A month ago i took shrooms for the first time. I had minor visual and audiable hillucinations and it was fun. However...

A month ago i took shrooms for the first time. I had minor visual and audiable hillucinations and it was fun. However, now, from time to time, i see slight, almost unnoticable hillucinations, similar to those i had on shrooms. For example, i take a look at my carpet that has alot of patterns, and if i concentrate, i will see the carpet patterns morphing and moving very slightly... whats wrong with me? As far as i know shrooms dont cause long term effects

Do you take any other drugs right now or are you pretty much sober?

The thing is im completely sober. Dont even do weed anymore.

I don't know user. I'm having a similar thing after having tried acid twice and no more. I've just accepted that this will happen from now on

For me it was cool at first but now its fucking annoying

Save the shrooms I'm in the same boat. Doesn't help I have epilepsy and that shit freaks me out since I think I'm gonna have a fit.

Make sure you're actually looking after yourself. Diet, sleep, exercise. Balance your shit and if it already is balanced, talk to your local GP (Doc) and tell him the whole story.

Like LSD there's that select few people who can't stop hallucinations and hearing sounds that aren't there.

You're part of that unlucky few, unless you enjoy it.. then consider yourself lucky. There's video on it, do your research.

And when I said diet I mean look at your intake of crap and limit it. Sugar, sodium, caffeine.

I was gonna do shrooms again in a few days, tgis time 3g. Should i skip the trip and take my 1ups when these hillucinations are gone?

A slight trip flashback. Honestly, it's 100% fine. I have those from time to time.

Do you have the video?



I sometimes hear things way to crispy or dim flashes of color in the sides of my vision ever since I did DMT
I would lay off psychs if you're anything like me my man.

Grammar nazi

Eyes do that when you keep them fixed on one point for long enough, especially if its patterned like that.

How have you never noticed this?

Skip the trip til you're 100% dude. Look after yourself, yeah? Dunno how it is in your country but docs in NZ don't nark, they give facts about shit and look after you, give you sound advice.

>hey nons, look here, a glitch!!!

Ok im gonna skip then. Lucky how your docs are. In my country they just call the cops if you tell them anything like that as far as i know. Hows it like down there in NZ?

I never tried drugs other than alcohol and i too have minor hillucinations like that.

Free hand clocks

House prices are going up, Labor government is far too focused around students and families rather than economy and business. Give it five years. One year into the next Governments term and everything should be A-OK.

Though if you're visiting as a tourist, do it. I feel lucky to live in what is basically a microcosm of the planets beautiful parts. Best part is, it doesnt take a day to go from one coast to the other, just hours.

I see the same shit, nothings wrong youre just noticing that your waking perception of the world has in fact always been a hallucination, your brain is always reinterpreting the stimuli around you and representing them in your mind as whatever it has decided that they are.

Goof job on fucking up your brain m8. Anything other than thc really shouldn't be consumed for "recreational" use and off all things not in the doses people take it for "recreational" use. Researches found out that a microdose of lsd every few days can significantly increase brain power while the "recreational" dose literally melts your mind.

Source? Id love to read a study about this kind of thing

An ex gf of mine would comment occasionally about seeing "sparkles" years after having done LSD for the last time.

She didn't seem super bothered by it.

Didn't save it, just research LSD OR Shrooms on the brain. Hope you get better since the hallucinations can last a lifetime.


>brain power
>LSD literally melts your brain

You've obviously got a lot of brain power.

Your brain is more connected on shrooms and acid.
Perhaps it's your mind adapting to the psychedelic mind state.

Note that the shrooms are teachers.
Remember to process what it has taught you before you go for round 2.

Former NZer here. you're making me homesick

OP look up Troxler fading, what you're seeing is 100% normal