About to hit the hay Sup Forums. Send me to bed upset. Roast me, degrade me, ask any questions you want...

About to hit the hay Sup Forums. Send me to bed upset. Roast me, degrade me, ask any questions you want. I'll play along as long as I'm up. And don't you dare go easy.

dope glasses

You have good taste in sunglasses, and a friendly face. I'd grab a beer with you.

If serious, thank you!

If sarcasm...well, thank you!

I'm 20, rip

Nice t-shirt mate.

Shave the stach bro. Look better without it, I think.

So, all neck beard? Or does that go too?

Keep stache but trim everything i'd say

Keep the beard.

Good point, I forgot to say trim the beard, thanks user.

I'm smooth saved now anyways boys. Am I like...being trolled? Of all the places to ask for hate and get love I didn't expect here xD Where's the death threats and name calling and savagery! Is this Sup Forums or Reddit?

Smooth faced*

now theres something to get hate for

Rawr means I luv u in dinosaur xD XD XP

I bet if you smoosh your mantits together, you'd have a hot cleavage. Esp making that exact face. And receiving the pearl necklace of your life.

you: \:^| but also gay.

My bf loves my tits.

He's a real faggot, so.


Remember that annoying scrawny kid from high school? Well that's me. I just wanted to say I'm sorry and I was just secretly envious of you. I'm glad your doing well as to be expected.

shoutings to amerifag

Oh yeah, and which high school was that?