What would a redbull + vodka + valium combo entail ? would the redbull neutralize the valium

what would a redbull + vodka + valium combo entail ? would the redbull neutralize the valium

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valium and alcohol will shut down your respiratory system and you'll die.

Don't Listen to these faggots on here. Don't mix em, google it.

i have already mixed them both numerous time before and am fine :) just wondering what effect the red bull would have

Who is the girl in picrelated?

idk not anyone interesting that is the most lude she gets imo

You survived it before? I suggest you stop testing your luck.

Hanna Hallysem use google image search next time
ive taken 50 mg of valium and like 3 shots of vodka at most dude you must have never been on a benzo and alcohol combo its fine stop worrying foolie

She's still god-tier attractive
Thank you very much

You assume a lot, what you should be doing is taking that valium with a blunt.


Assuming what you've said is true, which possible reality do you have a reason to escape from?

nah pussy, do it all. i used to snort oxy while drink vodka and have a redbull to keep me from the nods

You faggots are doing it all wrong, Just drop some LSD holy fuck.

inb4 gluesniffers

nigga its not hardcore combo at all and nothing to lie about valium is like the softest benzo afaik
lol i mean im not afraid to do it the latter half of my post was the most important one i just wanted to know if taking valium with red bull would be the same as just drinking a vodka red bull

one bump and im outie

>nigga its not hardcore combo at all and nothing to lie about valium is like the softest benzo afaik
I'm not a drug fanatic, sorry. I don't understand this.

hopefully moar of this chick

I've combined 2mg Xanax, 60mg oxycodone, 8 shots vodka and didn't even black out or get sick. Depends on tolerance.

man i don't even want to think about that withdrawal if you stopped cold turkey

In a double-blind study they found that caffeine and diazepam DID neutralize one another, however many negative side effects like dizziness remained, and it's unknown what additional harm may have been had. It's recommended not to mix to be safe.

Only if you take 100 mg and drink a fifth
You'll just black out if you have a few drinks and a valium, red bull won't make a huge difference

Only pussies get withdraws.
Been abusing pills for years and stopped cold turkey multiple times and never had a noticeable withdraw.

I agree, I get worse side effects discontinuing weed than light benzo use, never really had a bad daily habit either though. Dissociatives are the only thing i have no self control around.

mixing a upper and downer, just pick up or downer and enjoy them separately.

I take a couple uppers
I down a couple downers
But nothing compares to these
Blue and yellow, purple pills

MODS !!!!!!!!!

anyone post this underage little fuck toy's set

it's a trap

You mean "it's a tarp"

it's a transvestite**

It's pretty fun you should do it but beware of addictiom


Valium and Meth is where its at my guy