingly more deadly - they are on edge, because they expect gun violence around every corner. Other countries with strong gun control and a lower guns-to-persons ratio don't seem to have this problem.

2) Islam is no more or less a "religion of peace" than any other religion. They're all full of mouth-breathers and terrorists, and if you think "not mine though", then you're definitely part of the problem. Singling out Islam as somehow worse than the rest (it isn't, they're all dogshit) is, quite frankly, thinly-disguised racism and nothing else.

3) Marijuana is scientifically-proven to be less-harmful for you than things like alcohol, tobacco, junk food, and bacon. The "gateway drug" myth was proven to be such in the 1980s, yet people still parrot that shit. There are a lot of not-so-public safety-related reasons why cannabis was made illegal in the first place, and no good reasons to keep it that way. While it may not be the cure-all for every illness, it has shown to have therapeutic value. In the case of terminal patients, it helps keep them comfortable, while not having the horrendous side-effects other end-of-life pain management medications seem to have. All in all, if it eases suffering, it is a valid medicine.

4) Hillary would not have made any major sweeping policy changes that would have improved the life of the middle-class. I don't think anyone ever believed she would have. I also get the feeling she would not have engaged in the whole "mine is bigger" with North Korea on the eve of the reclusive nation's historic peace talks with South Korea.


>fox news

Protip: MuriKKKans don't capitalise "liberal". That is a British conceit, Sergei.

As a liberal, can confirm.

No libruls in the United Snakes any more. Last ones were exterminated right after WWI. They're now either one wing or the other of the Corporate Party.

5) The United States' education system is a joke. The curriculum is heavily-politicized; you have people who didn't even graduate high school trying to dictate the curriculum, by sole virtue of the fact that they have kids. This is why "evolution taught alongside intelligent design" is a thing; this is why you see thread after thread of, "well I just don't understand common core, we didn't learn that when I was a kid", and the like. The fact that the United States spends more on its military than it does on education is indisputable. It is a fact that is not disputed by anyone in government; it is not a partisan issue. It simply is a fact. As for protests; if students don't feel safe at schools (I know I wouldn't), then it is their right - if not their duty as Americans - to peacefully assemble and protest why that may be.

6) Proof of claims - particularly claims that fly in the face of conventional logic - is important in any rational society. However, one claim -- the, "I can live my life as a woman if I want to" -- is already proven. Yes, you can. And if you want to have that choice respected, that is not too much to ask. You don't have to understand their choice, but if someone presents themselves as a woman, calling them a man is just disrespectful. Fortunately for you, you have a right to be disrespectful - but the rest of us have a right to write you off as a result.

Not that I disagree, but this shit is spam

*hides thread*

You're posting this same meme compulsively. It makes me think you've lost your grip on reality.

>(liberals think...)we spend more on war than on education
Except this is factually proven. almost 600 billion versus 70 billion as of 2012.


0/10 bait, nice try though


nice bait, especially like the part where you font know what a liberal is

>nice bait, especially like the part where you font know what a liberal is

Hahahaha "font" hahaha you said font when you meant to use another word hahaha

you are stupid


Conservatives actually believe in the talking snakes and donkeys, 6,000 years old Earth, Noah's Ark and that Jesus rode T-Rex, toting rocket launchers.







No collusion

Tries to take our guns
Won't give up his own

What was that quote in reference to? Because it is of course a true statement for all presidents and is not necessarily evidence of anything negative.


Well, social democracy is used in Germany since a long time and it's going swimmingly well.

I've seen less grainy pictures of a Bigfoot fucking a chupacabra inside a ufo.

They are. Even when they're protesting the government, it's always the government that's the solution. Not things like work, or private enterprise, or charity, or anything like that.


Sure, but liberals are still stupid.

Go on

>marijuana cures cancer
Actually it inhibits the growth of cancer cells. While it doesn't cure it, it is useful for slowing the pace at which it spreads and making chemo therapy a little more bearable. Seems like a simple misunderstanding in most cases.

i mean, your education is pretty fucking bad

>Sure, but liberals are still stupid.
EVERYONE is stupid.

> Distrust the government and cut back its scope!
top kek, no liberals believe that.

Yeah? Hows that immigration issue working out for you? You all cool with whites being a minority in Germany by 2022?


Awesome job and totally agree, now post the retarded bullshit conservatives believe so we can laugh at that.

That's exactly what I said, stupid.

Jesus was a hardcore capitalist who hated the poor.


Conservatives actually believe liberals believe this.
Fox news told them so.

Hello, Russia. How's the weather over there? Cold today, eh?

The religious right do. They're basically dinosaurs themselves, almost extinct.

Wow, did Michael Moore lose weight?

There you go, stupid!

Liberals are ignorant evil, conservatives are premeditated evil

>> Believe things


Hi OP, Liberal here.

1) I like guns.

2) Islam can suck pig dicks, horrible ideology incompatible with western humanism.

3) Weed is great fuck you.

4) Hillary is terrible, Trump is terrible, and I voted for Johnson.

5) Our education is an absolute joke while the military wastes so much resources it's sickening. Not sure what that last part is though.

6) Religion is crap and I don't care what trans-attack helicopters do as long as it doesn't affect my daily life.

fight me irl

Hot damn, if we're all stupid, then that explains both the Democratic and Republican parties!

We actually don't really have a big immigration issue, it's blown way out of proportion.
On the other hand, social democracy and immigration are two completly different topics, try to read up on it.

I'd go the other way around.

I'm not intelligent enough to adapt to change, so I'll regress everyone else down to my level.

Stop stemcell research because I can't comprehend it coming from anywhere but a fucking fetus.

Rich people are gods, capitalism has not fallacy.

I'm an economic expert because of facebook groups.

I claim to be christian, but I have literally no christian values, and use it as a method of controlling others.

Climate change isn't real because I'm an expert in bullshit detection and have PhD in conservative facebook groups

Now you get it!

>> premeditated you say

Worst use of green text in a thread ever. Didn't even quote correctly. Makes no sense. Kill urself faggot.

Liberals are stupid as fuck when it comes to reality, they don't premeditate at all they just emotionally outburst shit.

Conservatives are more logical in their evilness. They put money before everything and even destroy their planet over it, knowingly.

>We actually don't really have a big immigration issue

Liberal here. I know this is bait, but;
1) The government is always borderline opressive because there is always about a 50/50 split in government opinions
2) no, it isnt.
3) its better than opoids, is useful in other production and is good for the environment as it is very effective at removing CO2 from the atmosphere
4) by definition, anything is more than literally nothing
5) teenagers have a right to speak up as they will eventually be able to vote.
6) i dont touch this with a ten foot pole. if someone has the right to believe a wizard in the sky sends them to hell unless they hate somone elses choices, then the other person has a right to those choices.

They also use religion as a control method, where liberals don't.

Both sides point at the other, dead sure they're stupid.

They're both right.

>> pre-medicated


>They put money before everything and even destroy their planet over it, knowingly.

Healthcare, environment, climate, water, innovation, privacy, green technology.. They have a long list of regressing shit for profit. Libs do some of this too.

Both sides are blithering retards

>Centrist for life

Big pharma bribes all politicians, even conservative Republicans.


Liberals are more emotional, but they're also the ivory tower intellectuals whose main problem is being detached from reality.

Conservatives are more pragmatic, but also believe in ridiculous shit like flying spaghetti monsters and the world being created in 7 days.

>Muh divide and conquer logic
You bipartisan conditioned cuck, look at you lol, you're the cancer in this country.

Liberals are brain tumors and conservatives are lung tumors. You're both fucking horrible. We need to chemo you to save the country

>The lung cancer is better than the brain cancer, even though both will kill us, at least we know which one is better

Kinda the point of the meme.
Great job user!

>We need to chemo you to save the country
this fuck the divided and conquered pieces of shit

Both sides are blithering retards.

>Extremist for life

I'm a centrist extremist, I say kill both. Or let them kill themselves.

Literalism is the new religion complete wjth witch hunts and dogma.

That's strange... I'm a liberal and I don't believe any of this

People are curruptable.

It's the new McCarthyism. But instead of a Red Scare, it's the -Ist Scare.

Way to say nothing useful in a wall of angsty bitching. Have any solutions or are you just here to say the world sucks like an idiotic teenager? You're just another dumbass blowing hot hair like so many of the people you're bitching about.


We can start by completely rejecting both the alt-right and the progressives

We need to stop all religion, it's nothing but people pretending to know what reality and the universe is without knowing a damn thing. It also regresses us from finding out the truth.

Time for a purge. Left and right alike need to be removed like a stage 4 tumor.

We call your response postfactist in Germany. Ignoring evidence in favour of emotion.

Trying to break reality is pretty common. Very few people are happy. Most are just trying to survive.