Never taken adderall before, what’s this gonna do to me

never taken adderall before, what’s this gonna do to me

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It's gonna make you fuck your mom.

it's meth

thats not adderall

what is it then

What's adderall gonna do to you or what's that strattera in the image gonna do to you?

It is adderall just not name brand.

That's like saying nyquil is benedryl just not name brand lmao that's literally strattera in the picture. Strattera is an SNRI, adderall is an amphetamine-based stimulant.

Yeah my bad. I just read about it and assumed it was the same shit bc they're both for adhd. Immediately after I posted that I read the difference

It's going to shrivel up your cock to a little speck and then you're going to be hyper focused and you won't be able to STFU. Your mouth will get very dry and you won't want to eat anything. You'll be better at studying, video games that require precision, and your eyes will look buggy.

so should i do my homework?

I don't give a fuck you stupid nigger.

>not a controlled substance
Abandon thread.

No it's not lmao, it's not anything alike. That's not even a fucking stimulant. That's like saying marijuana and chemotherapy are the same thing because they're both prescribed for cancer patients.

Depends on many things, how much you take, how you take it, you, your diet, the list goes on.

In general, it will aid you in focus.

He literally admitted he didn't know until he looked it up and now he knows, you're a little late

Turns everything you try to have sex with into Loli's

Your brother. Your grandma. Your couch. Everything.

It'll give you intense focus for 4-8 hours, dehydrate you, make you sweat, make you have to piss all day, and suppress your hunger. Drink a lot of water, force yourself to eat even if you don't want to, and don't get distracted on random wikipedia articles. Also it's hard to cum while on it, so don't even try it

i’m gonna fap

If it's anything like Ritalin, probably turn you into a zombie after a few weeks. If you're a normalfuck, probably gonna react to it like regular people react to meth. If you take too much regardless, it'll probably fuck your shit up, senpai.

i haven’t done meth yet

Youtube it, you'll get all kinds of interesting results, user.
A controlled amount will probably make you feel better, mentally. However, knowing the normal person, you won't take a controlled amount without a few more "controlled doses."

Took adderall when i was in middle school.
If it is adderrall it will make you hyper like caffeine.

if you take them all youll see the tunnel before the light. just fight going in to the light, youll be fine.

Ruin your life

You really shouldn't tell people about the tunnel. It'll upset the balance.