Only in australia thread

Only in australia thread

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Only in Australia people can shit from mouth


> be 10
> I'm bored gonna ride around on my bike
> Hey mum, going out for a bit
> Where you off to?
> Probably go to the creek to catch some yabbis
> be careful mate, dont go to the end, they saw a big croc at the billabong couple days ago
> Go to billabong anyway throw stones in, never see the crock
> Following week they catch a 4 metre freshy about where I was standing

Just normal everyday shit for an Australian kid.

Only in Australia


> live in tropics
> huntsman lives in bathroom, coolest part of the unit
> he usually camps out hidden in the damp towels as they dry out on the rack
> I know this so everytime I shower, I shake the towel out before drying myself, see him drop to the floor and scurry off
> gf is cute, but stupid
> she always forgets
> Like, always forgets about the spider
> Be me watching tv
> Hear screams from bathroom, gf runs into the lounge butt naked dripping wet slapping herself
> another time be lying on bed, gf runs in screaming, huntsman running across her awesome tits and jumping to the ground
> Another time washing the car. Hear shower go off inside, two seconds later the screams start.

Like I said. Fucking beautiful chick with a rocking body, but stupid as all fuck.

They're just babies. They're fine. Won't hurt you at all

Only a freshy, nothing to worry about.

But I still would get scared as fuck I saw half of my wall covered in spiders

Kek. Yeah I think freshwater crocodiles get hungry too.

Check this mother out

For fish...
Are you a fish user, or just a pussy?

cute baby hermit crabs!

Learning disability. Possibly autistic. Did she drink a lot? Did she have a strong desire to stick to her routine for the day-to-day, and become upset if that had to change, yet somehow deal with HUGE changes like it was no big deal?


Nah. She's just blond mate.



There must be a place for this somewhere there.

shouldnt the colors be switched, emus were there first

Yeah. Islam only existed for last 1500 years. There's Jewish artifacts in Israel dating back around 3500 years.

judaism is not a b.c. religion

Jewish holy books make it clear that they stole that land from the Philistines, and exterminated them. It's cool because GOD told them to do it. So, according to the Jewish religion, the Jews are not the original inhabitants.

Read again, they did live there and went to Egypt to steal all their shit and not die from a famine.


>steal all their shit

sounds legit

Thread needs more Australian shit in it. No one gives a fuck about butthurt homos in the middle East. Take that shit elsewhere.

You have black in Australia?

No. According to their religion, before Egypt, they were supposedly in Ur, which is in modern Iraq.

Holy shirt that’s scary
Apparently this is from Australia




What no Crocs?

He doesn't look very Australian to me

If it weren't for the spiders I bet it would be comfy as fuck to lie suspended in a spider web.

>Does she drink a lot?
She is Australian.

Australia has abbos (aboriginal natives). They are even less intelligent than niggers, but not QUITE as violent.


It’s in a village called Wagga in New South Wales apparently. Probably has some Africans and Muslims. Spiders after a flood.

Legit. I would love to spray that tree with DEET hardcore and chill inside.


Not spiders. Caterpillars.

Na they're freshwater crocks This is a Saltwater croc

No, don't be a fool, it's clearly spiderweb.
If there are caterpillars in the web, it's just the spiders pray.

This. Is. Australia.



What kind of caterpillar?


That’s pretty cool. In the south east USA, we have what we call web worms. Caterpillars for a moth.


Question for Australians only.

For $20,000 would you put your feet into a bucket for a minute thats full of meat ants, fire ants and bull ants?

I would.

Well they are indigenous. Sooooooo.... true.

Yep Tennessee tree cutter here, hate that shit. Little old ladies worry to death over it and always want it cleaned out.

Is it a bother there? Here it’s just kinda ugly but it don’t hurt the trees.

Some species of tent caterpillar...? Just a guess.

a dingo stole my baby

moor aussie stuff, where are you aussies


It's about midday on a saturday here, people are out doing stuff. In about six hours we'll be drunk enough to entertain you

better than nothing

Lol too right

aussie fags don't celebrate caturday, disgusting

it'll be 3am here then :(

have you never walked through a spider web? It's definately not a comfy feeling when you suddenly get string across ye face and have to wipe it off. It wouldnt even
be able to hold ur weight daft head

Only in australia can you get away with giving an on duty copper a blowjob in a public loo


paul teutul senior

black edition

who would win


ya good Sup Forumsro

mad max are underrated movies

if you're a pooftah


you're the only gay here

i'm sure you keep fapping to road warrior clothes, arent ya

imagine being this stupid.

fuck off fella

.. English please asshole

right on time kella shlomo

just way more drunk

These cunts. Whose fuckin idea was it to take an emu, make it even more pissed off, and then tie a fuckin axe to its head?


Only good thing Australia has ever produced

above average caliber gangster

kek. Paul senior would win every time

you're on dreamtime Sup Forumsro, aboriginalPaul would violate Paul senior and junior at the same time

nigger please

original beat the shit out of him even with his squad

Cassowaries are hard core. Fucking dinosaur heads with legs packed with muscles and talons that will tear you open.
People get killed by these cunts, it's not a nice death. You would rather be taken by a croc, it gets you, you are in immediate shock, probably not even any pain, and then you would be dead before you know it.
A cassowary would rip your guts open. You would like on the ground looking at your intestines everywhere while the sick cunt runs around you kicking and screaming at ya. Probably give you a few headbutts as well

do they eat you

> be Aussie family on bushwalk
> Fucking nice this ain't it kids?
> Too right dad
> Now stay close but, theres a few cuzzwuzzers in this area

Yeah mate. This place we have, the nullabour, the niggers will literally stand in the middle of the road, or form a mini blockade with their bodies. If you stop, the beat the shit out of you and steal all your shit and leave you for dead.

Best to just run em all over and be done with it. Fucking Abo petrol sniffing cunts.

what about the apex gang, are they for real

Don't forget the petrol sniffing.

No. They won't eat you, but they are real territorial. If a female cassowary is nesting she goes into full on evil bitch mode. She will run you down and murder you. (Same could be said of all Australian animals I think)
Good thing is they are only in a small area of rainforest in northern Queensland most people have never seen them. Besides if you're in their habitat you would be just as worried about crocodiles and eastern browns

There's no such thing. There is, however, a large number of criminal Sudanese youths that basically think life is GTA and go around mugging people, stealing cars, and doing home invasions.

Thats just any queenslander you fucking faggot. All circle jerkin each other and shit.


The bung would would be staggering everywhere, mumbling jibberish then throw a drunken haymaker and fall over.

do you guys hunt them, are they delicious
