I'm so tired of always being horny, Sup Forums...

I'm so tired of always being horny, Sup Forums. My fiancee has libido issues due to some medication she's on so I only get sex like once every few weeks. Meanwhile I'm jerking it like 3-4 times a day. I think more sex instead of fapping would help but she just can't perform at the moment. I'm 32 btw. What do?

Pic semi related, that's what my load's like if I haven't gotten off in a day.

Duuuuude I had the same thing, it's super shit. In the end it wasn't even just about hornyness, I just missed the intimacy and fun

Ask her if you can fuck other women, if you are intent on staying. I understand sometimes a relationship is great ... except for the sex. Sucks.

Men on average have 3 times higher libido than women. So we want sex 3 times more than them.
Also i call bullshit on this low libido issues.
There is a higher chance of her cheating on you than having libido problems from medication. Keep an open eye brother. Dont accept 100 % of what she says for truth. Women lie.
Sex once every few weeks , that pathetic.

>Men on average have 3 times higher libido than women. So we want sex 3 times more than them.


Other way around. But you were right, OP is getting cheated on.

That's brutal dude. Buddy of mine is the same, he wants sex like 3x per day. His current gf gives him a ton of sex so that's cool but I can see she's getting tired of it, this always happens to him.

I'm like a 3 times/week guy at most so that just works really well in relationships.

If you could, would you turn your horny dial down to 3x/week?

Let me get this straight, you are 32 and you still wait for your chick to be in the mood for sex?

My wife just holds her legs until I'm done.

I don't believe you guys. My fiance and I are doing great. We used to have sex 3 or 4 times a day but she changed birth control and has issues with too much testosterone. We now have sex every few weeks like op. She doesn't even go anywhere that she could cheat on me.


I'm not saying she is cheating but this shit sounds shady as fuck , you have to admit that.
When your spider sense is tingling you just say ow she coundnt do that , everything is great , she is not that kind of girl, she doesnt have the time.

look it up
its a physiological fact

Yeah idk in ops case but in mine she literally does nothing but school and work. We are together all other times. Her friends are my friends and she doesn't hang out with them alone. Her schedule stays the same for the most part.

dude r u fucking crazy? if sh3 don't fuck now she will NEVER fuck after marriage.
>>run forest run

OP here. I can actually 100% guarantee she isn't cheating on me. Due to medical issues she is with me 24 hours a day (she works for me, she lives with me, etc).

Another poster mentioned birth control killing his girl's sex drive. She's on that as well as medication for seizures (two, one of which had a semi-common side effect of negatively affecting libido).

I've considered cheating (I occasionally have to leave the office and house for errands and she can't drive, so I could cover up an affair that way) but don't really have a good way to meet any potential ladies for it.

Low libido is a big sing that she either sleeps with someone else or doesnt find you attractive anymore. I'm not saying this is one of the above but there is higher chance of those than anything else. Have that in mind.

Break up with your girlfriend if she doesn't give you the sex that you want. Stop being in relationships with women who do not have an interest in sexually fulfilling you.

OLDFAG here....it's going to get SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much worse when you marry.

so what do you do, cheat discretely.

>missed the intimacy and fun

this so much

also this. so fucking much

Its obvious... cheat on her, personal day at work and check into a day use hotel room at least 45 mins from where you live with a prostitue/tinder girl/general hoe. You only live once and she wont find out, its not likw you dont love hwr you just need to get your rocks off.

no time, work is keeping you buisy, most of you will have one or some children. really, most men don't have the time and money left to cheat.

YOu might convert to islam, and get several wives. It is permitted.

And i'm not even kidding...

Seriously. How can people not see this. Is she that special? Get out while you can OP


Its obvious you have to fake your own death