Research Flat Earth

Research Flat Earth

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lol fails common sense and intro physics. surrounded by so much ice everything in that tiny space will be completely sub zero. clearly that is not the case so the bad hypothesis fails.

Now it all makes sense

>Implying using tools based on flawed arguments is a valid argument

holy shit this is the real answer GLOBERS BTFO

Did you even read the part where the sun melts a pond in the ice ball?

Best use of this meme tbh

but it's still a globe. just a big ice one

low quality bait fuck off

HAHAHA FLAT EARTH HAHA! You are like little baby. Watch this.

no need for any tools.. just some common sense. what happens to water in a freezer? similarly we wont have ANY LIQUID WATER if we were surrounded by so much ice.

This shit guys. This shit makes me wonder if there are legitimately parts of the populace we need to sterilize.

What makes you think it's the same kind of ice? For example this ice might have a higher H2O count than what we see in our world.

it could be any kind of ice. the fact there is so much of it will freeze the entire surface within a matter of hours, not even a day since there is so much more of it.

you should also think why the whole massive sphere is made of ice with pockets of much higher temperatures like our surface.

think about how long a drop of water can stay liquid if you drop it in the freezer

It really isn't possible to argue successfully with a flat-Earther for three reasons:
1) They are not interested in the truth (virtually all are juvenile-level trolling, but some are delusional or choose to accept an oddly literal interpretation of some select Bible passages).
2) They make stuff up as they go along, keeping the stuff that sticks.
3) They don't offer any proof that requires a flat Earth paradigm to explain. They rather claim everyone has been misled. So there is no theory to argue.

Nobody ever has an explanation for this.


>higher H2O count


he is talking about heavy water you literal dumb nigger


The question doesn't make sense.
"What if it's colder today than it is outside?"

The photos NASA has shown of "Earth" is clearly a deception. You fell for the kike propaganda.

Please inform this dumb nigger how you derive he's talking about heavy water. Do you even know what that is? What sort of difference is there between heavy water ice and 'normal' water? Why didn't he use D2O notation for heavy water? Why are you so angry?

but if the jews did that, they would have been too busy for the big bang, the dinosaurs, the holocaust, JFK assassination and Obama's birth certificate

Flat earth has yet to provide a sound scientific explanation for geological occurrences such as (but not limited to) :
-Heat vents under the sea
-Deep sea ridges
-Tectonic plate movement
-Magnetic field fluctuations
-Radio wave oscillations through "layers" of geode

That's about all i can think of.


Your answer doesn't even make sense.

>juvenile-level trolling

there is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish



Kike, like I knew

There's no such thing as being "Jewish" either your father is descended from the Israelites or not. In which case, Ashkenazis are not. Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9

none of those require a globe, only globalism requires a globe

Yes! That's a fine example of juvenile-level troll. You understand!

still nothing wrong with Judaism

Well, please enlighten me on how these all work on a flat earth. Mountains, then at least? I'll make it easy for ya

Kikes, that's the real lesson learned ITT, how to spot kikes.

the lesson learned ITT is you need to gb2/pol/

yes, and for some reason the center of where the heat transfers is ice..(north pole for the idiots) makes perfect sense

Too stupid so you think only Sup Forums is againt you filthy kikes. Trump is a Judaized Zionist kike who will die like the rest of you godless atheist Zionist kikes.

Looks like Johnny learned a new word today that causes some people to get upset. Craving the attention he never got from his mother, he now uses that word in the hopes of getting (you)s on an obscure board where no-one will ever know who he is.

He'll still die lonely.

Poor Johnny.

post on Sup Forums and crosspost that post here using
so I can see your flag

Haha mountains. You should check out my friend Roger's channel if you want to know what those really are :)

not necessary, globalist explanations are just theories, my only theory is that earth isn't a globe

this is some epic-tier retardation right here

There is something inherently wrong with all Abrahamic religions

>just theories, my only theory

is 'just' a theory.
And stupid

>anyone that is smarter than me is a kike

stupid enough to have you here trying to convince everyone how stupid it is


Haha how ironic for you to say when it's the EXACT same with gravity. That stupid THEORY you all so blindly believe. Get a clue Scooby Doo :)



Nah people legitimately believe that. That guy might be trolling but the dude who makes the vids actually believes what he's saying. They have "DANA evidence" which just means they got scammed by some Indians.

No more responding to the troll.

Fair enough, but it's funny how the general and tested scientific consensus is that these geological occurrences are based on a globe.

>globalist explanations are just theories
true, but so are flat earth theories.
Look, let me make something clear, I want to know the truth about the shape of the earth, and as a proper scientist, you shouldn't discredit the other side without proper evidence. So i don't hate you because you think differently, they are just theories at the end of the day, but there is no flat earth map, no generalised agreement of spacetime, total disregard of Einstein's theory of relativity and something called the "aether wind" or something, so i just can't believe in a flat earth unless you clearly explain these phenomena.

you can literally measure the curvature of the earth using the difference in shadows of cities north and south of each other kek


>views on god made by sheep and goat herders.

yeah you think?

einstein didn't believe his theories either

Scientific theory verified by leagues of independent scientists
Or asspull some random ideas

That's not the flat earth map.

yes many jesuit drones agree

cool story bro, proud of your for posting on Sup Forums like a real hacker

Wtf is this image? 2006?? Fucking actual NASA/CIA shill??? I was just joking but this shit is so newfaggy it's honestly making me question now.

>true, but so are flat earth theories

There *is no* flat Earth theory!
All they have is a set of claims about how the round Earth is wrong (and ironically all incorrect).
There is *nothing* that they put forward that *requires* a flat Earth model to explain.


Well, why in the world don't you post one you know is right?
>doesn't even know his own map
The geometry is all wrong anyhow.

Exactly. Incredibly wrong.

somethings wrong here moshe, thats for sure

hey, what's the distance between london and paris? How long would it take to fly there?

yes the globalist model is wrong, thanks bro

just tell us how long it takes to fly from london to tel aviv

OP here I just made this as a joke and knowing that there is at least one other person in this thread pushing this idea makes me incredibly sad.

>Fucking actual NASA/CIA shill???
Yeah, that's it! Someone posts an anti-troll meme, and that's direct evidence of NASA shillism.
>I don't know what that bright light in the sky is. >Must be aliens.

is this an actual belief?

how fbi of you faggot

Lol, nice answer bro. Deflect, deflect, deflect.

einstein was a jew

Literally no well rounded Sup Forums poster would say "don't feed the troll" in current year

This. 99 of them are just trolls and the 1 that is serious is a loon that can't be reasoned with.

duh, and he famously said "i should have been a plummer"

My mother is unironically that one

Take heart - I'm not buying for a New York nickel that *anyone* here believes a flat Earth. It's 100% trolling. Nobody can be that fucking stupid and still use a keyboard.

Except my family not even joking.

seriously, how could you believe your eyes

Yeah, it's sad. I could disprove the flat earth with a long piece of string lmao

so do it baby einstein

>doesn't realise ships lose radio signals when travelling past the horizon

The real kicker in all this is NOBODY here can actually PROVE that their precious Globe Earth theory. The Globe Earth theory is just as plausible as the Flat Earth Observations are.

what bro

Well, i dont have a length of string to span the distance between a vertical pole 250m up in london and paris, with "no curvature" between them, but when i do you'll be the first to know :)

Yeah, radio's work by firing photons in a straight line. It's called physics

well maybe you should be in a radio thread

How do you know? Have you ever tested it or seen the photons with your eyes? Also I thought photons emitted light? Last time I checked there isn't a rainbow coming out of my car speakers. Oops :)

Nope, you were referring to the SHAPE of the earth, and I linked the path that photons move across to a well known nautical fact.

And yet in the second picture you can see the horizon curving down on the edges...