Is it wrong that I look down on people who do drugs? I see them as less than. I don't consider drug takers as human...

Is it wrong that I look down on people who do drugs? I see them as less than. I don't consider drug takers as human. Is that wrong?

i mean not wrong its your opinion. but your opinion does make you a fag

short answer, yes.

long answer, stop being such a complete faggot and thinking so highly of yourself, you ignorant twat.

That's cool, man. As someone that smokes weed 24/7, I can say that I don't consider ppl like you human. You're an ignorant robot.

Edgy 17 year old detected

I consider hard drug addicts as the same you do. Although I smoke weed, drink, and smoke cigarettes. Occasionally shrooms alrhough it’s been years. What else do you need otherwise? Never really got how desperate people end up being for the hardcore shit


Why would I stop thinking highly of myself? That sounds like self-hating, defeatist talk. I don't understand you types.

YEAH MANNNNNNNNN fight the power d00d

meter's broke, you scapegoating aspie.

No, you are not wrong OP. They are pathetic pieces of shit that need to be wiped off the face of the earth. You should feel good about yourself OP and I suriously mean it.

Depends what you consider to be drugs, booze?, sugar?, caffine?, weed?, smack?

Fuck off I don't need you on my side, psychopath.

I'm going to drop a few years and put it down to 15 instead

you are sheltered and full of yourself

I'll tell you what mate, I'm definitely having more fun than you

>asks if they are wrong
>proceeds to reply with narcism
>nigger tryhard

Holy fuck OP, you're an idiot. Abandon thread.

whew man easy with that slander it's unheard of to call somebody underage on Sup Forums you're the first to do it, chum


ITT all the butthurt druggo boys getting angry cause they high getting taunted

I mean if you're not underaged then you're just a cunt with a superiority complex, so take your pick.

No and yes
Why wouldn't you be full of yourself?
Where's your self-respect?

>It's either or cause I set the rules here, bucko. Choose one.

if you're spending time shitposting on Sup Forums, you probably don't have much reason to be looking down on anybody

Thank you for defending me user, OP is a fucking retard.

The first faggot in this thread to make a fair point

At least I'm no druggie though. There's that.

>calls me a fucking retard

Thank you for defending me? Did you just say that you fairy?

Sugar- drug
Coffein- drug
Nicotine- drug
They are just regulated.

You probably eat shit that has sugar in it and I bet you drink coffee. I smoke weed from time to time and still am a functional human being. I look down on people who inject themselves with shit.. if you go beyond that point you should probably have a noose waiting for you.

how do you go beyond injecting?

Fuck I remember being your exact age and thinking all the things you do. Your future isn't bright or dark. It's a greyish color.

used to do cocaine smoke weed but i stop Now im just hardcore on alcohol

Fuck man, fair point. I’d guess sticking some E pills in your ass.. that makes you a druggie and a homo.

first you inject a baby with heroin
then you drain all of it's blood, and give yourself a transfusion
truly decadent

You don't know what the word homosexual means, you homosexual.

>Wtf? what do u, say about that guys??!

by sticking some E in your ass

That's not a complete sentence or thought.

they are subhumans and do not deserve to live.

>ignorant robot

Yeah, doooooooooood, lets kill brain cells and call normal people "sheep" lmao drugs

Going too far. Psychopath. People like you who advocate for murder along with pedophiles and serial killers are the only people I think we should get rid of because they are a direct threat to society.

>I see them as less than.
Anyone who like this as an absolute faggot.


explain why with logic

I'll fucking take you motherfuckers

go away with your political correctness. you are the people we should get rid of.


This ain’t Oxford Union you effete closeted regency homosexual.



I look down on people without open minds, in fact I pity them. Your small mind has been lost to the "war on drugs" propaganda. You don't sound smart enough to think past that, so no point in educating you.

I don't think you know what political correctness is. That doesn't enter into this equation at all. Are you on drugs? Also, you said I should be killed right as I disagreed with you, so you are now a confirmed psychopath and narcissist.

Keep off the grass faggot

>Oxford Union
Every day we stray further from God's light. Take some acid and have a chat about it with him, he's pissed.

Not to mention alcohol = drug which costs the NHS £3.5bn a year.

What a weirdo


confirmed monkey

Slob more patchouli taint hippie.

It's a wrong way of looking at people. Drug users often end up using drugs because they have a very low level of grit, however it is also common for drug addicts to have had higher intelligence than the average human, but have lived the wrong life and haven't had the right circumstances to use their own intellectual superiority in a proper way, so all of the world has been boring for them.


Donald Trump is the best president ever.


Op read up on cycles of abuse and dysfunction. A lot of them just dont know any better and never stood a chance with the homes they were born into.
Casual users jacked into the antiglamour are the real scum.


>Is it wrong that I look down on people who do drugs? I see them as less than. I don't consider drug takers as human. Is that wrong?

not wrong.
because doing drugs means deliberately choosing to not to be human anymore.
best case: druggies wrecking themselves - they cost resources and taxpayers money.
worst case. druggies wrecking not only themselves, but innocent lives as well. they endanger the society in many ways.

>i have no friends buy got good grades in maths so i is t3h smart

Take your delusions of adequacy and push them up your cock you faux-intellectual faux-erudite faux-straight ball-gargling taint-tickling anus-angling jizz jockey.

You sure like the faux prefix

Gonna try this tonight, any tips on tge transfusion?
Also what's the best way to test a baby's blood type?

People take drugs via doctors prescription.. I guess they are not human.. What does that make doctors? You could reserve your stong opinions and hate for somthing that deserves it so you wont be such a mega cunt.

Not as much as the alliteration you pathologically persistent penis peruser in perpetuity.

woah I think you and I both know what I mean by drugs. Come on fucking guy. Nice pic btw.

can you define "do drugs"?

this one old guy at my shop is legit addicted to cafine. gets all jittery and grumpy dumps if he doesnt have his coffee

designer drugs made in the body are ok tho right? i dont think i could give up adrenaline

You should have ended it with 'peruser' because 'in perpetuity' reads awkwardly.

I'm willing to admit at this point this thread is just an attempt to get a rise out of people, and I disagree with my first sentiment outright. It didn't prove fruitful, just depressing as always.

Had a friend in highschool who sold heroin and other things.. His whole clientele was middle aged white men.. People who work essential jobs and can function but refuse to do without. They are sick but somtimes nessisary to society. Imagine going to work and your boss is dead cause kill all druggies.. Lol imagine your dad being on that long fucking would be too much to kill them all. Shit cars are bad for the planet but they are of use. We cant just do away with all of them now can we?

I agree with you completely. Anybody who disagrees is living in a clown world.

Dont worry, drug users don't give a fuck about little faggot neets like yourself! :)


EVERYONE is addicted to something that takes the pain away. You are addicted to something. Whether its a drug or its sugar, addiction is addiction.

Yeah, quite a porky mouth.

Post someone who takes drugs as reaction >mmmmkay

Well that just isn't true

I worked at a massive IT corporation, they started doing drug testing. They only did it once and stopped the policy. Pretty sure they realised they'd have to fire most of their best programmers if they kept the policy.

Could be coffee, could be gaming, or even porn. Addiction comes in many forms

>be OP
>start thread
>people give their answers
>throw insults at them because they don't agree with you
way to go, OP

Yes that's wrong. People who have actual drug problems did it to themselves, i have no argument there. But... I also understand addiction from seeing it in people around me. They're not morally bad people, they're broken people. They either recognize they have a terrible addiction and live in a prison with it or they're so caught up they don't think they even have a problem. Either way, the people with real addiction got there somehow, undoubtedly at their own hand. But everyone makes bad decisions here and there, especially when they're young. And then there are people who use certain drugs responsibly and sparingly on special occasions and basically use them like alcohol. Your just a dick if you have a problem with those people so long as their occasional use doesn't affect you.

Fuck you nigger

I wonder why this comment got you this upset

You're not wrong, but that's not the sum total of it. I recall insults being thrown my way and me defending myself. Spin is so easy; it creeps me out tbh.