Need to wake up at 8 am on tuesday for my first driving lesson

>need to wake up at 8 am on tuesday for my first driving lesson
>this is the same time period I sleep
I got only one day and two sleeping schedules to completely turn this the other way around. School was hard but this is complete really important. I cant fuck this up. I already skipped the original date and lied and said I was sick. What if I wait four hours so I can sleep at 12 pm on Sunday, and wait four more hours so that I can sleep on 4pm on Monday, hence wake up a few hours before 7-8 am on tuesday?


Get some energy drinks and alter your schedule to be what it needs to me.
Its going to be a few days of hell but you need to get shit done

Explain your schedule your op isnt clear

buy melatonin dumbass

also what country are u from

just stay awake a lot longer earlier so you are tired the night before
it's the only way op I do this regularly
hoping I'm nottalking to underage v&

Norway. It's 1:47 am rn, and I will be tired in ca. seven hours from now because I usually sleep at 8 am (I am a NEET). But on tuesday I need to wake up at normie time at 7 am. Basically I need to turn my schedule 180 degrees.

Excercise to wear yourself out on the day you want to go to sleep earlier than usual and get some melatonin supplements (cheap at your local drugstore). They're effective for jetlag and will help you reset your sleep schedule.

i feel
i sleep at around 5 am
even though yesterday i fell asleep at around 2 am cause i had to be up 9 am that day

OP is 17

Melatonin does jack fucking shit
They told me that shit in middle school and high school for chronic insomnia
I took fucking 10 grams of that shit every night for a fucking week and not a god damn thing happened, i stayed up the entire week
Its a baby placebo drug

Dont go to sleep today, stayup all day and crash at 10pm tonight, this should redirect your sleep schedule. No naps today.

10 mg is too much as has reverse effect
take around 1 mg

this won't work as it takes several nights to reset ur sleep schedule

Melatonin is effective for shifted sleep schedules, not chronic insomnia. Different sleep disorders. Melatonin is what regulates the sleep cycle within the body in response to darkness. Try glycine, has good track record for insomnia,

Wtf? You cant wake up at 8 am? I would kill to sleep that late every day


Yeah but were talking about lots of hours earlier than usual.
Im 20 you nigger.
>Melatonin does jack fucking shit
This. My grandma gave me lots one night (my sleep schedule has always been fucked) and it didnt do jack shit.

>Dont go to sleep today
Planning this, but dunno if I can stay up 12 hours past bedtime. Might fuck me up if I stay up for that much at one time. I'm thinking about rather staying up five hours past bedtime today (sunday) and sleep at 1pm instead of 8am, then stay awake for five more hours and sleep at 6am.

>then stay awake for five more hours and sleep at 6am.
On monday*
Then I will wake up a few hours before 8 am. My driving lesson doesnt last for long anyways.

The only thing that works for me is to skip a night of sleep so I will be tired the night before I need to get up early. Every other way will take too long to change your sleep pattern without making you jittery from coffee or zombied out from lack of sleep.

It had no effects at ANY level. Been in this game 20 years

It will work
Falling asleep at 10pm and waking up around 6am and following the same steps, will redirect the sleep pattern

Tried that like 18 years ago, did nothing. Tranquilizers or sedatives barely work. I've been up 3 days now to no relief.

>>but dunno if I can stay up 12 hours past bedtime.
Get some energy drinks, redbull would be best.Do not take any past 2pm. Go to sleep around 10pm, wake up in the morning and stay up again.Follow this until tuesday

yeah how the fuck you're gonna fall asleep at 10 pm in the first way for so many nights

OP is awake at 2am
He stays awake until 10pm
That is 20 hours.
The human body does not like being awake for 20 fucking hours you god damn retard

>sleeping more than 2 hours daily
Are you 60 years old, or what?


Fuck I think this is the only realistic solution. Sounds brutal tho. I dont have energy drinks on me. I guess I should just start walking around and splashing my face with cold water every time I'm about to collapse?

ur god damNe retarded

>I dont have energy drinks on me
Go get them when your shops open up.
>sounds brutal
Its the only sane option, sleeping twice in the day isnt fool proof. You might not be able to sleep the when you planned to. This way your body is literally begging you to go to sleep



Nah bro im holding on.

Why do these people keep crying for mods lol?

Cause you said "driving lesson"
In the US you do that when you're 14-16 to get your learners permit

Hvis dette er noe du er veldig bekymret for kommer du garantert til å våkne til rett tid. Kroppen er god til å våkne når det er snakk om noe viktig utenmom det vanlige, så det er ikke uvanlig at man våkner for alarmen til og med.

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