Does anyone have good stats about abbos being retarded?

Does anyone have good stats about abbos being retarded?

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Oh God it's true.

And no, there's a sort of gag order on studying aboriginals in any way that results in them even vaguely being portrayed as inferior. For instance, it's illegal to study their genome.

The best you'll find are prison statistics.

American here, just how stupid are they? Is it that bad? Are they violent or antagonistic? Do they pick up the white tongue with ease?

>For instance, it's illegal to study their genome.

You have a source for that ?

I lived in Perth a couple years, I've seen abos huff glue on the train during the morning rush.

Usually just retarded piss stench people. Maybe a nice, intelligent one here and there.

GIMME-GIMME-GIMME an abbo after midnight

>American here
Yeah, because the flag totally wasn't a hint.

Dunno about stupid, only had one (quarter) aboriginal guy in my class, there were definitely stupider. Yes, some of them are fairly violent, if you're ever in Australia just don't look at them no matter what they're doing or what sounds they make, that's honestly advice my ultra PC gen x dad have me. No, they have a fairly thick, unique accent that's actually pretty difficult to describe.

Something I read in passing, it's easiest to find via redacted studies on them, even something meagre like the fact they have higher denisovan dna.

I don't think this is a well publicized fact, because Streisand effect, probably only enforced via ethics committees.

I have no stats but i lived in classic mining town Australia for a year or so and being a kiwi with the local Pacific islanders and Maoris i feel i have some grasp on the wastes of humanity that infested the Southern pacific.

Abo's genuinely make them look like a classic tea drinking English chap by comparison. I know it really might seem like a meme up there but its truly deplorable. They are ACTUAL subhumans.

Even in a town of i dunno roughly 5,000 people they were littered everywhere "Cen me and the mate nigol ev ya ciggy butt" They would yell as you walked down the road it was disgusting.

The bar we frequented would visibly cringe when they barged in. We asked why they seemed so uncomfortable and her reply was simple "They ALWAYS piss and shit all over the bathroom, without fail."
We laughed it off as classic Aussie racist banter but she really wasn't lying.

Literal shit on the previously clean walls piss all over the floor.

I head out for a smoke and that same fucking Abo is outside trying to hustle cash out of any white fella he sees so he can go refresh his empty goon bag. Like Australian booze is shit enough as it is from tap and these fucking ANIMALS are drinking 7 dollar goon from fucking Coles.

Disregard everything you thought were jokes. They really aren't

>ACTUAL subhuman
Well... That's why the denisovan thing is probably covered up.

Why didn't you massacre them all?

Yeh its interesting reading what you had to say about that.

I never looked into them past my experiences but now it looks like i got some learning to do.

Scramble guilt is what i put it down too.
They instead got them all addicted to Rum and Tobacco and sent them to the outskirts of towns which imho further ruined the gene pool.

Maoris here are whinging constantly about colonialism but they have no fucking idea how good they got it, makes me murderous.

>illegal to study genome
All i needed to know senpai

>everyone currently residing in America is American

I've not once seen a full blooded aboriginal who didn't look exactly like OP's pic. It's honestly like they're cloned or something.
They half blooded ones are practically always mega-sluts. They're always complaining about hang overs and such.
And yes, they are very antagonistic. They can't speak english very well but certainly know how to swear if you refuse to give them their 30 cents.

Literally how else do you expect us to respond? Some tribes are literally abusive which is the red pill behind the stolen generation thing, look up "aboriginal trial wife." Some of the genital mutilation shit is probably exaggerated or some form of child sacrifice, which, fyi wasn't uncommon in many pre-monotheistic Semitic religions.

Of course we know we're living besides the missing link and/or the last of the Neanderthal/Denisovan species, the important thing is that this doesn't become common knowledge because hurr purge da subhumans!

Guise, seriously, what the fuck do you expect? School of life even released a video recently giving Australians shit and calling sorry day pointless and shallow. Well, cunt, what would you do?

Mate there are no good solutions, the leaders (and future leaders) of Australia require a level of maturity unseen elsewhere in the world.

I wanna know where to look for these redacted studies man.

Them redacted, you're not meant to find them.

>Prison statistics.
Of which are always twisted in a way to blame the white man.
I've seen too many posters about "poor dear aboriginals have a higher jail penalty" as if they are somehow wrongfully placed there.
Crime rates being higher is their fault, not ours. The law doesn't account for race here.

america has Mexicans and blacks, Europe has Arabs and Australia has abbos. seems like the west is completely handicapped.
man japan has it good.

>The leaders (and future leaders) of Australia require a level of maturity unseen elsewhere in the world.

This is so true and so unspoken.

If there is one thing ill give a bloody Aussie credit over it is how they manage to govern themselves and the mess around them.

Sorry for all the Maoris and PI's stealing your jobs btw. Our country is fucking boned.

>don't let people in
>your society doesn't go to shit
based nippon

I guess I misunderstood what redacted meant.

You know, you could always give yourselves to us.
Think of it like a birthday present.
>the important thing is that this doesn't become common knowledge because hurr purge da subhumans
Pretty sure it takes a lot more than common knowledge to start a holocaust.
Most Australians simply want the aboriginals to be cut from their grossly large government support.
Show them what it means to be white and they'll soon shut up about "muh stolen generation".

You'd know alot about not doing anything wouldn't you?

Honestly dude if I wasn't bought up to hate you guys I would gladly annex.

Why does he have a can of gasoline in a baby stroller.


Nah sorry i dont have any change. n-n-n-n-no Nigel no ciggies either sorry.

Poor Antony how could it let this happen.

because those are the only two things he owns (has stolen).

I've always been baffled as to why abbos didn't create bigger societies on such a large continent filled with so many resources. Most articles I've read blame the lack of a staple crop in Australia that prevented them from agriculture and thus creation of settlements, but c'mon.

Maoris and other Pacific Islanders were sailing the ocean far and wide and leaving remnants of cities and whatnot everywhere they sailed to.

Abbos were still using stone age technology up until the 1850s. Sure, their mythology is colorful and all, but so was everyone else's around the world.

Same with Africans, they probably had it much easier but there are very few cases of subsaharan africans making large cities, empires and technology.

I'm Australian.

The problem is Australian society, not aboriginal people.

We aren't tough enough and aren't nice enough either, we're in the grey zone.

Most aboriginal people are fine but we've put them in a terrible position and we won't solve it because it means extreme action.

Here is my take on this:

Solution: Give them all a free education at the highest ranked private schools and universities for two whole generations (at the tax payers/governments expense) and then nothing, ever again.

They key is the deadline, because affirmative action without a deadline is cuckery.

The only excuse i can think of is the heat cooking their already ape like brains.

Besides that there really is no excuse. If Te Rangi Tumeke bro hook us up with 20 bucks till Tuesday Tumaka can sail from easter island to the pacific and back then these fucking animals should have been able to at least look like they on track for some sort of cohesion as humans.

Have you never seen a homeless person push a pram filled with alcohol around for whatever sympathetic scraps they can collect?
Same thing, except that guy isn't homeless and that isn't alcohol.
You make a good point with africa. Actually, as it would turn out, these tribal countries did not advance because they had all these resources.
The colder, more northern people advanced more because they were forced to create farms and agriculture to get enough food to last the long winters.
I like to think that my white skin is a symbol of the shit my ancestors had to go through to live.
Take off your damn vpn non-jap.
Dumbass, they already have free education. Why work in a school when you can just leech off the government and lounge around all day in free accommodation.
Aboriginals have no incentive to learn and so will always refuse to. No matter how many bullshit campaigns the government runs.

I see, incidentally I was sceptical about the high denisovan dna, but goddamn it checks out. That explains alot about why they look prehistoric.

Oh boy just like New Zealand!

I wouldn't blame yourselves Ausfriend. You did the best you could with the source material you had.

I got to wrap it up.

Tribal societies have poor sense of ownership, this shouldn't surprise any red pilled anthropologist. In some ways, some of them are better off in prison where they might learn order, schedule and then be placed somewhere after prison.

Its a bad solution, but so is throwing money at their communities until they're eventually so mixed that they're no longer a problem.

As above.

It's the Bolivian (Paraguayan? Some south American country) solution to their natives, who are actually not that bad. It's still considered genocide unfortunately.

No, our politicians are (unfortunately) idiots.

One day I will rise...

Haha yeah, just take my red pills and be content with that. You're not meant to have evidence of their inferiority, sometimes free information isn't a good thing, sometimes affirmative action is necessary, and I'm saying this as a libertarian.

Actually there are natural grasses along the marybonong river in Melbourne you could grind down with rocks, mix with (boiled) sea water and make bread out of. With some selective breeding, you could even turn these into viable food crops.

Parts of Australia are great for farming, especially Victoria.

You can't force them and we already have a little square box on exams and uni entrance labelled "Australian and Torres strait islander."

Again, it's the exception that proves the rule that AA is bad, because unlike Indians and women and even Africans, these people might actually be academically inferior.

>Why work in a school when you can just leech off the government and lounge around all day in free accommodation.
this is why blacks in america have been fucked since the 60s. before welfare black unemployment rates were the same as whites. same thing happens to natives here, their reservations are horrible god forsaken ghettos because they get everything for free and have no honor or will to thrive.

The cold isn't necesarily an excuse. Look at civilizations like the Mesoamericans, or Indians or southeast Asians, or Egyptians. They all lived in warm regions with abundant resources and yet they built great cities and had mastered several technologies independent from one another.

>The colder, more northern people advanced more because they were forced to create farms and agriculture

Yeh i was thinking of something along these lines. The Abos slept outside alot IIRC and im not sure if they ever built huts.

So they got comfortable and were never forced to adapt got complacent and their growth as humans stopped. Dreamtime sounds like someone ate too much Scopolamine, its not really that colorful or vibrant when you get into it either.

I wouldn't put Australias resources in the same category as Northern Africa and Asia.

Once the ore and gold dries up there they are fucked.

They did but only in the south. Primitive people don't really need to build structures if it's warm enough.

Then uranium, then thorium, then selling land for space launches. We're set for thousands of years.


All the smart ones disappeared via interbreeding so their great-great-great-great-great grandchildren can get free money, truly an ebin race

The idiots left

Many TV shows about aboriginals have to have warnings preceding them stating 'may contain images of deceased persons' because of their retarded attitudes toward the dead as per pic related

Are Abbos really that bad? do they commit crimes like rape, gangbanging, selling drugs, etc like what blacks do?

Ah yeh. Well ya got me there, i guess i just like to think my big brother is running out of money and has to move back in with his mom.

That might explain the liquor ban in NT but not in VIC? Maybe the learned skill of having to create something to stay alive gave them just enough of a push to not degrade into what is essentially an Ape mixed with a human

>sorry day

Brilliant. That's exactly what we need here. Once day every year we can officially say "sorry" to the negroes. (The SJWs can even go farther and make every day a "sorry day".) The negroes will be so touched that we *finally* said "sorry" to them, they'll even stop being all uppity and complaining about everything. That sounds like a very effective solution. Why didn't anybody think of that before here in the US?

These Gary the Goat vids are oddly quite entertaining.

WEhat the actual fuck? Am I supposed to pretend to like this or I'm racist? It's shit and I can't believe you guys have to pretend animals are human because they made it halfway there.

I've wondered for a while how the conversation regarding reality can become more normalized, as oppose to immediately short-wiring the listener's brain into thinking "racist+negative+evil+hitler" like so many have been conditioned to think. It's crazy, because they're not even really thinking those thoughts in regards to what you're saying, but the ideas immediately trigger that chain response of association whereupon they can 'fill in the blanks' with their own worst assumptions and justify writing off anything you say.
Really this applies to so much more than the abbo issue though. I do find it fascinating that we cohabitate the planet with another kind of upright tool-making hominid that is definitively not just a variation on the modern human, yet we're not allowed to explore the amazing implications and understanding that can be gleaned from acknowledging reality.

The Grand Australian Burden

Reading what you have to say here is incredibly depressing.

Imagine if they truly were the biggest link. Im sure some of them will see more money in a week than centreline can pay them in a decade.
I would finally be able to "told ya so" so many friends who thought i was being a racist for even considering those thoughts.
Science would have a funny new toy.

Something so much more could be done for them if we could just answer one simple question.

We'll annex you before you get too bad, then it'll be Australian tax dollars funneled into new Zealand, but no one cares because kiwi chicks are generally prettier than Australian.

He is literally not shitposting and literally telling the truth.

They're a special case, user.

I'm as libertarian as the next guy (with an iq over 95) but there are some realities best left hidden, at least for some people. What if we just release it all? Sooner or later it'll absolutely be used to justify genocide, that's assured.

This will probably be my last post so I'll turn off the thread watcher after this, don't keep me up late Sup Forums.

someone please nuke that country

Prove me wrong.

Abbos can access medical school without any examination. They are required to undergo a "cultural" test and, hey presto, Dr mahumoongalada is going to remove your brain tumour.

You really think they are prettier?

We all think Aussie chicks are prettier...Man.

>it'll be used to justify genocide

What a tragedy :^)

What would be better for the unmixed abbo people, both from "our" perspective and theirs? Would they be best served integrating into modern society as has been attempted, or isolated like the sentinalese people and other uncontacted tribes? The genie's sort of out of the bottle by this point, but you can't tell me that abbos left completely alone with no modern tech wouldn't rebalance to their pre-contact lifestyle.
Right? It's all second-hand to me, never been to the downunda.

There has to be some amount of shamed with being involved in that. I know I would be