Why didn't you kill yourself today?

Why didn't you kill yourself today?

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video games,tv shows, and liquor

I can't be bothered. I'll do it tomorrow.

i hit a gnarly fucking pr in the gym today. gunna go bed my wife later when i get off work. maybe crack open a buddy and call it a night

We're all going to die some day. What's the rush?

I called my doctor instead to get off this medication. If things don't change soon, I'm afraid my darker side will win and I'll be no more. Way she goes...

Too busy making money.

no gun yet and crpgs keeping me busy

Hmm im Depressed , and i live with it.

i have lost 55 kg´s and have Fun with Sport.
My live is now MTB. Search a activitiy which make lot of fun, set a Goal.

Thats my Activity:


I'll NEVER kill myself

Why don't you? See? See how I flipped that shit on you?

Not sure but it feels like everyday is a countdown to the inevitable which is suicide.

Because a need to play the future GTA's, and i need to see car flying

Lunch date with the office hottie tomorrow. She's got nice tits and likes to show them off.

havent decided yet if i write a farewell letter or not

do my parents deserve one ? dont know

I have not a gun.

all of my friends on reddit

I still haven't found a painless and easy way, but that day will come.

Honestly, no clue. I think about suicide constantly. The only thing I enjoy doing is looking at memes and playing Fistful of Frags. My pc doesn't have a gpu just intel hd 2000 so I can't play many games.

Because life is tedious but not painful. Gotta see what the next day brings.

I cant die knowing i might have a 20,000 dollar workers comp settlement coming

I can honestly say I don't have an easy ticket out of here

because you guys are going to make me masturbate instead.

This is now a fap thread




i got have not a gun

Why not just take all the fentanyl money can buy?

your thread sucks do something about it, cunt

how do i get a prescription for that?

I think suicide is cowardice, but I want death.

Dream market probably has it, you just need tor and figure out bitcoin &c. they should teach this stuff to kids in school

does it mean you dont wanna die if potential pain from an heroing makes you think twice?

Everyday is suffering, all my friends and family(that I give a shit about) died. I just wanna feels thread that'll make me cry instead of being a robot all the time.

Waiting on an acceptance letter that the an hero in question hinges on tbh.

but if you where thinking "huh hanging seems fast but i bet it hurts alot" and if you were nervous about it at all, does that mean you dont actually wanna die?

I got drunk enough to forget the pain...


>does that mean you dont actually wanna die?

I feel this too hard.

so if that doesnt mean you dont wanna die, how do people get past the pain aspect, just think it will be fast?

Might have sex this weekend.

The new season of Rick and Morty is coming.

It sounds like a lot of work user.

that swedish guy who hanged himself wearing the nike just do it t-shirt in that one video numbed his pain with an opioid and an over-the-counter painkiller before he hanged himself. chester was (at least) drunk, and chris cornell took a benzo.. so many who hang themselves are probably intoxicated somehow. but there's better methods out there these days probably

The hell is that from?

Good job, but just dont get too down if it doesnt turn out well, you'll get there.


all those guys you listed had it where they could stand up at anytime. ive read most hangings have their feet on the ground. even robin williams was sitting iirc.

do they probbaly do it like that since your full body in the air sounds real painful?

>do they probbaly do it like that since your full body in the air sounds real painful?
I think so.


To not disappoint my mom and dad further

too curious about Thursday

whats the optimal age to teleport? I feel like pre age 25 is premature but i could be wrong


I told myself I'd lose alot of weight to see if life would seem better if I was skinny. There's a bit of progress but I still feel bad inside.
Really it's just an excuse for me to pussy out of necking myself. Hopefully I get drunk one day soon and just get it over it. I'll miss my doggos, but they'll be fine with my family though

Oh god I'm so drunk, I clearly can't handle my alcohol. embarrassing myself on the internet has become second nature.

Rondo Duo -Baile al Amanecer

Thanks for the encouragement man, its only the second date and she's not a slut so im not expecting much, but a man can dream.

Better buy a thick rope fat boy