Why are Spain posters the best? I've never seen them do anything other than contribute to this board...

Why are Spain posters the best? I've never seen them do anything other than contribute to this board. Also they have such a nice, rich cultural history.

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Gibraltar español.

I've seen them pretend to be communists a few times. Their bait is usually better than the average though, I'll give them that.

Oh my God
you just know what went through her mind when she was sucking on that dark phallic object

Malvinas españolas.

I just really miss the dude with the Nazi flag and the framed picture of Lenin

he got stuff figured

Æ, my friend.

>José Juan Carlos Rodriguez Dos Santos

"American citizen"

Speak English!
Juan, Hispanics aren't close to Spainards at all.

amigos can you explain to me why are spaniards on erasmus in my country act like a fucking animal and shit? noone respects them
i work in club and the erasmus clients are literally the worst

colonials generally hate our guts though
it's all muh gold and muh rape for them

>Why are Spain posters the best?

Med posters generally are the best posters.

I agree, there is no point of british owning gibralter besides it being an overwatch map.

Also you guys have the best European food.

I miss your old king though, new one is a cuck.

I'm not talking about Hispanics, hate those guys. Besides my name is Carlos, not Juan. That's my brother's name.

You are one though.

not country specific, it is inherent to erasmus culture. After all, that is what it is all about. I'm surprised you even have to ask

I think the inhabitants of Europe owe Spain for keeping out cultural enrichment.

am not...

thisI'm willing to bet they're far more civilized than the erasmus students we get from your country and other euros

Spain IS the go-to country for fiesta and all the erasmus students we get pick spain for that reason

In Spain the european erasmus are like that. Is mostly young people that leave the house of their parents for the first time. They only want fun, party and fug.

Because if you can speak and understand English enough to post here considering our country's shameful education system, you're a pretty smart guy.

last I heard Portugal has some very lax drug laws though

People here goes to erasmus in poland to party hard and phase out. Only nigger tier goes there man. Im sorry

Spain never had colonies tho

>Muh they were considered part of spain
You are delusional if this had any de facto difference with colonies
its a strategy to make the colonial subhumans think they are a part of spain like any other spaniard.

The french did it too. They were still colonies.

That is what being redpilled and based does to you.

In our culture the confidence, trust and respect for our international partners and allies is something very important to us.

i also enjoy the occasional lewd poster, so that makes me enjoy spaniards as well.

keep up the good work my friends.

I hate them because they post too much lewd

There are so few red-pilled Hispanics left in Spain, we have the privilege to enjoy their elite here

You talking about that one guy that keeps posting his pics here?

And some of the hottest fucking women on this planet
Nordic beauties seem pretty boring in comparison


Sad but true.


Spain is pretty nice place. I lived in Madrid for a year.

Not a fan of the Cubans though. Got into a fight with a couple of Cubans in front of an American themed pub.

I plan on retiring and dying in the mountains somewhere.

Oh wow, I never thought I'd see you...you're quite the fun poster.

Yes, it is a fairly simple explanation. You see, Erasmus students are for the most part degenerate arseholes who not even their own families can't stand. So they send them away in hopes that the trip will help them mature emotionally or, at least, that new experiences will change their wrongdoings.

Our Spanish education isn't much better. Let me try and conjure something up from memory
Hola senor, me llamo nigel.

How do you people recognise him? I have only seen him when people are talking about him and he starts to post for attention.

I have to admit they are pretty good posters

I have to agree, we work daily to keep them at bay.

Come on! Shoot Faster by Fuetakashi

Without scrolling down I can only guess that the ERPing faggot spaniard is in this very thread.

I'm not the slut who posts pics, Sven. I'm a pure maiden.

Definitely this

You mean the european mexicans? I have never seen them post.

>Implying it's only one

The national police are real bastards though.

Cant even be a really white guy sitting on a bench with his dog reading a book without some asshole cop questioning what I was doing there and asking for I.D.

Thats one of the times I lived there that I missed my country.

Quick! Say 3 nice things about Spain who aren't Jackie Chan!

And you slut get ready because I'll be giving you something nice and hard later.

>pure maiden


They're great but they're no pipebomb or chubek


We just take our national security seriously. That's why the Spanish police is still our most loved and popular institution here

Why, Spain, why?

you don't need to learn another language, Gareth

we do, but few people understand that, they are so focused on irrelevant internal conflicts that they can't see the big picture

in Barcelona fast food restaurants hire South Americans over Spaniards because they can at least say to tourists "that's 9 euros 95 please"

You are just tying to attract the lewd poster arn't you user?
Nice quads!

Obviously a mentally unstable person shitposting.

We sent all our rapist and criminals to Hispachan

I'm sure the Spanish teacher I had in school was a Spanish supremacist. She talked about how Spanish customs were superior to ours all the time. She also passed round photo shoots of herself once. At least she could speak English.

Jackie Chan

Who are you going to vote in the following presidential elections?

what? I do nothing but shitposting, and it's not even good shitpost it's canda tier at its best

Is this the lewd thread?

Hardly serious....

White people arent the ones blowing up your trains.

Anyway. Madrid was great. Asturias was fucking beautiful.

Spain does have the best looking women in Europe as well.

I met a girl when I was like 24 and she moved me out there with her. She turned out to be a fucking lunatic but it was still worth the chance to live there.

Well, that is one way to counter attack hispanophobia. Also please, as we are your oldest ally, do not promote that phobia.

i wish i could be lewd

I had the same feeling bro.
Spain posters are best posters.
Italians are sometimes cringy, but cool.
Yet Spaniards are among the best ever.
Solid contributors.
Possibly, they have a narrowed set of interests they want to talk about, but they still rank high in my Sup Forums ranking.
Turkroaches, on the other hand...


I want her to eat it and bite it really fucking slow, I want her to show me her tongue with all the bits on it and swallow it and ask me if she's a good girl.

Then she shoves the rest straight down her throat until she gags, and just keeps gagging. While I make out with her and eat the sausage in her mouth, then I'll pin her against a wall and bang her so hard sheila won't be able to sit down for a week.
Fuck yeah boys.

To be honest she had a point. British holidaymakers, especially ones in Spain, are the worst.

>there is no point of british owning gibralter

Burger posters posting things about Europe they clearly know nothing about is the fucking worst.

Give back those lands, Britbongs!

>Speak English!

הזמן עושה את שלו

you CAN be lewd, all you have to do is believe.

same as when English fucks come here to magaluf, their not sending their best


Who says you can't be lewd?

>captcha is 1448


>99.6% of voters voted to remain under British sovereignty

Dumb fuccboi.

i don't have a lewd license yet

Not sure.

I want PODEMSOE to have the least possible votes because they're spamming us with refugees and marxist shit.
I don't want to vote PPdanos because they'll be Merkel's bitches anyway while they steal our money and keep wrecking the country.
Voting Phalange or Vox seems like throwing away the vote and giving the leftists more ground to win the election...

I may just stab people during the elections and call it a day.

was her name Gloria?

Pale girls just turn me the fuck on.

I want to watch her shit, give her some of those pills that make shit smell like cinnamon rolls from the bakery.

I just want to get high and watch her asshole expand and contract while she eats food, I want to see the bitch eat 10 big macs, I'll lick her feet and shit while I watch her perfect bleached asshole for hours on end.

I just want to punch her asscheeks raw. I'll shove that sausage down her throat, shit ain't even sexual, I'm flaccid, I'm an animal.

that's not nice..

English is Sup Forums's language, jew.

Why is your country so retarded sometimes?

Anti-British sentiments evolved in Spain following the ceding of Gibraltar to the British through the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 following the War of the Spanish Succession. In August 2013, Spain was considering withdrawing from NATO and forging an anti-British, anti-American, anti-NATO alliance with Argentina, adopting its strategy over the Falkland Islands.[29]


I'll bully you like the lewd sissy you are.

The 0.4 was the monkeys learning to vote?

Why all the paramilitary bands that beat old people to death in their homes to steal their shit was polish only in the late 90s - early 2000s?

Erasmus students = sluts and drunktards
Economy/illegal migrants = criminals and low lifes

It's the collectives, not their nationality.

Are none of those guys afraid of heights? #brave

Welcome to our world
Polish immigrants are absolute scum and complete degenerates

those monkeys are assholes, I watched them steal a bunch of shit from dumb tourists who didn't listen when they were told to keep hold of their stuff. at least they're funny.

>I think the inhabitants of Europe owe Spain for keeping out cultural enrichment.
Since Mudslimes swarmed in the Iberian Peninsula, Spaniards have fought for the integrity of Europe.

>Non vos osaríemos abrir nin coger por nada;
>si non, perderíemos los averes & las casas
>& demás los ojos de las caras.

I have an urge to see her tied upto a mechanical dildo redlining at 8000 rpm in an out of her mouth, with another woman covered in leather pouring oil on her constantly so it doesn't burn her.

The thought of oil glistening off her perfect white body, dripping down to her asshole, over all her curves and edges.

I want to bite her starting at her toes and work my way upto her asshole and just bite it like the little balloon knot it is. Ain't even soft bite mates, bite like I mean it.

I would destroy her.

IT'S TRUE, I'm a lewd sissy... p-please bully me

i like the italians

tomato swimming spics are alright

Donde encontre salsa por este manga?

I like Spain and I hope they will survive. They're one of the buffer zones towards Africa and it would be a damn shame if they went under.

Don't let the jews win. Kill them all before they kill you.

you should check Jorge ont Sup Forums