What does this riddle mean? Help me Sup Forums

What does this riddle mean? Help me Sup Forums

Do not count on your cock.

Do not hand your two cocks...

Do you have two penises?

Do not fist Yttrium and a fishing line with 2 cocks

Don't Count To 21 Without Your Cock

........dont count your chickens

Do not count your chickens

Do not count your chickens... before they hatch.

do knot hand your paddle to chickens

don't count your chickens before they hatch. you should not make plans that depend on something good happening before you know that it has actually happened: She wanted to buy a dress in case someone asked her to the dance, but I told her not to count her chickens before they hatched.

it says OPs mom is a whore

Do pretzel fingers your roosters.

thanks guys im dumb and could not figure this one out

I counted my cock once. Never again, it was dumb.

Almost thought it said "Do not choke your chickens?

That wouldn't have been nice.

do the hole inside the beagle count digits on top of your finger y + boat paddle stranded in the middle of the ocean equals two cocks underwater

I think it's an equation where we should find y but how do we go about it?

Do twisted string fingers why, additionally rudder two chicken

Do knot five fingers consecutively holding numbers above them y + oar rowing a boat two cocks.

do not finger your chickens

last night I bond burgered your sister

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