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It's a genuinely funny show who's humor is typically pretty inline with what Sup Forums has typically found funny. Unfortunately It's "genius IQ" Redditor fanbase shits it up and makes you feel guilty for enjoying it.

Cancerous fanbase, season 3 was disappointing.

It's a fun show to watch, just stay away from the fandom and all their "theories."

"Uninhibited delusions of smartness"
And that's only for the fanbois.

op is a fag

Started off good, season 3 had its ups and downs, hoping it'll get better and yes the fan base is the purest form of cancer

Good show. All niggers must die, even Black Rick.

If we could get a season with just Rick and Summer going on adventures that would be great

Most overrated show evar.

I always wondered what it was like for regular people to watch the show/ Was it just some animated nonsense that they couldn't follow, like some mechanic trying to watch a theoretical physics lecture, or was it more, like it just came off as a bunch of animated stuff and pops and clicks that just flashed in their face and buzzed in their ears until they gave up and turned on Americas Got Talent or a Real Housewives show. Not that most greasemonkey types can afford cable or would even think to find something like this to watch.

They should just give Summer the portal gun and make her know science, right? Get rid of the toxic masculinity and she can go around the multiverse addressing feminist and LGBTQ issues.


well, to be fair in order to understand it or get the jokes, you have to be smarter than the average person.

There's a few shows that get a real hardcore fanbase and they're the reason a show turns to shit. There's been shows were the writers cater specifically to this section of fanbase and it goes downhill fast from there. People shouldn't get so into a particular show, just enjoy it and move on.


"Rick and Morty"? Only a plebeian worm would engage in viewing broadcasts of such a sad and idiotic show. Unlike you low IQ apes, I please my optical sensors with only the finest of entertainment. I'll bet that you're inquiring as to what source of entertainment I am referring to. Although I don't expect you to comprehend it, the television show in question is "Young Sheldon". You see, the humor is vastly superior to that of "Rick and Morty". First of all "Rick and Morty" relies heavily on improvisional comedy, while the intellectual humor of "Young Sheldon" is scripted and well thought out before being presented to an audience. Second of all "Rick and Morty" is extremely unfaithful to its source material (Back to the Future, for you simpletons) while "Young Sheldon" is just as good if not better than watching "The Big Bang Theory". I could go on and on about how "Rick and Morty" is vastly inferior to "Young Sheldon" but I highly doubt that you have the mental capability to process such logic. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to pour a glass of brandy whilst I redigest the latest episode of "Young Sheldon" so I can make an entry about it to the "Young Sheldon" wikia. Hopefully, I can forget about ever having the displeasure of interacting with you. Sigh... How tedious.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

It's a great TV show with a fan base who think they are clever and need to drink bleach to remind themselves they aren't

And with "smarter than average" you mean someone like yourself.
Now that's some typical d*ck move from the R&M target audience.


u fukken know it

What does plebeian mean?

ur just jellis of my intalect

It's like freemasonry for PS4 owners.

It's pretty good, just don't associate yourself with any fans

Mindless entertainment, like Futurama but with shittier voice actors. Jerry is alright, and the guest stars are usually pretty good.

I'm the only other person than you in this thread.

this. season 3 sucked asshole. they had over a year, and they make that steaming pile of shit.

i like how in the finale they pay respects to the incestual relationship with morty and rick, how rick is usually the dom but goes down on morty for all his hard work, and of course jerry and his wife get back together, summer gets adopted by redneck cult that worships loli's and in turn she becomes sort of a trailer park queen with her own piece of trailer terrority, it really is a happy ending for everyone, even the principle finds love and has a hard make out session with his white trailer park duchess, which of course was the previous queen before the redneck's got summer...its hard to pick up on the subtle foreshadowing but that is why the show is for intellects with a higher capacity for enriched plot development. fucking normies.

If I wanted to watch a funny show that's self referential, batshit and nihilistic BoJack Horseman is better in ever way shape and form...wuba luba dub dub

Justin Roiland is a gay pedo and his show sucks dick.

It's exactly like how I want my girls:
Mindless fun, mildly intellectual and otherwise pretty predictable.

It's that smugness of saying "you must be THAT smart to enter this elitist circle" that ticks me off.
Stopped it after three episodes.

enjoyed the show
enjoyed spectating the fanbase clown fiesta
good stuff

It used to be all right, after 3rd season I stopped to ever admit I know what this stuff is.
Amazing how a shitty fanbase is able to ruin some stuff. Especially when the creators go straight with what it demands.

I stumbled upon BoJack when I was watching R&M on Netflix. I just wanted to fill the time before next episode and I did not end up disappointed. The show is thousand fold better and no shitty fanbase.

Nevar again. Some classic Star Trek for eyebleach.

Good? Yes Fanbase? Deepest pits of hell

Never seen it.

Yeah, sci-fi with no real science and everything spoon fed to the viewers in layman's terms is not for smart people.

Their typical fanbase, explained.

You're that kind of guy who eats his soup with a fork, eh.

I like Bojack Horseman and thought that it had a nice balance between funny and serious/emotional but as the show went on it tipped too far toward the latter, which IMO made it kind of fall flat

No, I don't watch big bang theory

I enjoyed the last season. Unlike R&M, last season of which should have never existed.

>Season 3
Dat episode 7 tho...

>season 1
>season 2
mostly good
>season 3
half trash, third okay, fifth good
this show will only get worse so i bailed.

Its so fucking good, theres some truth in that smug meme that goes around.

Third season also good. You wont be able to state why its half trash, bet you believe its because of some women writers, you fucking beta

"I know you didn't say why you don't like it, but I THINK you dislike it because of this. Fuckin' beta."

Name one good thing about season 3.

it was because of bad unfunny writers. them being women is irrelevant.


Tales from the Citadel

I have enough porn on 4chen I don't need to watch the shows for it. I'm so glad recent seasons of Game of Drones have much less porn in them.

Boring. Try again.