Indisputable reminder that ikari-kun is loved

indisputable reminder that ikari-kun is loved

posting off /a?

posting from the depths of my heart

spider-san? was that thread meant to be a reply?

don't think chemo enjoys being called a kun

then they must either run away or bear the pain

He's loved. He always was. It's the viewer who isn't.

Actually He hopes He can find Happiness. He can only do that while Alive.

Preach man. Rei is the best part of that series.

i shall await your return, ikari-kun
i am here for you and you only



but that's his mom, he can't fuck his mom


rei is an alien

Hello. What is going on in this thread...¿
I like these pictures, so I may lurk and watch.

she is all of mankind's mother

i am letting a certain someone know that they are truly cared for



I see... I hope that your message gets through to them somehow. Good luck.


see you next time