Personality test thread, here it is if you want to take it:

personality test thread, here it is if you want to take it:

what do you guys think of my results?

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here is the link to the test if you want to take it and share results:

wait fuck i already put it in the original post

ill do it hold up


Well, it seems you're a balance person

Answered honestly

would really like a lean instead of yes/no


What's histrionic

Not exactly what I expected, but close.

I expected more antisocial, less paranoid, and more negativistic. I guess always seeing the worst in others is "paranoia" and not "negative antisocialism"


this is pretty accurate

Also not enough questions, I feel, to truly judge "dependent". They asked 10 or so questions about your "group of friends", asking if you hang out with a ton of people, trust a bunch of people, etc. They asked no questions about having a single person in the world who you put all of your trust and faith into.

In a shitty mood atm but still did it and answer honestly and nothing that would change because my mood but damn did it remind me of my shitty perspective on life and things I can't really change about myself haha

The way you type seems very narcissistic


There are so many tests on this site lol

Multiple Personality Styles

Oh dear, oh dear. Either you clicked 'Agree' to too many questions that did not really apply to you, or you appear to have multiple, equally prominent personality styles. It is quite possible that you have several personality styles that are all strongly expressed and which co-exist in you. Whether you really have these multiple personality styles, or you just clicked 'Agree' too leniently, we are unable to say, and we are therefore also incapable of giving you a more personalized description. But you can consult the charts below in order to see which of the styles you score the strongest on.

>Also not enough questions, I feel, to truly judge "dependent". They asked 10 or so questions about your "group of friends", asking if you hang out with a ton of people, trust a bunch of people, etc. They asked no questions about having a single person in the world who you put all of your trust and faith into.

the test I doubt is very scientific it combines 2 separate things a lot of times that can be unrelated but you have to answer to both

>wut is histrionic
what is a browser for? to satisfy curiousity.

pretty sure mine should be a negative number tbh

I know, but I asked /b anyways

I didn't lie woo hoo

I think it has to do with memory or using past experiences to make judgements or decisions. I could be wrong though.

Oh my, that can't be good.

as an aviodant, i find histrionics to be highly annoying people to deal with.

Hmm I don't see the big deal why this is confusing for the descriptor.
None of my thoughts are conflicting it's all about truth/balance.

Wow same. Guess we're both fucked up in the head.

Looked it up


Or we are both right in our minds.

can not be closer to the fucking truth, bane of existence basically

AS an avoidant, I pity histrionics

Ok then


dudebro are you okay


weeiiiirrdd bro


All of these conclusions are negative, there was no answers you could give that would lead to you're normal.



Figured mine would have had more percentage on the Anti-Social and Avoidant bars. Ended up being a Schizoid which I guess fits part of the bill, so sure. Fuck it

A defect in your ability to form social relationships and an under-responsiveness to all sorts of stimuli. You exhibit an intrinsic emotional "flatness" where the highs don't get too high and the lows don't get too low. Emotions like joy, anger, and sadness do not move you as much as they move other people. Your natural state appears to be one where you have "retired" a bit into yourself, which is one source of the calmness that characterizes your normal state. Unlike what might be expected, your passivity and lack of vitality is not a form of self-protection, but simply seems to be your natural state.

Absolutely what I expected.

Pretty underwhelming results

Lmao you're normal, that's pretty gay.

I got 0 percent narcissistic. How is that possible? Shouldn't everyone be at least a base line of 1 percent narcissistic?

I will incinerate the nigger population with a raging fire of unyielding hate. My rabid indignation will fuel the carnage machine of righteousness as it plows the fields clean of the nigger pestilence. All darkies shall die a slow agonizing death as their black nigger skin is cremated and seared by the fire winds of hate. I will snort their immolate corpses until my lungs are cancerous and the sweet release of death grips my soul. Niggers are the disease that is snuffing the earth.

Pretty ok I think


Good or bad?

welp, i'm a normie asshole

dosn't seem quite right


I am groot

Im normal. Yay! :)

Only Histrionic fucker in here. I love being the center of attention


I got Negativistic

Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: An internal discontentment and chronic irritability that springs from a deeply rooted feeling of ambivalence about yourself and others. You deal with this ambivalence by acting passive-aggressively towards others, oozing skepticism and discontent at them as a means to express your inner ambivalence. Constantly uncertain about your own capabilities, you alternate between submerging yourself to the wishes of others and rebelliously asserting yourself as a free individual who is entitled to respect and should not be bossed around. In your inability to decide whether to turn to others or to yourself for security and direction, your strategy for coping with internal conflicts resembles that of a young child who must constantly test the parental boundaries in order to find his own footing in life.

Try soaking yourself in gasoline then lighting yourself on fire in a public place. Faggot.

Remarkably Similar to mine.

Damn man, you must not like when people get more attention than you. Sorry bud


What a load of shit lol

Well memed


This thread is making me feel well adjusted.

if you guys think online tests are actually accurate you're probably retarded

I got it too but I don't match the description you posted, and I know damn well who my friends are and consider everyone else acquaintances... And I look like shit most of the time because idgaf.

I think interpretation of questions can affect this huge.. also they're selling a book. Extra fishy.

Fuck me if I didn't think I was crazy but that crazy I didn't think so

lol, this guy probably got 100% on narcissistic

Bla bla blah go home & cry to your mama.

I'm a man child and I want to die


I believe your a normie. Not a fag.

nope, me as well, scroll up

Anyone else?

Even the personality test called me weird.

The test was to see how fucked your personality was

Jesus fuck you're the most normal person on Sup Forums

>Multiple Personality Styles

>Oh dear, oh dear. Either you clicked 'Agree' to too many questions that did not really apply to you, or you appear to have multiple, equally prominent personality styles. It is quite possible that you have several personality styles that are all strongly expressed and which co-exist in you. Whether you really have these multiple personality styles, or you just clicked 'Agree' too leniently, we are unable to say, and we are therefore also incapable of giving you a more personalized description. But you can consult the charts below in order to see which of the styles you score the strongest on.

This is accurate. I'm certainly borderline as fuck, but I hide it fairly well.

youre a faggot

Pretty good you want the scores like golf

me :)



this can't be good....


Don't worry dude got the same description but not borderline.... So.. Good job not being a fag.

and you guys got 100% on mental deficiency

"Multiple Personality Styles"
sounds fucking special snowflakey, im upset

Ayy Lmao

Multiple personality styles does not imply borderline

well boys feels good to be nuts


lol this test is fucking terrible


Am I ok?