When did you realize God didn’t exists Sup Forums?

When did you realize God didn’t exists Sup Forums?

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probably the first time i came accross the word atheis, but id never really believed he existed before that either, i just believed it was something people believed (but not lierally) in to give peace and thanks and such, around 13 maybe

Is it weird I want to fuck those chicks?

I was 23 when my little sister died
>everybody around me super religious "god's will" kind of shit
>sister dies out of nowhere
>hits me harder than a freight train, couldn't even hang up phone, was stuck in a sobbing fetal position
>everybody else is getting over it like it's another statistic
>can't move on, missing my other half
>everybody tells me "God is just testing your faith"
>"God has a plan for everyone"
>"She's in a better place now"
>Bullshit, nobody even batted an eye at her funeral
>realize God is just a manmade idea
>God is the hope people gave themselves to cope with hard times
>Just can't accept that if there is any kind of benevolent all-powerful being, it would kill a girl with a heart of gold
Where were you when you realized religion made people mindless, soulless, heartless drones?

Im sorry user. I’ve had experiences like that, when someone close to me passes away and my religious family says it’s all in “Gods plan” and honestly, I envy them like crazy. Imagine being so convinced and sure that it’s all okay, that there’s a bigger purpose for someone dying.

Question for you.

Is Consciousness created? Or does it just exist

Greentext your incest stories!

When this forum stayed open

It just exists. It’s one aspect of what the “stuff” that makes up the entire universe is

It's an emergent property. Much like water being "wet". One molecule of water isn't wet to us.. but get enough together and sudden my it is wet.

One brain cell isn't conscious. But get enough of them together...

Honestly I won’t be cocky enough to give you a half assed scientific based answer, but I highly doubt it’s a sky wizard that makes us aware.

When I was 13, then I grew up, stopped being an edgy faggot, and realized my life would be a misery if I stayed in a group of fart sniffing fedora tipping neckbeards and unfuckable women. Now I'm a Christian.

Wait? God's not real? Why did no one ever tell me; what the fuck.

After the government implanted voices that aren't mine in my mind. Losing religion was the only way to deal with the demonic voices. *shivers*

Good on you for finding purpose. I don’t diss religious people.

no, because I want to fuck them too

God does exist.

God is love.
God is the idea of compassion.
The idea of empathy.
God is that thing in your mind that makes you human.

Sometimes people lose sight of humanity.
Sometimes they lose sight of all that is good.
And thats when they make terrible decisions.

I wasn't raised religious (I was apparently baptized because my dad was raised catholic by his italian mother), but for a while I would say I was christian because that's the thing to be in burger land. when I was little I would try praying, but the only voice I'd hear was my own. after growing up and getting better reasoning skills - simply the result of cognitive development - I realized how absurd the pope's existence is. why on earth would a literal god whisper in someone's ear and have them relay the message? why not just whisper in everyone's ear? why not just drop out of the sky titanfall style?

then in high school I was tasked with reading some bible sections for AP english. exodus stood out to me, especially passover. why would a god harden pharaoh's heart on purpose just to murder babies if their parents didn't mark their door with the blood of a lamb? at that point I decided if abraham's god is real, then he is an asshole and doesn't have humanity's - and therefore my - best interests at heart. why worship that? why would a being like that even exist?

why are the girl on the lefts nips censored?

she dropped any good loot?

consciousness is just part of the human consciousness. which is a multitude of pattern recognizing functions that keep this organism alive. the purpose of the aware consciousness is to keep the body from getting killed. and to initiate intercourse and food consumption. its just a sub process that enjoys dopamine stimulation.

after going through college and learning about a particular subject matter in depth, I realized that there doesn't have to be a why to everything. the universe is vast beyond comprehension. because of gravity, the elements beyond hydrogen that make up my body were forged in the hearts of supermassive stars. because of gravity, this solar system coalesced, our sun formed, and the planets around it.

one was rocky and just so happened to form in water's triple point. somehow or another, the building blocks of life came into existence. eventually, they started self replicating. eventually, some started consuming others to grow, and so the great evolutionary arms race began. at some point, multicellular organisms came into existence. at some point, some of those acquired appendages that were supremely dexterous and able to manipulate the environment. some of those lived in large social groups. some of those acquired large, complex brains. some of those developed language. language is important because it allows for the communication of seemingly infinite amounts of intricate information.

now we are at anatomically modern humans. eventually, an enterprising individual realized that it would be much easier to gather the seeds of plants he liked to eat and plant them instead of gathering them. the same could be done with animals. now that people had free time on their hands due to the boon agriculture provided, math, science, reading, and writing were developed. after writing, everything else is by definition history

there is no reason or grand scheme to our existence. the universe is so vast in both space and time that it would be incredible for intelligent life not to develop. it was bound to happen

God exists, religion is what's flawed. The universe is God

>my life would be a misery if I stayed in a group of fart sniffing fedora tipping neckbeards and unfuckable women
he said on Sup Forums at 1 am

another interesting thing to consider about the time scale of the universe's existence: it is predicted to exist for tens or hundreds of TRILLIONS of years. we came into existence pretty much at the very beginning of the universe's creation relative to it's life span. that means we exist close enough to the big bang to hypothesize specifically what caused the big bang

that means we are one of the first life forms to exist, not to mention the fact that we are complex, multicellular, intelligent, self aware life forms. if humanity is successful in getting off this rock, we have the potential to be the first galaxy wide civilization. if we colonize the galaxy and die off, the relics we leave behind will wonder and amaze those who come after us. if we don't die off, we may well be able to seed and direct the formation of new life on other worlds, essentially acting like gods

how amazing is that?

from the first time i ever heard about it

About 5th grade, Christian School
Teacher tried to address the class with

>Fairies, unicorns, (Insert others here) Don't exist... But angels do.
Even at this age, I went right to "How do you know?" - Specifically that fairies don't exist, rather than proving angels 'do'

>Faith: "You have faith a chair will support you"
No, that's not right, I don't know why, But it's not faith
- Later in life having heard this refuted I learn't 'I have reasonable expectations based on previous experience that a regular chair will support me' It's not a faith based position.

Those two fallacious arguments ultimately lead me to actually take interest in the religion, and address it with critical thinking.

When I realized why people believe in god.
Not because he's real, or because it does anything for them when they die, but because it means they don't have to cry when they think about their dead mothers. They just tell themselves it's god's plan.

You're mentally under developed if you need to believe in a god to function. God isn't real. You are delusional.

You are 14 now? With the reasoning you presented, it may as well be true.

OP your picture makes me homicidal


So you don't care if it's true, you did it for social status.

How can you say god doesn't exist if you can't prove that he's real? That like saying aliens don't exist just because we have yet see them. You all have to realize our mind are very limit, such as we cant even see other colors in the spectrum, yet other animal can.

That's retarded.

You are not even trying. Pull another argument from the 13th century while you're at it.

Cool tits. I like it when females do cosplay of this sort. Quite grambunctiously erecting

You are being selfish. That's it

If you really care for your sister though the pain of the loss you have to be aware she is in a state so delightful anything of this miserable life can be compare with

And by selfish i mean thinking more in yourself than actually thinking in her sake

Which route do you want to take this?

Which god, does that mean every god every proposed has an equal chance of being the one true god?


Just because you can imagine something, just because it 'could' exists, doesn't have any bearing on how likely it is to be true.


The "Where so dumb, God so smart" argument, and how we aren't supposed to apply critical thinking to god claims because "We could be wrong" - Which is snake oil pitch for 'prove me wrong' rather that "I'll prove i'm right"

consciousness is more than that. our "lizard brain" will do the things you are talking about. i think that user is referring to our frontal cortex and our somewhat unique trait of being self aware, of having thoughts, of being able to imagine things and make plans for the future. it's just a circumstance that it happened. there is no way, so far at least, to prove that it was all planned

The first time was realizing every single religious person around me was a fricken idiot who pawned everything they didn't understand off on religion/the devil. They'd blame normal phenomenon on demons haunting them, etc.

Then I got the internet at like 14 in the 90s and realized the atheist answers explained everything way better.

I never thought that god exists, exept couple of my teen years when i just wanted to rebell againsy my parents. My parents were atheists and it turns out they were right almost about everything

t. rusfag

When I was studying Greek Mythology when I was 12. It dawned on me that people really belived in these Gods, as much as we believed in ours, and it all turned out to be bullshit.

She's dead you fucking idiot.
Unless you are saying that being dead is better than being alive, I agree with you there.

Do you all just fear the unknown? How did we get here then, what sparked the supposed first

are you so blinded by thoughts of a god that evolution is beyond your comprehension

inb4 *tip*

Go build an Ark, dummy.


>God s plan

It is much complex than people think. I will use an example. A girl is killed by a man. God s plan wad never the killing of the girl but gave us the gift of liberty

So the man made a decision and the girl is in heaven. Of course God will grief much than any of these fags but He will give the girl Heaven which cures anything and all is happy

God will do all He can and the man let happen so he will be in Heaven

God wants it because He is good

One hint was learning that the Book of Judith was cut out of the Old Testament because the Jews didn't want to give away the fact that their real homeland was on the eastern bank of the Tigris, just south of Babylon.

We have a process specifically to address the unknown, called science.
On the other hand some people just assert "A supernatural anthropomorphic timeless, space-less, being conjured everything into existence with an incantation spell" - And that's the end of it.

See one of these routes leads to truth, one appeals to a mystery by injecting a bigger mystery

>ITT scared people who fell they have this world all figured out

believe in everything, its all true

god is a mystery.infinity exist but were can we find it?imagination isn't real but the word and concept are based on something real.language is man-made these words are constructed,shadows of something real.god exists but man cannot comprehend their nature because they are man.its like SOLARIS,does god understand things as man does?sympathetic but inhuman.i feel called to communion.i feel it invites man to communion with it.in order to understand and be understood.god brings rain on the just and unjust,wheat and chaff.perhaps evil and good are understood by them in an esoteric manner,leaving wide room for forgiveness/correction.with your own hands working out good from evil,right from wrong,truth from lies,for your own sake.god will watch,listen,and measure life and its works.i don't know why, but such interest in something that likely inhabits a lower plateau of reality could be explained by hunger,want, or perhaps camaraderie with adopted kin?nothing is said,so nothing is known, and subjective truths are all thats known, amen.

>Do you all just fear the unknown?
Doesn't everyone?
>How did we get here then, what sparked the supposed first particle?
It wasn't what primitive Jewish people in centuries before modern understanding and methods of science thought. Whatever the cause was, it was "infinitely" less complex than a being creating almost modern civilizations on a whim.

maybe you are, annunaki. hoomans are not.

I was saying just what u said

Being free from the burden and restrains of this life in infinite better

Only if one goes to heaven

You are insulting the man and all the others in his situation at the lowest level possible. Have the decency to acknowledge that and stop. Your God doesn't have a problem with murder, at all.
>Meanwhile, the LORD instructed one of the group of prophets to say to another man, “Strike me!” But the man refused to strike the prophet. Then the prophet told him, “Because you have not obeyed the voice of the LORD, a lion will kill you as soon as you leave me.” And sure enough, when he had gone, a lion attacked and killed him.(1 Kings 20:35-36 NLT)
>And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed. Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died. (Exodus 12:29-30 NLT)
Should I keep going?

8% of the human genome consists of endogenous retroviruses that infected the ancestors of humanity over millions of years. They were passed down in the germ lines to us and also exist in everyone today, including related species in the animal kingdo. Evolution with common ancestry of all current species is without a doubt 100% true.

Once you have the last 100 million years or so pinned down whereas before we were all 6,000 years old and popped into existence from nowhere, there's really no part in wondering past that.


Looks like nonsensical ramblings

Source for that? I'm intrigued.


>it's just a circumstance that it happened. there is no way, so far at least, to prove that it was all planned
is reading beyond your comprehension goddamn? I was trying to clarify user's question that you replied to because I thought your answer didn't really address the question properly you cum guzzling cock holster

It never occurred to me that he did exist desu.

Dad is an extremely intelligent person and was raised catholic but, as far as I can tell, became an atheist as a small child. Not sure if mum was raised religious but she doesn't believe either, though she thinks ghosts and spirits and shit are plausible.

Either way I wasn't raised to believe, and as I went to public school we received a passing education on Christianity and it never really crossed my mind that the bible was anything more than a story.

I wanted the poster with those ramblings to respond, but I doubt it's going to happen.

15 years ago i was 12 and my bf was 13 the brother of my bf died cuz he had an cancer with 22 years. I was with him in the Hospital when he died and i saw my bf crying on the bed of his dead brother. No god will let a boy say goodbye to his brother. That scene makes me emotionless and i cant belive there is a god anymore

>go to scholar dot google dot com
>"ancient viral dna in human genome"

it's not that hard, user

I most certainly exist, faggot!

Sources, video is pretty good as well.






Keep going

In deed i ll add another

God says there is time for life there is time to kill

Since God is the creator of life He is the Only Who has the right to end it

Aren t you aware? Our lives doesn t belong to us. That s why tomorrow u ll die in an accident and u can t do a thing bc u simply ignore when ur life will be taken

Come give me those passages where God give the order to kill to humans and i ll will answer

>cum guzzling cock holster
im flattered


>How did we get here then, what sparked the supposed first particle?

This question is a funny one because (typically religious) people have a hard time accepting the notion that there was no moment of creation, at least not in the way they conceive of it. The energy that exists in the universe, which is what we are made from, was ALWAYS in existence. Try to wrap your head around something that is truly infinite.

Please don't open the morality issue, some delusional idiot will just assert "God is real, he do what he want" see: >The LORD said, "Go get Isaac, your only son, the one you dearly love! Take him to the land of Moriah, and I will show you a mountain where you must sacrifice him to me on the fires of an altar."

seems like you ignored most of the post.science can solve every question you have about reality(neils bohr was afraid of what he saw)?read it again,look between the lines tell me do you see what i see?

God is an abomination to a reasonable mind.
Or as Sherlock said, "God is a ludicrous fiction, dreamt up by inadequates who abnegate all responsibility to an invisible magic friend."

Someone is confusing the posters here. I'm not sure who is at this point.

Got dissmissed out of Christian school in 2nd grade, not so much kicked out as asked to not return the next year.
Apparently I was being troublesome for asking why and not being subordinate.
Didn't want to be in that club anyways.
I also told god during prayer that I was a "doubting Thomas" and that if he wanted my faith I wanted the same opportunity to question and stick my fingers in his side wounds as it were, but any proof would have done, especially when he provided it to thomas, someone who most definitely should have had faith...
Didn't notice anything happen so non existence was my conclusion vs the cbance of some extremely important dude ignoring a whiny little kid.
Which leaves me at some form of agnostic becuase
Lastly reincarnation is real, so I can't deny that some people's visions in between lives resemble that of heaven, hell, etc.

What will you add? More morally abhorrent passages from a two thousand year old book? Do you think you'll convince anyone at this point by doing that? Quoting the Bible or any holy book isn't proof of anything.

Jesus Christ. U stopped believing in God just because u witnessed a mild sad scene?

Babies are being killed by their own mothers through US in clinics

That s abominable sad

U give up your faith bc emotions? Are u really taking biggest decisions by how u feel? Are u really doing it?

Ur bf lost his bro - is it the end of it all


The answer you give determinates if u are dead or alive inside

But humans weren't there when that moment of creation happened, so why do you all settle on the notion that the universe was created from energy when no human was even close to being around to witness it? Isnt that being as ignorant as a religious person?

>Babies are being killed by their own mothers through US in clinics
There we go. Are you proud of being a literal Peter Griffin? The is the only reply you deserve:

All bibles contain truth... when interpreted figuratively/allegorically/metaphorically.
When it's said that "god is a higher power", this originally wasn't meant to be interpreted as implying something separate; that is the corruption of the modern english language which is designed for control.


No-one in this thread has any idea what you're talking about, let alone what point you're trying to make, or even what your religious position is.

If you're this guy:You are a rambling idiot, anybody reading this would be dumber for having to think like you do, to attempt to make any sense of it. That experience alone would permanently scar an otherwise healthy brain.

>when interpreted figuratively/allegorically/metaphorically
Wow, great. Surely there is someone alive from the time it was written in to instruct us what is to be taken metaphorically. Not to mention that the Bible was written 70 years after the supposed eye witness testimonies.

Read the Bible, God not only condones abortion, in the scriptures all terminations are 'done by his hand'

Just another 'What the Bible actually say's' moment

>Ur bf lost his bro - is it the end of it all
>The answer you give determinates if u are dead or alive inside
Isn't the one with centuries old reasoning an argumentation dead inside? And why does it even matter? Nothing of this proves the existence of your particular God.

Actually drinking a beer in the arvo mate partaking in a national pass time M8.

Yes. An old book. Because the human nature has and will be the same

The human of 2000 years isn t a bit different from the 2017 human, his propositions are the same: money, power, pleasures etc. Thus he still need advice from God the same message human needed to hear 2000 years ago

>Actually drinking a beer in the arvo mate partaking in a national pass time M8.
Oh, lordy, I believe. Thanks man!

It's what he was taught
Everything good = God
Everything bad = Shit happens / People bad (Dealers choice)

Y’all weak minded asf lol
Typical pathetic human ego thinking it knows the answer to all of life’s questions.
Blind faith wether it be science or religion is fucking ignorant.
That’s how trump got into office but that’s for another day.
To think death is a tragedy is ignorance for all we know it could be “release” from this hell hole we call life. Death in life isn’t the worst thing to happen, being miserable pathetic human being that only spews negativity is. This is hell.

>God is an abomination to a reasonable mind.

that's a pretty broad condemnation of the entire religious community on the planet. faith in the supernatural as causation for the existence of universe isn't wrong, it's just a choice in what to believe given no evidence.

additionally, claiming factual knowledge over something which you can neither prove nor disprove is fairly unreasonable, but then again you're quoting a show which equates intelligence with magic, so I shouldn't be surprised that you cling to that ideology with the same close mindedness as any asshole in the bible belt.

Great. How do you prove any of it is true?

Give the passage where He approves abortion lier

That’s such a horrible argument lmao
How Can you trust your thoughts and intellect? Maybe by the way they’ve continued to give you reliable answers and results

When I saw a video of a guy getting his face flayed off and dismembered while still alive and eventually having his head slowly cut off by the cartel like 3 weeks ago on video

well that's a fun picture

How many levels of irony are you on? You sound like a born again Christian atheist waiting to cash in with a bestseller book.

Limbs dismbered one by one. Not dismembered the face

Define bad. Bc modern society is so sick that they think anything painful is bad. That s why everybody take pictures of themselves smiling like retards

They want the absurd of a painless life