Can't wait to hear Amerifats cry about the new epidemic of teachers shooting students

Can't wait to hear Amerifats cry about the new epidemic of teachers shooting students.

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In Harry Potter, a much better franchise, Hogwarts armed all their teachers AND students, and defended the school from an outside bad guy that wanted to come in.

Fuck off.

That's in a country that has adults, though
America has a diaper that needs a desperate changing. Trump is making the infrastructure look decent but ho'boy, society is boiling down to a messy syrupy nightmare. There's been more shootings than weeks in the year my dood

they hate their children so its fine


>In Harry Potter
All of my fucking kek
I say arm them all, let them take themselves out.

And the Darwin Award goes to... Murica
But hey, just let natural selection take its course and soon we'll all be no longer bothered by that shit country.

And you used a still from the BBC, The Biased Bullshit Company. Please, if this is the best the DNC can come up with, they may as well just say we're history.


stupid globalists puppets
we already have armed teachers in some school systems with ZERO PROBLEMS

want to make the world a better place? kill yourself

Like every responsible gun owner they only pull gun when student has a gun.
Enjoy living in fear though.

February 6, 1864 Ashland County, Ohio George W. Longfelt, the school teacher of the Pyfer's School House, killed student Alfred Desem and fled

its already a fine tradition


Got anything with relevance?

>we already have armed teachers in some school systems with ZERO PROBLEMS
Perfect source

Its all blacl on black shootings.
Im not going to complain about niggers doing ethnic cleansing on their own kind

ask me again a week after the law requiring teachers be armed passes

It’s really depressing that other countries are more concerned with what’s going on in America than their own countries. Why do you care? I have no idea what Europe is up to, they could have a collapsed society and be eating their young and I still wouldn’t know...bc I don’t a give a fuck about Europeans do or what they’re up to, they’re irrelevant to me and most of the US. Maybe this why Europe is now the new Middle East?



there hasn’t been a truck of peace in a while we're bored and you guys are like premium cable

The students weren't allowed to use magic without supervision though. Harry almost got exiled for using a spell that just creates some light to save someone's life.

>kids in school get shot on a regular basis
>calls other countries shithole

If you don't care or understand what is happening in the world you will get fucked over by the people who do. Americans not understanding how the world works is why people voted for Trump expecting him to "bring back the jobs from China". lol.


They need turrets in every class and hallway

Shh, it's okay.

>on a regular basis
Maybe try looking up some stats. Maybe it'd be a big deal in some irrelevant country like you live in that's smaller than 1 of our 50 states.

*gets hit by a truck*

I'm sure living in a total surveillance has it's benefits.

Fuck that tho.

Fact: People are dumb.

More fact: People ain't gonna become smart
just because they have a gun.

Final Frontier Level Truth: Dumb people do dumb shit, dumb people with a gun do dumb VIOLENT shit.

>Can't wait to hear Amerifats cry about the new epidemic of teachers shooting students.

It's a pretty good way to cull out unstable teachers and useless students.


Pretty much every murder with a gun is a crime of stupidity first and a crime of evil second.

Spotify Premium Accounts

Arming oneself is a human right. :)


jesus: "where is he from?"
guy: "palestine."
jesus's fw

Other countries don't keep having these mass shooting/mass school shootings. We all look at you and think when will you learn. Just because of the 2nd Amendment, you all think nothing can be done. The 2nd Amendment is outdated. It was drawn up in the time of muskets. You now have fully automatic weapons available to the public.

Tramp is a fucking retard and so are all the retards who voted for that fucking retard.

You think I'm wrong?

Prove me wrong or back the fuck off you fucking cocksuckers.

>he said, living in a country without net neutrality, with the highest incarceration rate in the world, where the government can wiretap your phone without a cause, where they can arrest you without trial or evidence, where slavery is still legal, and secret prisons are a thing
usa is the least free country in the developed world, so you should be careful what accusations you throw around you, because they'll smack you right in the face.

Did Trump pull the trigger? Did you blame Obamalamadingdong when he did nothing about the mass shootings when he was President. You're as bad as Jennifer Lawrence who blamed Trump for a hurricane. If you want to be political, you really should learn things and know what you are talking about.


i see i hit a nerve. thank god they're keeping you safe by declaring porn dangerous though.

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>not being shot isn't

what, infowars?


>dow steadily rises throughout obama's presidency
>thanks trump
>school shootings steadily rise during trump's presidency
>blames obama

remember to buy water filters and supplements

He was referring to any military trained teachers. You can't just give a gun to a teacher and say protect your class. Left wing liberals picking fault at everything without thinking.

>be 8
>wake up 7am
>eat cereal made of marshmallows and gummy worms covered in kool-aid
>dad loads his m15
>just going to get the morning newspaper
>keep my head down during the hail of gunfire that shreds our windows as i try to finish my cereal
>load my ar15 and glock
>dad throws a flashbang and supports me with coverfire as i run to the school bus
>kid sits in my seat
>shoot him in the face
>some kids in the back are having a gunfight
>bus driver gets mad and lobs a frag grenade
>ears ringing
>half of the kids dead
>not as many as yesterday, must be a calm day today
>feel good
>bus swerves as it's chased by several pickup trucks filled with rednecks hammering the bus with m60s
>bus arrives at school
>kids storm out swat style, laying waste to the playground
>crash through the classroom window and roll into our seats
>one kid arrives late and starts shooting erratically in the air
>couldn't kill more than 2 kids and the teacher
>his failure gets on the news
>everyone laughs
>new teacher gives him an F in school shootings
>salutes the flag
>god bless 'murica

Oh, that'll go over well. We can live in a dumber version of Starship Troopers.

>kid tries to get attention from his friends by slamming book on table
>mr.ptsd has vietnam flashback
>shoots all the kids while using the sponge to call in an air strike

Wands are useful in other situations like fixing broken things, require training to properly use, and using deadly force is an unforgivable crime on the same level as torture. They're more like Swiss Army Knives than guns.

>a much better franchise
harry potter fucking sucks dude
it was a nose dive after book 2
the last one was just embarrassingly bad
jk rowling is a fucking idiot

>And the Darwin Award goes to... Murica
t. someone that doesnt know anything about darwin and didnt pass 3rd grade

What the fuck has the Dow Index got to do with a mass school shooting? If this is how you are all being educated nowadays, you all need serious help.
If shootings are on the rise under Trump's Presidency, that is because the left wing liberals are totally brainwashed and go mad if they can't get their own way.
Did I blame Obamalamdingdong? If so for what? Apart from not doing what you are wanting now. If you blame one President, you also have to blame the previous President.

Stop watching shit films and live in the real life. Stupid kid. Did you enjoy the boobies/

Well, no, I don't think it's a human right to be safe from harm. You have the right to take steps to protect against it, of course.

hilariously tragic. the rest of the world is looking on shaking their heads Trump has somehow managed to make himself seem more of a joke than Kim Jong Un. if its a societal problem not a gun problem, why arent drugs legal. its not drugs get people addicted, its people that get people addicted. HAHAHAHHAAH what a fucking tool this man his and all the rabid gun lovers who are trying to deny that America is a country where the national pastime is killing americans because the right to bear arms. hopefully you will all kill each other and we can forget about the US of brain damage and get on with living grown up civilised lives

Fuck me. A political debate and kids and talking about Starship Trooper and Harry fucking Potter. USA education at it's best. Hope your parents are proud when you go to the University of Hogwarts. Money well spent.

this is very accurate. kim jong un actually seems mature and reasonable compared to trump... which is just fucking insane. i think it has gotten this bad because americans are a huge amount of opioid addicts. they're basically a bunch of paranoid drug addicts who are all allowed to vote and buy guns.

What did Obamalamadingdong do about all the shootings when he was in charge?

I can't wait to read the endless threads created by elite eurofags complaining about stuff happening half the fucking globe away...

Oh wait.

Time for bed.

You want to know a simple solution to this problem? Make it so EVERYONE has to carry a firearm by law. That way we can all shoot each other at the same time and give the country back to the Indians.


Indians are in Asia. What do they teach you in USA?

3 reasons arming teachers isn't a good idea:

1. Shooters aren't logical people. If they're delusional enough to attempt a shooting, knowing teachers are armed probably won't stop them.

2. Accidents happen, even with gun training. All it takes is 1 accidental discharge or a pissed off student to reach for a gun and things can get real nasty real fast.

3. It would be significantly cheaper and more effective to pass a universal background check on all weapons purchases and mental health funding than it would be to train and arm every teacher in the country

>in my tween fantasy
What side are you arguing for?

>universal background check
So you want a police state then? Who is to say that the government won't make it impossible to pass for average americans?

You need to pass an exam to get your license, yet you don't call that a "police state". Nobody is saying law abiding citizens shouldn't be able to get guns, that's why you check to make sure they are indeed law-abiding

>It would be significantly cheaper and more effective to pass a universal background check on all weapons purchases
What the hell is an NICS check anyways?

ITT: Eurocucks laugh that Americans are allowed to own guns and protect ourselves while they have no other option but to get cucked by literally anyone with a gun

Yes, when the government will suppress the people, we will fight them with our cars.

OK reddit boy.

1. Why do they keep targeting schools that have a "No Weapons" policy?

2. If you know you have a violent student in your class and you are carrying a weapon, that student should be barred from that classroom.

3. How many weapon owners in USA and how many teachers?

The fact is, there are so many guns in America, that it makes it impossible to ban them. Nobody will do anything about it because of the money. It's all about the money. Politicians......MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY

You dumb nigger, the US military defense budget is $600 billion. They have F-15s and shit. Do you really think any number of armed citizens would stand a chance of the government wanted to attempt a military takeover of the country?

We have fists. The proper way of fighting. Guns are for those who can't fight.

>1. Why do they keep targeting schools that have a "No Weapons" policy?

That has nothing to do with my first point, which was that shooters are delusional and won't be stopped regardless of if teachers or armed or the school is a "no weapons" zone

> If you know you have a violent student in your class and you are carrying a weapon, that student should be barred from that classroom.

Accidents will still happen even if you keep the "bad students" out. Accidents with guns are unavoidable, especially when you consider that every teacher in the entire country would be armed. We would be looking at multiple shooting accidents daily.

>How many weapon owners in USA and how many teachers?

I don't see how this is relevant to my third point

Try to pass several laws through a republican congress to address the issue.

>implying the men of our military would fire on civilians

I mean I’m sure SOME would, but I recently got out and pretty much everyone I served with would agree that if given the order we wouldn’t do it

go eat percocet, druggie.

If you don't think the men of the military would fire on citizens then why even worry about "I need muh guns in case I need to fight the government"?

>pussy amerifats, you could just punch the gun man! Be a man

I’m convinced you typed that while getting driven home in the short bus

That military budget would crumble the moment we stopped paying taxes.

You dumb nigger I never said that, im not the fucker you were responding to

Guns are to fight guns retard.

Yeah I'm sure that a bunch of babykillers fresh from the Mid-east will have serious qualms about shooting at literal domestic terrorists. That's what you would be if you took up arms against the government, a terrorist. We have shot them before.

>implying they wouldn't open fire on civilians
>what is kent state shooting
haven't you paid attention to what the americans military has been up to the last two centuries? it's basically all they do.


Who is we? All of the paint huffers in the trailer park who live off of food stamps? Lol I'm sure the government will sure miss your contribution.



boy, you're naive as fuck, aren't you.


You sound like a fucktard

Oh, look, another NRA shill. Doesn't even know how to post on Sup Forums.

So you would?

thanks. saved. for every trump tweet there is an equal but opposite trump tweet.

Deaths from all of those things combined don’t even come close to the number of annual gun deaths in the US. But you clearly don’t care about facts so just go back to posting shitty, false memes


Russia is much worse with opiates then Slumerica

Cant wait for eurofags to cry about the next wave of refugees