Whats in your fridge?

Whats in your fridge?

dead hookers


Nothing as good as you have.

My freezer is full of nigger heads

dead nigger storage


>refrigerating hot sauce

Is that a bunch of frozen burritos?

Yea we make them from scratch and freeze them so we can microwave them later on.

The ziploc bags above are because we make refried beans in bulk

I'm a single guy in my late 20s, so just a couple things. It's actually mostly empty. Not because I'm poor, rather because I try to eat fresher healthier foods, so if I buy things in large quantities they'll go bad before I can eat them all.

This person lives with parents

yeah okay richie rich, we get it you have food

needs more condiments

We have 3 different kinds of ketchup

White American faggot eggs.

tendies is the answer everyone was looking for

literally what I went to cook when I saw this thread.

a cold breeze

A bunch of 4-9% abv local brewery IPAs

celery avacados strawberries blueberries almondmilk deli-meat not-so-deli-meat ginger miso cilantro paste carrot-sticks crumbled feta sliced muenster cubed ham and like half a chocolate cake

oh yeah and eggs and chicken broth

OCD fag here. Fix that shit!

Almond milk turns you gay

Old milk, sadness, miller lite, and sriracha sauce.

Second. That's awful man how do you even know what you have in there?



Rotten food


Surely after the first bottle of mustard you would've stopped.



What should be in every fridge... Baconnaise. Bacon flavored mayo.

Deez nuts

ramen noodles and olive oil

>Whats in your fridge?
In your friii-idge!
Zombie, zombie, zombie ei, ei, ei, oh do do do do do do do do

Did you know that brown eggs make up 13% of the egg population but commit more than 50% of the total number of violent egg crimes every year?
