So how is the relationship between this countries? Who is the good guy? Who is the bad guy?

So how is the relationship between this countries? Do they see each other as brothers? Who is the good guy? Who is the bad guy? Who is the most alpha? Who is the most beta?

Other urls found in this thread:

Good: Norway, Iceland
Bad: the rest

Y'all just need to merge into one super nation and take over the world! Also, let me have one of your QT grills, please.


s*andis are bad

This is completely accurate, long live Norway and Iceland

Finland isn't Nordic, everybody knows it but just won't say it.

all memes aside, except for online - everyone loves each other.
Except for finland. Finland isn't part of the club due to them not speaking the same language.

We're not part of it but are the most alpha, that oughta spice up your thought patterns.

Denmark, Norway and Sweden are like siblings. Won't admit their love for each other, but we still count on each other to get most votes from each other in the Eurovision. It's beautiful.

Culturally historically and offically we are

But yes we are different people than Scandis

it has more to do with the border we have with russia. letting finland into any nordic alliance would instantly mean 1300km border to defend. no sane political leader would want to have an union shoulder such burden with little to no gain. I kinda hope that we one day lose our independence to russia so you'll realize what's it like ordeting russia

We oughta just ask to become a protectorate of Russia with the same rights as the grand duchy. With the difference that this time we'll actually have a grand duke. And then just shit on Sweden and it's neutrality. Say take...norrland.

finland is a bad good guy
sweden is a very very bad guy
denmark is very good
norway is good
iceland seems like a leftist poo

finland is a very very bad guy
norway is a good guy
denmark is a very good guy
iceland is a decent guy
fareoislands is a very good guy
sweden is a decent guy.

they all suck eachothers cock

danes are ex bullies, like to remind the lesser scandis about it

swedes bullied and were bullied, they look down on finland and mad about norwegian wealth

norwegians got bullied by both, very smug but dumb mountain rednecks

finns are cool

icelandics are the lost sibling of norwegians

We're all good guys.

Almost nobody remembers about Foroyar mínir.

You know, Danes get bullied a lot on here, but they're the only ones who don't seem like weird space aliens in my experience.

well, not even the fareoise want to live in faero.

bud why? DD:

They look like paradise.

because the economy is shit an reliant upon denmark and the island is minuscule.

the faroese are the most powerful people on this earth