But of course nobody is going to do anything because “guns don’t kill people” and “if he’d been armed he...

But of course nobody is going to do anything because “guns don’t kill people” and “if he’d been armed he could have defended himself”. This is INSANITY. How many people have to die before you value or children’s lives over the joy of owning a gun?

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degenerates killing future degenerates.
I don't see a problem.

How many rights do you have to give up before you give up the joy of freedom?

Cry me a river
We've already been so far past that point

Looks like a nigger town. Gun used was very likely illegal already. Being an illegal gun didn't stop shit. Promoting gun banning is a nonstarter, it will never happen here. I saw someone earlier propose raising the age to 21 for ARs, this kind of thing can actually be discussed and may actually help.

>nigger town

I doubt you could count that high.

What race were they?

Let me guess...

Because kids under 21 have a hard time getting beer.

It's not a simple "joy" it's a right we have, given to us by our creator.

but a hunting rifle and a semi automatic AR have the same magazine capacity and caliber and only differ in cosmetics

holy shit your jpg could not be anymore true... i use to get asked all the time how i could type so fast. always to embarrassed to admit the truth lol

Liberal: "Muslim terrorist kill citizens, Don't ban muslims"

Conservitive: Citizen kills citizens, Don't ban guns"

>How many people have to die before you value or children’s lives over the joy of owning a gun?

>How many people have to die before you value or children’s lives over the joy of owning a gun?
All of them.

High capacity, semi-auto and good ergonomics, sights.optics for putting a lot of lead accurately downrange, could reasonably be argued should be over 16, imo. Certainly more reasonable than attempting to disarm the segment of gun owners that actually own them legally.

American lives don't matter tbh

most firearm deaths in the US are white male suicides.

most firearm homicides in the US are black males under 30 shooting blacks males under 30 with handguns.

these are the facts and the media never talks about this shit.

so quit perpetuating the narrative.

>appeal to emotions

Thug lyfe.
And also yes all of them

>child gets murdered in a civilised country
>national tragedy
>child gets murdered in USA

dead americans, what a tragedy...
dear americans please never give up your guns and continue slaughtering each other

Dear eurocucks,

Please stay disarmed as you face a wave of raping, bombing, terrible driver migrants who will breed you into obscurity in a few short generations.

Dear autistic wannabe cowboy, you're right to want to keep your pewpews, which makes it even funnier that in your lifetime you'll lose them. They'll not stop. They'll keep putting the pressure on and you will submit and we'll be laughing at you from cozy Europe as it happens

All of them

Dear UK,

How's those Knife bans going to disarm all the murders stabbing you guys?

>which makes it even funnier that in your lifetime you'll lose them
They might pass a law, but I guarantee I wont lose them in my lifetime.

better question, wtf was this kids parents?

>cozy Europe
Kek, europe is having a "how many times can I get raped on my way home" contest.

Uk is the current winner with 3 last I heard.


fuck off you leftist scum this is gods free country!

> UK the worst for rape in Europe
> still much lower rape rate than the US

How do Americans even do that?

>Believing the hype

Lol at not believing the hype
I consider this one rape, but some might see it as 9 or 3 depending on how you keep count

I can go on, concert rapes, new years eve rapes, they just rapin everyone ova there!
Enjoy your diversity, get back to us when your crime rates start to look like ours and you cant figure out what the common denominator is.

dear Republicans, don't pay any attention to the trolls that tell you that gun control legislation has been passed by Republican-led Congress since WWII. Cover your ears if anyone tells you that Newt Gingrich is responsible for more gun control laws than any other Congressman.

t. a liberal who hates guns.

amazing grace how sweet the sound...


its that boys fault
if he had a gun he would have been safe

Are you trying to make an argument for disarming minorities?