Who on Sup Forums has the most difficult life?

Who on Sup Forums has the most difficult life?

me, end of thread

33 yo virgin autismfag, haven't had a friend since age 12, spend my days working, sleeping, wasting time online doing what amounts to nothing. Too chickenshit to off myself but I think about it all the time.

Probably not the sorriest motherfucker in here but I surely belong in this thread

Tell more?

That one user
You know... that user!

Probarbly not me

But i got beat the shit out of me regularly for no real reason as a kid

No one to turn to but myself

I guess it had its effects

Gradually discarding everyone

Now im making a pretty good living but i kinda wish i could have had a none abusive childhood, or at least getting my ass kicked for a reason instead of just random as that really got to me

But i guess if that did happen, i would just be wishing for something else...

I got mud on my shoelaces today.

It's not your fault

Sorry to hear that user

Republicans. Gotta hold on to their guns so children in schools don't get too smart and realize being an incel isn't cool.

Nearly finished apprenticeship to a job that would net me ~25000 pooros after taxes, meanwhile none of my skills are marketable, the best among them would be that I’m relatively smart but lazy as shit so my grades don’t reflect any of it. My job post apprenticeship used to be secured, pretty much until I can quit working for good, recently turned out all of our jobs are taken because they close up a department of ~100 old people who now get the next 10 years worth of jobs.

Meanwhile instead of looking for any kind of job I’ve spent next month’s paycheck on ingame purchases last weekend after I had the third and last emotional talk with my parents literally that same day.

Quit playing just about everything, any sort of therapy is taking ages to get into so I might even fall back before I started getting any help.

I’ve known of my problem for more than half a year at least but never did anything about it.

I’m not even close to as bad as the first couple posts in here but fuck I feel miserable because of what a fucking retard I am.

Also virgin with one kiss under my belt, turning 21 next month. I’m the actual kind of niceguy, not the cuck fuck that is literally just super nice and expects to get pussy at some point, I just can’t fucking ask a woman out because I have no idea honestly.

You have to be over 18 to post here


I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep


Is mayo an instrument?

What do you do?

co-owner of landscaping business, which is doing good


Then not all is lost

I live in mexico