I am genuinely pissed that I was circumcised. It is a permanent...

I am genuinely pissed that I was circumcised. It is a permanent, in my case unnecessary alteration to my body that has very real detriments. (I'm assuming medical cases are not included). It will very from person to person, but here's a list of exactly why I am pissed.

1.) The foreskin protects the penis. I am a runner, and there is friction that causes friction burns and scabbing when I go on runs. It hurts, and if my genitals hadn't been mutilated as a baby I would have a membrane to protect it.

2.) The head is desensitized. Without the foreskin the head dries out and becomes keratinized. This part of the human experience was taken from me without my consent.

3.) There are not medical benefits to circumcision. There are claims that it is more sanitary, but it's in no way medically beneficial. It's like saying that people who lost fingers have less fingernails for dirt to collect under, therefore all babies should have their fingers removed. A significant percentage of human males are not circumcised, and there is clearly no detriment.

4.) It is my body, and I should have the right to choose what permanent actions are taken on my body, when done for non medical reasons.

For the record, the foreskin is not "extra skin" it's actually a mucus membrane, which has very real functionality. A good parallel is the outer lobes of the ear. If you had your outer ear lobes removed as a baby, you still would be able to hear just not as well. But it would be the ONLY experience with ears you have, so you would not really "notice anything wrong". Then you would have people claiming that it's medically important because if you never clean your ears ever they can get infected and other slanted claims like that. (Including "personal" reasons).

Even if not everybody has as much pain as me, I am not the only one and it is a very real ramification of circumcision. The fact that it's even POSSIBLE for these harms to occur is enough to support you not doing it to your children.

>tfw Jewish doctor convinced my parents to have me circumcised

i fucking hate the jews.

my dick has been cut because my parents were literally retards and believed these dumbass doctors

you are way too interested in dicks you fuckin fag

It's actually NOT permanent. There are exercises that you can do to your penis that help stimulate skin growth and can restore your missing foreskin. Google it.

I'll take the bait mate you do realize that a foreskin is what's a leftover women of the sheath much like an animal has his penis in a sheath so therefore you wanting to be more like an animal with your sheath penis makes you a furry

my mother is a nurse, she seen the procedure done before she had kids and was like 'NOPE'

dad was snipped but probably didn't want to argue one way or the other

also, neither care about religion or sports

>NOT wanting to be a furry

umm.. sweetie...

>being a furry

You have exceeded the acceptable level of autism even for this board


Get a foreskin restoration device

Stretching will help cover the glans, but does not restore the 20000+ nerve endings removed. It is permanent, for now. OP should check out foregen.org. maybe some day you can get it back.

I wonder why this bs is still legal and then I remember, its the damn jews

it's not that big a deal.

I was circumcised when I was 28 because of HPV. Yeah. That's genital warts. But I figured someone would ask

Being circumcised makes jerking off harder. But to say its taken a lot of sensations away is bullshit. There is a difference, but it's only noticeable at the back of the head. There's something a bit different about how it feels, but you learn to grind with the front more.

Overall, I like it. I got tired of cleaning the junk under the skin every day. It felt like picking snot out of your nose

>i'll take the bait
>posts bait

This feeling isn't uncommon. It's just not discussed because it's taboo.
I'm Jewish and oppose the practice, and I considered suicide for a while when I realized the truth about circumcision.

This post is comforting somehow

Unfortunately things aren't great for uncircumcised dudes either. The look of the circumcised penis has been ingrained in society for so long that now (at least in America) most women find circumcised dicks more appealing and some are even grossed out buy ones that aren't. The jews really do ruin everything.

Sure right, OP. Uncut is best. I mean, you wouldn't want to pull your dick out and be presented with a beauty like this?

being cut is for dirty sand niggers ...literally...desert jews couldnt wash their filthy dicks so they cut them off

Being uncut is mostly a thing for faggots. They like to have that extra, unnecessary foreskin so they can use it like a squeegee to get all the shit off the tip of their dick after they're done fucking their sissy boyfriend in the ass.